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Everything posted by asitis

  1. The investment, which is subject to the granting of appropriate permits and licenses, would include the addition of a new floating pontoon that would increase capacity and allow for the simultaneous berthing of two 300-metre ships and up to 7,000 passengers a day. It would also feature waterfront retail and hospitality spaces. Errrr hang on 25 million ? WTF have we bought ?
  2. Good post but I still think we overpaid for the acquisition , the fact we could benefit from the 'user agreement' for however long we wished is true, but should not have had any bearing on the acquisition price, which imo it probably did having been alliterated to Government. I do wonder if anyone actually considered the implications of new vessels, the tin shed, alterations to port etc etc in projected returns going forward, and indeed their necessary effects on consumer pricing.
  3. Not on the piano theme, but maybe connected to the commissioner's strategy for the town, I've noticed this morning that Dandara are now offering contract parking on Farrants Way.
  4. This right here and other similar problems is the reason the bureaucracy of this island is killing us stone dead. Can we not tell some of the idiots who we pay to make our lives miserable, that we don't actually care if you don't do anything just don't come up with rules and regs to the level of ridiculousness ! The airport is drowning in this shit with zealous morons bringing the place to a standstill ! Sorry need coffee !
  5. Sadly yes, but one of, if not the, most important ! so appointing numpties is not the way to go !
  6. It doesn't help of course that we have had the poorest politicos as ministers overseeing health for the past three administrations !
  7. If anyone is at a loose end this is worth a watch ! I would not seek to comment as I'm unsure where the actual truth lies, but would do a few good to consider the contents of this , especially those who would bankrupt this island using this as the driver ! Pollution, population, and covering the planet in concrete would be my concerns, and those should be addressed.
  8. Another situation we cannot effect, and should stay out of commenting. We have more urgent problems this taxpayers employee could be putting her immense intellect to FFS ! I should clarify, I am not blind to the humanitarian disaster all conflict causes, I am just a realist.
  9. Which is a complete shitshow I agree !
  10. Arms length to me seems an ideal excuse for our lame politicos to say "not me guv, it were them " It is probably not a bad idea but it does give our shower the perfect get out when all goes to hell !
  11. Sounds like a full house at bullshit bingo !
  12. Haven't they got to do something to the boat too ?
  13. Any and all schemes involving the electricity utility on the island, are underpinned by a huge debt ! It matters not whether some think they are saving the planet or whatever they are doing, lurking in the background is this huge pile of debt which cannot stay in the long grass for ever !
  14. So nothing to help the FTB in this development either ! Does this mean they don't get a bung !
  15. Difficult to understand how any of these are going to be FTB properties given the prices of the last tranche adjacent to the bridge !
  16. A cynics view ......... We review a number of sites, but we already know where we are going to put them ! We survey the site and LO .. it's actually better than we thought it would be ! Some green idiots on twitter are rejoicing it will bring the price down, which I think we can be fairly certain it won't, and the same bunch of green idiots are urging speed to build them on other sites asap ! To achieve 75% wind power. The island is tottering financially, the power station is millions in debt, lets go blowing long millions on this shite which will make the square root of zilch difference to global warming, whilst the huge polluters go on belching out emissions without a care in the world ! FFS have we no sense at all ! Oh and of course at the end of it all we still need the power station or a replacement energy source !
  17. If it's anything like the price of the other apartments overlooking the river it isn't going to be young people buying them !
  18. I have simple requirements just somewhere where the rain stops once in a while would be great ! FFS it's every day !
  19. The whole lot are unfit for public office, no wonder we are a train wreck happening in slow motion ! Petulant, arrogant children are in charge of our future ! I don't have the answers as to how we do better, but we need better people before we are really deeply in the shit .
  20. Whether people like it or not, we are highly dependent still, on the finance sector of which Gaming is a big part ! Until we can find an alternative be careful what you wish for !
  21. I think I would go with part B, the fuck ups ! Either way the taxpayer pays and there are too few of those !
  22. This will be his point by point rebuttal as beloved by ministers !
  23. The Government is a sideshow, the real power is held at the top of the CS, people like the pomp, and dressing up in robes etc as an indication that we are a democracy. Very sad, but the term nodding dogs has never been more true !
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