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Everything posted by quilp

  1. quilp


    I agree @TheTeapot, When I were a lad there was always a few times at this time of year when weather as we're now experiencing was not unusual, even expected; fierce gales, days of continuous rain, fallen trees, property damage etc. There were numerous occasions when gusting reached 80-100mph. Slates were blown off the houses in our street, damaging cars and dangerous to life and limb. And I don't ever remember the police/the then DoI, et al issuing statements pleading with us not to travel unless absolutely necessary. Oh, and invariably our boats sailed, when it was invariably guaranteed there'd be a boat in the morning.
  2. As expected, the usual shithead bollocks from an insufferable fucking prick.
  3. The insurance on my hybrid (1.6L, 2017/18, 20k mileage) was £186 fully comp for both of us. Surprised that this is £40 less per year than the 2010 Fiesta 1.6 zetec S we had previously. Charlton and Hodgson.
  4. quilp

    Firm closing

    https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322775 https://www.eatingwell.com/should-you-rinse-your-rice-8385661 Easy to follow, hope this helps.
  5. You epitomise the emoting of all lefties. And underneath it all you're very much antisemite, not that you'd admit to it, but you are. I wonder what your thought processes would be if it were hamas having the upper hand..?
  6. You really are a silly man. Yeah. Shut up...
  7. Is it not the case that only King Charles can rescind her award..?
  8. Tony Levin master of the 'Stick bass'. Descriptive lyrics would be suitable as a Manx Forums theme song...
  9. Thanks. It was the intro that brought TL to mind.
  10. Mine wasn't connecting either (MT, android) so I rang the helpline and was told to enter a new APN; 'MANX' which corrected the problem. Asked when the old APN was changed but she didn't know.
  11. quilp

    Manx Radio

    Why does it matter? An ear is an ear.
  12. Does he wear a wig then, your mate..? And, why would any of the audience be wearing an afro wig to an ABBA gig, what's the relevance..? Just sounds a bit odd rather than 'woke.'
  13. It was never going to be any other entity.
  14. All that, plus there'll need to be staffing requirements such as a canteen and refreshment area, toilets/changing area, offices, etc. All services will need to be reinstated. There'd have to be re-surfacing 'cause the surface now, in places, is hazardous. Probably, it'll be three million quid if it proceeds.
  15. quilp


    You should receive a confirmation email and turn yellow. Maybe PM @Amadeus?
  16. There have been a number of mass shootings across the pond in the last couple of months. Whole families wiped out by a (male) partner. Multiple victims, including young kids, even a family dog in one case. Crazy Yanks.
  17. quilp


    Happened twice when I subscribed. Send @Albert Tatlock a PM...
  18. Yes, check this out... https://www.skyscanner.net/routes/iom/brs/ronaldsway-to-bristol.html
  19. Talking to a Victoria Road cashier on Saturday who said the premises will be closed for 10 weeks and when it reopens she and her colleagues will be on a better pay-rate. Can't be bad.
  20. quilp

    Manx Radio

    The mix is very tinny.
  21. Money well, spent... https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/almost-250k-spent-repairing-locomotive-which-still-doesnt-work/ Needs another £40k spending on it.
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