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Everything posted by asitis

  1. What is a slight modification ? probably in IOM terms a few million quid chopping a deck off LOL 🤣
  2. They've probably tried to deal with the FSA and realised they don't need the stress !
  3. At what point does, or did, the SPCO turn from a wise purchase with a guaranteed revenue stream for Government into a taxpayers millstone ?
  4. Is this another point by point repudiation !
  5. .... and no date that it will be in use ! This has to be the cluster of all clusters !
  6. asitis

    Manx Radio

    If the people of Ramsey can keep Hooper, then I wouldn't hold your breath sadly !
  7. Anything involving a fee to Government will be subject to stealth taxing in the next financial year ! and not all small boat owners will be the wealthy that are ( rightly or wrongly) always in someones cross hairs !
  8. Might cost a bob or two then LOL !
  9. I certainly don't believe Religion and Politics should mix, however I also don't believe Politics and useless arrogant tossers mix either ! The finest result for the island would be no Bishop and no Hooper !
  10. asitis

    NSC Pool!

    Almost guaranteed !
  11. TBH I'd settle for an unelected, educated man, of some principle, over an elected, vacuous ,arrogant airbag all day everyday !
  12. The fiscal problems here, are the Government and Civil Service the remaining taxpayers can't afford !
  13. I think you could be a bit shy on the Liverpool Terminal !
  14. I caught a snippet of Cannan on the news a few minutes ago I wasn't listening, so have no idea what it was about, however a very few words from Cannan made my blood boil, he said something like ' the financial situation in which we find ourselves', NO you muppet, the financial predicament that you and the other numbskulls have engineered us into ! I accept that some may not be these numbskulls but those who have gone before too !
  15. Jesus ! the whole shooting match politically is in a terrible mess ! The DHSC has, and does have, the worst politicians the island could have produced, and is arguably the most important cornerstone of our society !
  16. Aren't we reviewed to death ?
  17. Now where have we seen this attitude before !
  18. They say any publicity is good publicity ........ https://portsoderickherald.wordpress.com/2024/03/07/lawrie-hooper-bit-of-a-twat/
  19. Well the application form certainly discounted the locals with extensive knowledge before the process started !
  20. This is 100% true no bullshit. It is nothing serious and it's now being monitored by someone else rather than nobles. In respect of the second matter I have paid to see the consultant privately ! Again no bullshit.
  21. Pity you changed your mind after all the meetings you had with locals, outlining what you were going to push for ! maybe not as much as a troll as you think I am !!!
  22. So does it not constitute a vital lifeline like the port, if so a very bad move !
  23. They are certainly getting to grips with waiting lists, I have been referred with two issues to the hospital , in both cases after a wait of some weeks, I received letters for both matters saying I had been removed from the waiting lists as a clinical decision was made that I didn't need to be seen. I add I have no problem with this, neither issue is going to kill me ( I hope LOL), however the inefficiency of a Dr and another professional referring me to the hospital, and then the hospital sending letters saying they don't wish to see me but I am to go back to the people who referred me cannot be efficient.
  24. I guess you could look at the amount of people who do work for Government , and the reluctance (understandably) for turkeys to vote for Christmas , that is very akin to communism !
  25. Him and Hooper are good emetics if that's an achievement !
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