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Everything posted by asitis

  1. Maybe there was a point to the pointless bypass in Ballasalla then, but not the one championed by a moron !
  2. Whatever you think of Jason Moorhouse, he is personable and approachable. He asks questions many of which some would say are a waste of time, however give me one like Jason than 23 nodding dogs !
  3. You can bet your bottom dollar that no one ( at least no one who has paid for it) is going to save a penny at all as a direct result of this scheme !
  4. What I can't get my head round,( please bear in mind I am all for saving the planet and conservation ) is just how much we are prepared to pay and or sacrifice for our minuscule effect, if any, on the global situation. It seems odd to me that Government behaviour, recently, suggests we are financially in the doo doo ! Penny saving is going on in every area, but we continue to progress a scheme that will cost, well if it comes in anywhere near it's starting point I'll be amazed, at least 40 million. What effect will this have, will it mean we don't have to create greenhouse gases by using fossil fuels NO, will it mean we don't have to source energy elsewhere NO, will it enhance our tourist offering for countryside NO, will it pay off the power station illegal loans NO, will it make life financially easier for the end user NO, will it persuade the major global polluters this is the way to go NO. Will it make a few have a warm fuzzy feeling about our virtue maybe YES. We could be doing far more than we are in respect of helping individuals in the way of grants, we could be coming up with recycling initiatives and re use of materials on island, but none of this will have the impact the turbines will on the front page. Sorry to be a cynic but until the major global polluters come in from the cold as it were, the rest of us are bankrupting our economies for sweet fanny adams !
  5. Difficult to see what would attract successful young people to come here at present ! sadly !
  6. The problem with all lo-cost airlines, is their business models are based around growing passenger numbers due to the large catchment areas of UK airports. Clearly we do not have that geographical advantage and a limit to the traffic that we can provide and/ or attract. In reality we only have a few routes which are anywhere near being viable for a lo-cost carrier.
  7. You are right, except Loans don't depreciate, only the asset does, the interest sees to that !
  8. I read Lawrie Hooper thought it a great success ! IOW we admitted to nothing and got out unscathed !
  9. If it is so unsafe, I hope whoever is paying for the building support is going to leave it in place or the quay will have to be closed !
  10. Reading that thanks, it is a good job we don't have any real investigative journos (PM excepted) they would be asked to leave at the drop of a hat !
  11. Here's a view of Singapore if the IOM Government were in charge ! 😃 and yes it is Singapore
  12. The accredited journalists bit looks interesting !l
  13. GIZO, you really aren't kidding are you LOL !!
  14. I never read such ill informed clap trap, the aircraft is a twin from Saarbrucken which appears to have left the paved runway. There is a bit on 3fm news. It is not what one would term a tiny aircraft, and whatever type of aircraft it is, it needs to use the most into wind runway. This afternoons wind direction was strong from about 320 degrees, so it was across 26 the incident runway and across 03 the other runway which is anywhere near. I hope the accident isn't serious it doesn't look it. Cross wind landing is demanding especially if gusting and turbulent but I have no idea what has occurred. Yes small planes do need to use the main runway if that is the wind direction, in the same way that large ones do !
  15. Yes, but you would need to kick start their brains, and therefore the backside option may be closer to the mark !
  16. Bureaucracy is killing the island, ask those who regularly have to wrestle with the FSA ! however it should be no surprise to anyone, as there are rafts of them everywhere looking to build empires !
  17. We'll ship in some more UK offcasts, proven to have failed in the UK !
  18. What will it take for a vote of no confidence ? surely some backbenchers must have half a brain and can see that the results of being bankrupt are likely to be felt before we get to net zero or whatever shite we are following !
  19. Thanks, in that case the policies are a nonsense and need rapid change. The island needs a different perception to people looking in if we are to become vibrant and successful again. At the moment we look like a run down island drowning in bureaucracy, with little to embrace going forward. The whole place gives off a message of failure at the moment and how that is going to attract the type of younger people we need to live here is beyond me. We still have the green open spaces (for now) but that isn't enough for some people who require more for young families etc etc ! It is even proving difficult and costly to get on and off the place. 100,000 residents with an upsurge in taxpayers looks a long way off.
  20. Strikes me in the parlous financial state we are clearly in, it is time Alf looked at what makes sense to object to, and what in the financial interests of the island as a whole planning should perhaps relax a little. We cannot develop as a nation and retain everything which reminds us of what, quite honestly, would have been a tough past life. I don't think for one minute the young people sitting outside on North Quay on a summers evening, give a flying xxxx about a stone facade ! Far better imo for North Quay to be an attraction for its life, not its past life !
  21. Looking for people sneaking out of the IOM perchance ?
  22. My crossing is out on Mannan to Liverpool and back from Heysham on the manxman
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