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Everything posted by quilp

  1. After following the DNS instructions, sometimes it's allowing me in, sometimes not.
  2. Appeal rejected. Supreme court next, probably...
  3. It's not being imported it was already here. The conflict is but the catalyst for burgeoning tensions that exist within the UK which have been simmering for decades.
  4. quilp

    Manx Radio

    And the pervert cabbie living in "Mulvern" road.
  5. Of course, when hamas/Hezbollah/Islamic state/fatah, et al, politely knock on their doors and ask, "can we hide our IED's/AK's/RPG'S in your house, missus..?" they can just tell them to "piss-off and do one you murderous, barbaric cunts!" What was said around 10 years ago still applies to the current events... https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/israel/10987095/Gaza-conflict-Hamas-chooses-to-let-children-die-for-its-own-crazy-ends.html (Pay wall removed)
  6. A child is dead, just one of many, so not "good news" at all. Why would you think so?
  7. Hmm, that's Hebrew on that sash, so presumably it's a Jewish child being portrayed. Not that it makes any difference, just pointing it out.
  8. Separated at birth... Scarlet. Leclerc.
  9. I can see it now. A runaway success.
  10. The 6.8mm round performs better in CQB short-barrelled rifles, apparently. Better than the 5.56. Amongst other small advantages.
  11. Does he get the girl though?
  12. Many people would disagree with you on that. Still very popular in some countries. A quick search revealed that China, on average execute 1000+ criminals every year. @Gladys is correct, though, it is a symbolic act of revenge/retribution and hardly effective as a deterrent.
  13. There's a few. Lest we forget, in some countries, convicted criminals are buried up to their shoulders in dirt and cheering bystanders invited to stone them to death. Women included. Or batch executions of 10 or more, where, again with a cheering audience, criminals are beheaded or shot in the back of the head. Oh, and the execution of homosexuals by slowly hanging them from crane to whoops and claps. That's some way to go. What about the inhumanity in those countries?
  14. The allegations appear serious enough for the major aid contributors to suspend assistance until the facts are known. There appears to be strong evidence that up to 200 of their 'workers' in Gaza are affiliated to hamas and other groups. The major players aren't just taking Israel on its word, what had been revealed has convinced them that an investigation be conducted. Allegations of essential aid being diverted; some medicines, medical supplies, food and other products supplied to hamas fighters before the citizens it is intended for. Why won't hamas surrender? Why continue with the carnage in a war that cannot possibly be won by them? Why not surrender and begin reconstruction? As has been seen, it's a lose-lose situation for innocent Gazans. http://hurryupharry.net/2024/01/21/why-dont-protesters-call-for-hamas-to-surrender/
  15. quilp


    Vee haf vays of making you talk!
  16. No comments on members of the UNRWA being complicit in the 7/10 massacre? Some allegedly tied to hamas and took an active part in atrocities.
  17. You can feel the subsonics up here in Harcroft.
  18. Only if you throw one up whilst you do it...
  19. It's great double-toasted. Toast it once, allow to cool in the toaster and re-do it keeping an eye on it to brown as required. Spread thickly with real butter and enjoy it with a poached-egg on top...
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