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Everything posted by GreyWolf

  1. Being sarcastic, Is there master plan on that road with one side a mini cycle lane and other side a pavement maybe.
  2. I think the Ben only anchored in PSM bay before going onto Douglas because the captain was Vernon Kinley a long serving respected captain and a local of the village.
  3. Does that mean you can give them pastries a lick first.
  4. GreyWolf


    All island vote only way for me, looking at those in there now maybe I’d vote for five of them out of 24 but not a single one in I get paid for very little Legco if a had a choice.
  5. Heard that years ago, I don’t think it’s right when a fee paying private school predominantly full of kids with wealthy parents pays nowt when say an old couple over the hedge living in a 2 bed property in Janet’s corner pays more rates than KWC school.
  6. Am all for some of are low value mhk’s getting paid using low value coins?
  7. GreyWolf

    TT 2023

    Yeah it is, as long as there not driving everywhere at 10/15 mph and they’ve paid a huge chunk in tax to use the road, bit touchy fella.
  8. GreyWolf

    TT 2023

    I cycle occasionally but not a serious Lycra one but the three cyclists three abreast on Castletown bypass heading south were taking the piss on Saturday, it’s inconsiderate and dangerous.
  9. Freeloaders the lot of them. What have they ever achieved through there so called scrutiny.
  10. Cavs brilliant really hopes he gets one more le tour stage win. He might then get the keys to Douglas city.
  11. Banker, that may be true but there are/ have been good people islandwide who have given it a go and they soon find out there just banging there heads against a brick wall or facing cliques who are just in there for themselves.
  12. Trouble is there are still 3 sitting board members at PSM who wanted originally wanted to keep and develop the manxonia building within house , the figures floating around for the new owners to finish project is well north of seven figures and rising. Although it was sold at a loss to the ratepayers if it had been kept PSM would have its own Liverpool landing stage fiasco / Dougie prom etc etc. When boards are made up of people who have never been in business or put they own money on the line it invariably goes wrong.
  13. One clerk for south one for middle one for north is enough with maybe a floating deputy to cover holidays and sickness /maternity cover etc along with 3 super parishes of commissioners, nobody is interested in being on a local authority board anymore as apathy and trust is long gone.
  14. The whole process is just another in the long list of the iom government premier league shit shows in wasting money it’s become a national disgrace, how they overspend our taxes and then all keep there heads down in Tynwald not asking or looking for real answers. Also part of any chief executive job spec should include being accountable to serious questioning from the public or media.
  15. I agree with Joney, also we need less pomp privilege and old fashioned ceremony and the above post from Moghrey Mie hits the spot.
  16. As for the cabinet office job will we really notice any difference I doubt it.
  17. Always found Johnny a decent helpful guy and if this job is needed he’s a good fit.
  18. Cannan was hopeless on the radio this morning same old same old buzz words, for one either he can’t comprehend the Wannenburgh question or to chicken little to answer it, I thought Cannan was the only candidate originally for chief minister how wrong was I. Let’s just have some real honesty and decency amongst our mhk’s and not just bury their heads in the sand and keep taking there easy salaries or leave it down to Christian, Glover, Wannenburgh to ask the awkward questions they really need to step up to the plate, this whole mess is down to them sitting on there hands it’s embarrassing for the island as a whole.
  19. I wish DR Ranson well and thank her for her courage and determination under extreme pressures to take on the establishment thus highlighting to many what absolute abhorrent toxic people we continue to employ with zero accountability, they has to be a full clear out and full checks for any criminality that may have occurred. Maybe Paul Moulton could revisit and ask questions about what Defa did to another whistleblower Kevin kennington who to many of us looked stitched up.
  20. Good luck, always nice to see new businesses starting up.
  21. I recently spent a couple of days in nobles and witnessed first hand the nurses absolutely run of there feet and short staffed, some of the older ones can’t wait to leave ( during my short stay three we’re leaving having had enough with morale low) I have nothing but complete admiration for the job they do and if anyone deserves more money it’s them ALF or any mhks in your ivory towers reading this. Perhaps rather than loading the government with well remunerated over management and ghost jobs that make no difference to everyday life sort out what really matters. Also my local gp doctor ask me to make a follow up phone appointment for this months end, so after ringing my practice several times (always politely) I was told absolutely no chance for at least another 6 weeks just keep trying ,the system is completely broken and many many people are going to suffer.
  22. For the love of god, don’t let that Caldric fella anywhere near that job.
  23. GreyWolf

    Firm closing

    Sugarloaf was one of the islands better cafes, they seem to have spent a fortune on upgrading it but they seemed to be shut more often than open since acquiring it from the previous owner ( patchwork) also the big venture across the road will take a lot of customers when that’s finished. With the Indian shut a long time now also Andreas pizza moving of island and sugarloaf closing, Ghost town by the Specials comes to mind thinking about PSM.
  24. I wish the lady well and hope my sources within the government system are wrong but they all think she’s out of her depth.
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