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Everything posted by quilp

  1. quilp

    Period Poverty

    Thanks for the plug.
  2. Spot on. Any link to this place, however tenuous, will do. Pathetic is exactly right. We're nothing special...
  3. Ah well, used the wrong search term, so what? Mercenary your guardian angel is he? 😁
  4. Never mind the confused emoji, prove it!!!! Put up or shut up...
  5. Listen here missus, I've had a look back in this thread and cannot find the post where you've been called a dumb fuck, can you find it please..?
  6. I'll give you that one, when the timeline of the whole thing is considered...
  7. Nah, that'd never stand up in court, JW. Think about it...
  8. No.3... How is this conflict anywhere near comparable to Northern Ireland?
  9. Praise be! Skellynomics will say it's worth half a billion dollars in advertising.
  10. Strongman Bibi's not having any of it ober Rafah. Though what he proposes to do after the last hamas "battalions" are obliterated is anyone's guess. Fairly sure he doesn't believe the islamists will stop the jihad once the dust has settled... https://www.jewishnews.co.uk/netanyahu-israel-will-enter-rafah-with-or-without-a-ceasefire-deal/
  11. What a tiresome, over-opinionated and obsessive twat you are.
  12. Did I ask you to butt in and state the obvious? I can do all the internal requirements and most of the external, including fitting the dish, as I did years ago when Cleervu provided an expensive quote. Once they'd called and identified the optimum placement for where the dish was going I did all of the installation myself then had a mate in the trade put a meter on it to zero it in. Bingo, cost me fuck all...
  13. If you don’t mind please let us know the installers estimate, thinking of signing up myself.
  14. Yeah but you're wringing it out when it's well past its sell-by date, and you're impervious to the logic offered of other posters. How far are you going to go with it? The tesco situation is what it is, done and dusted...
  15. No, it's trolling the Internet...
  16. That too, of course.
  17. The poster removed their comment for reasons unknown but the gist of the post was that the Cass Review, "wasn't THAT bad!" (posters capitalisation) and accusing me of not reading the review (I'd read every word). It was also an attempt to downplay the conclusion of the review and also, predictably, cited Helen Joyce of the group Sex Matters as being a "hate group" for simply disagreeing with trans ideology and standing up for women's rights. I can well imagine the disappointment, nay shock, that the reviews findings induced in the trans-activists when everything they've held dear with sanctimonious conviction didn't hold up to proper investigation and clinical scrutiny by certified experts. As I suggested, the findings of the review only confirmed what most people have been thinking anyway, that the ideological had overtaken the science and grown out of all proportion, with claims such as that of the administration of puberty-blockers to pre-teens being safe and "reversible." As the review stated, this whole episode was based on dodgy 'evidence' and actively promoted through an ideological agenda by misguided 'professionals' who sought to publicly silence whistle-blowers through lies and intimidation, as has been witnessed by the villification of some Tavistock employees, and anyone else who dared question the treatments being offered to confused children who really could not have known any better. Adults, should they wish to pretend they're something they're obviously not and purport themselves as such then fine, so be it, just leave kids out of it.
  18. quilp

    Firm closing

    It's just the usual retarded Manx crabbery and fear of the new.
  19. An accurate summation of al-jazeera's role in the propaganda war... https://www.memri.org/reports/al-jazeeras-gaza-script-sabotaged-their-ally-hamas
  20. What were you expecting to happen..?
  21. Family member today received an advisory letter from Manx Care saying their SALT files were discovered in the private dwelling. Maybe that's a clue.
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