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This (common) type of 'no forward planning/thinking' epitomises what's wrong on this Island of ours.

In their inscrutable wisdom, last year 'someone' here in Onchan decided to resurface Harbour road and right along the old Groudle road INCUDING THE OUTSTANDING SEVERE POTHOLES AND DEEP LUMPS .. RESURFACE...NOT REPAIR??

They also managed to block off both exits to the area at the same time....DUH.

You'll never guess what....OK, you probably will, Signs are up for the same two roads to undergo....repairs??

How much did that original resurfacing cost only to be dug up again 12 MONTHS LATER...crazy.

Next they'll be employing someone (at an exorbitant cost) to push the smelly seaweed on Douglas beach down  to the waterline....only to have that same seaweed come back in with next rising tide....daft eh.......oh....wait.

You get posters on here complaining that we're always knocking the government/local authorities, but really there is so much bad decision making going on it's hard to choose which embarrassment to talk about from the many available.

It's a gross misuse of public money....OUR MONEY!!

Only in the IOM where 'THEY' can. 

Edited by Sentience
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23 minutes ago, Sentience said:

This (common) type of 'no forward planning/thinking' epitomises what's wrong on this Island of ours.

In their inscrutable wisdom, last year 'someone' here in Onchan decided to resurface Harbour road and right along the old Groudle road INCUDING THE OUTSTANDING SEVERE POTHOLES AND DEEP LUMPS .. RESURFACE...NOT REPAIR??

They also managed to block off both exits to the area at the same time....DUH.

You'll never guess what....OK, you probably will, Signs are up for the same two roads to undergo....repairs??

How much did that original resurfacing cost only to be dug up again 12 MONTHS LATER...crazy.

Next they'll be employing someone (at an exorbitant cost) to push the smelly seaweed on Douglas beach down  to the waterline....only to have that same seaweed come back in with next rising tide....daft eh.......oh....wait.

You get posters on here complaining that we're always knocking the government/local authorities, but really there is so much bad decision making going on it's hard to choose which embarrassment to talk about from the many available.

It's a gross misuse of public money....OUR MONEY!!

Only in the IOM where 'THEY' can. 

Maybe it was bogof 

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I hate the acronym (I don't see it as a word) SNAFU, not sure why. I think it is because mostly smug people seem to use it, as if you are supposed to know what it means (not meaning you Sentience, I'm just saying). Anyway, it was a Wordle a few days ago.  That's New York Times for you. 

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In the software world, fubar evolved into foobar - and was presumably used by people who had no idea of its origin. This became abbreviated to foo, and is used as such in widely used documentation that you will all have seen, like:

custom_target('foo', output: 'file.txt', ...)

And then there are "brownie points"....

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On 4/22/2023 at 11:30 AM, Barlow said:

I hate the acronym (I don't see it as a word) SNAFU, not sure why. I think it is because mostly smug people seem to use it, as if you are supposed to know what it means (not meaning you Sentience, I'm just saying). Anyway, it was a Wordle a few days ago.  That's New York Times for you. 

It originated, I'm led to believe, in the forces many many years ago, (centuries). It concerned the Field Marshals, the Admirals, the Air Command, usually many miles, countries, behind enemy lines, issuing orders that sent brave men on missions that ultimately ended in thousands/millions of lives lost for very little real advantage in wartime.

OK, so not so many lives lost these days, BUT, we are talking about very many decisions made here on the Island by our elected representatives using a 'No Experience necessary knowledge' to determine 'the way forward' (sic)

SNAFU describes that perfectly....SNAFU.... Situation Normal...All F####D Up.

Example: Medical Staff, at all levels not being honoured, financially or in any way for their bravery shown in trying to keep us all alive during this recent Covid pandemic, having to strike for what they should have recieved to simply say thank you!

Even now, today, when our Zero hours contract Carers have to pay out of their own very poorly paid pockets for LFT tests simply to be able to offer that care.

Caring, thinking politicians/civil service, I don't think so.


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15 minutes ago, Sentience said:

Even now, today, when our Zero hours contract Carers have to pay out of their own very poorly paid pockets for LFT tests simply to be able to offer that care.

If true, that is absolutely appalling. Shouldn't LFT kits be provided by the employers in much the same way as protective clothing is? 

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On 4/22/2023 at 10:40 AM, Sentience said:

In their inscrutable wisdom, last year 'someone' here in Onchan decided to resurface Harbour road and right along the old Groudle road INCUDING THE OUTSTANDING SEVERE POTHOLES AND DEEP LUMPS .. RESURFACE...NOT REPAIR??

They also managed to block off both exits to the area at the same time....DUH.

You'll never guess what....OK, you probably will, Signs are up for the same two roads to undergo....repairs??

How much did that original resurfacing cost only to be dug up again 12 MONTHS LATER...crazy.

Typical DBC - useless!   (Oh, hang on…)

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4 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

Yet another SNAFU...?



not that i'm the biggest fan of Danny Creer but it really stings that DEFA are handing him out money for this and that subsidy hand over fist to a six figure sum a year ( unless it has changed in recent years ? ) but then he bypasses the same government when parting with goods ,  farmers sending livestock away for slaughter are doing the same and not supporting the local abattoir .    that is one side of the coin , but on the other side you can't blame the farmer if they can get a better income from sending stuff away !!   there should perhaps something in  place that stipulates that if you are receiving a subsidy you have to sell your goods locally and not directly export.  i'm sure there are all sorts  ins and outs and fors and againsts i just haven't considered but something ought to change for the benefit of the taxpayer.

Edited by WTF
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