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Shake me up Judy

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Everything posted by Shake me up Judy

  1. So Dr Ewart, a senior government figure, didn't retire but was sacked. Even after all that had gone on the public were lied to yet again. What other lies and cover-ups don't we know about this affair ? Abbotswood. What a shower of shit we have for a Government.
  2. It's the toxic 'cult of management' and corporate culture in the P.O. that allowed this to happen. Simultaneously, new I.T. system software became a technological religion and the 'techies' were its high priests. It happened across the public sector and in most large corporations and institutions. But I came on to link this. Anyone remember it ? Does the name Fujitsu ring any bells ? Abandoned NHS IT system has cost £10bn so far | NHS | The Guardian
  3. How did it even get that far ? We came within a whisker of putting a plastic tool shed (In 'midnight blue') next to our national marvel of world industrial heritage. These assholes in suits wouldn't get that. Well done Charles.
  4. There's a 'club' in Tokyo where you can pay for that sort of thing. You can probably smoke at the same time too if you can keep your fags dry.
  5. That reads like the usual Chris Thomas lucidity. Do we have an interpreter ?
  6. Where's Cheeky Boy these days ? Another in the long list of good posters, much missed. Is he still with us, or wearing a new disguise ?
  7. This was a powerful interview from two years ago. Vennells and others should be in prison for what they did to this woman.
  8. Yes, you're right. Manx Radio's biggest audience spike is for the news. Yet they can't even get that right and play to their audience. The MR news bulletins are cheap as chips and over in three minutes. The syndicated news from some generic U.K. media outlet is awful and usually ends with a 'cat rescue' story. This never used to be the case and I can remember when the station put out some decent news and current affairs.
  9. Saw Frank a few times including his regular visits here. I remember the first time I saw him, I had no idea who he was, just another comedian I supposed. But he had me in the first thirty seconds and I was a fan until Chris died, sadly too young. There are many great stories about him, including one playing mini snooker on a table in the back of the van travelling between gigs. David Soul was a good sport here. RIP to the both of them.
  10. Agree with that Woolley but it's not just a technological explanation. It's the management culture in the public sector. They bully, crush and destroy whistle-blowers and those who challenge decisions. We saw something very similar here in the Ranson case and it had nothing to do with technology. The Abbottswood story is still being covered up and denied.
  11. I saw the bully-boy tactics in the public sector first hand when they began to computerise everything that moved. They spent so many millions, and eventually billions, on the latest I.T. systems and put complete faith in the technology, that it required aggressive management practices to make it happen. That's what happened at the P.O. and Paula Vennells should be in a jail cell for what she did to her employees.
  12. Luke's had a few kebabs since that picture. The IOM can't organise or promote anything - unless it's the T.T. and motorcycling. Can we even do that these days ? Whenever anyone has a good idea and tries to invest or put something on they soon hit the brick wall. It's the Manx way.
  13. You got out just in time Derek.
  14. So what/who does he look like ?
  15. I always enjoy the Tufton Bufton that is Bonzo. He usually lives in my head for half an hour afterwards and I speak like him while pottering round the house.
  16. Many of them realise immediately that they're surrounded by people in the public sector who know far more than they do and have the knowledge and experience. Most MHKs have no real qualifications or aptitude for the job and just end up sitting quietly on the benches trying to keep up and voting when they're instructed. There's a lot more to politics than they thought. For others, they can't quite believe that they've been elected and imposter syndrome kicks in very quickly. They're paid far more than they could earn in employment, so it's a case of keeping their heads down and staying out of trouble for the rest of the five year term, hoping that the voters don't notice.
  17. I think the Mannin Line is pretty good most days but it doesn't really work when they have a guest in. All the time gets taken up in the studio, then it's three or four callers and done. What's the point of that ? It's not really a phone-in with a mere handful of calls. Make it two hours like it used to be (?) rather than giggly Christy D with the same old playlist and her girly banter. I'm sure she's a lovely person but I can't stand listening to that shite.
  18. Crewing the IOM ferry should be no different to any other job where you get to go home at the end of your shift and aren't expected to sleep over in the workplace. We're not talking deep sea routes here. It's Douglas to Heysham and back. This whole thing is ridiculous and a shambles. Cannan needs to get down there and tell Thompson to back off with the bully-boy management style or clear his desk. I'll even do it for him if he wants. It would be a pleasure.
  19. Bill Maher summarises (With a bit of humour too) what some of us have been saying. Worth a watch.
  20. What was the secret pub on Finch Road ? Never heard of that one. Some of those private clubs were great places back in the day. Played snooker in a few of 'em.
  21. Poland would love to have a crack at Russia. They've got unfinished business.
  22. I'm told that Michelle's PPE face masks were just repurposed knickers turned inside out.
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