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Snuff the Windfarm


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24 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:


Even if Mr Proffit's claim of 100% renewable and assuming the CO2 would be totally eliminated from all other forms like cement prodcution, transport etc. so we reduce from 673,621T to 0T is just under 0.2%.



We'll always need some gas or nuclear generation.

It's not not always windy (nor sunny). 

Batteries, hydrogen fuel cells or hydro pumping would likely be too much of a leap for us at the moment.  

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5 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

You wait years for a wind farm bus to come along and we get two in one day. Who would have guessed?


Are they connected by any chance?

Don't think so.  Profitt wants onshore. 

The Danes want offshore off Maughold (that energy goldrush region of the Isle it seems).  Wonder if they mean the Bahama Bank? 

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12 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

Don't think so.  Profitt wants onshore. 

The Danes want offshore off Maughold (that energy goldrush region of the Isle it seems).  Wonder if they mean the Bahama Bank? 

The siting of any wind farm on Bahama Bank would be interesting, engineering-wise! 😁  

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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

No, not you personally.

UK Gov had no problems changing the pensionable age for women despite the spectre of legal challenge being raised. IoMG has never, ever had any issues with applying change for its own Tynwald benefits. These things can clearly be done if the will and backbone exists.

I wonder if anybody would actually look at anything or would it just be a case of, "It might be challenged, let's not - plus it's our own bennies too of course"

I don't think you can retrospectively change employee pension rights. It's in every contract of employment.

But morally it's suspect too, people sold their labour based on the pension deal put to them, to then say "ah no we got that wrong - have this instead" is pretty shoddy and a dangerous precedent. People can't go back in time and take another job or defer their retirement to bump up the return. 

Also if the people who regulate the pension market behaved like that nobody in the private sector would take out an IOM based pension or investment, because they could just change the rules at some point in the future. 

Edited by Declan
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1 minute ago, Andy Onchan said:

The siting of any wind farm on Bahama Bank would be interesting, engineering-wise! 😁  

Shallowest water around there and it's already a navigational hazard.  

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51 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

No, not you personally.

UK Gov had no problems changing the pensionable age for women despite the spectre of legal challenge being raised. IoMG has never, ever had any issues with applying change for its own Tynwald benefits. These things can clearly be done if the will and backbone exists.

I wonder if anybody would actually look at anything or would it just be a case of, "It might be challenged, let's not - plus it's our own bennies too of course"

I'm not sure you can alter someone's personal pension once they have started drawing it. I might be wrong. Someone will be along to tell us.

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25 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

Don't think so.  Profitt wants onshore. 

The Danes want offshore off Maughold (that energy goldrush region of the Isle it seems).  Wonder if they mean the Bahama Bank? 

It will be interesting to see if this gets Daphne's approval.  The greenies seem to be against on and offshore wind.  She even raised concerns about the new wind farm being built out to sea.

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17 minutes ago, cissolt said:

It will be interesting to see if this gets Daphne's approval.  The greenies seem to be against on and offshore wind.  She even raised concerns about the new wind farm being built out to sea.

All that money spent on attending the Glasgow COP26 Summit in 2021 was wasted then.

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