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Boris Johnson

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Everything posted by Boris Johnson

  1. I really hope the enquiry will show up the failings, and the good stuff. I won't hold my breath however.
  2. Hundreds in not thousands in a country with millions still sounds a lot less than 70 people on an island of 80k?
  3. Sounds like the island then (Apart from the clean bit)), I wonder how many they jailed for going to the garage or fleeing domestic abuse during the Covid crisis?
  4. AFAIK The new gaming development on Victoria Rd opp the old prison will have accommodation, on the same site for all the imported staff. Don't see much being spent in the local economy with that model
  5. Trouble is that its not funny anymore Lives and business depend on a functioning government
  6. This is really shocking Everyone kicks off about Manx Radios' £1 mill subvention and this shit fest is getting twice that a year and they don't even broadcast the sounds of the animals waiting to be slaughtered*....... *I have been there, the noise from the animals waiting to be killed would put you off meat for life, it did me and I did love a good steak.
  7. Says the person who could not get into Uni so did a couple of years in the army.....................
  8. Says the person who could not get into Uni so did a couple of years in the army.....................
  9. Says the person who could not get into Uni so did a couple of years in the army.....................
  10. This The gov website has evolved (read more departments added) over the last 15 years but it looks exactly like it did 15 years ago and the search function is still SH1T
  11. Can you confirm what subsidy is paid to the people who collect and send off island our "Recycled" waste? Looking at the economics of the job from a business point of view (From someone who uses the IOMSPCO several times a week) I can't see how it is possible to first Process, Clean, Bale and then send off island, waste for payment without a huge subsidy.
  12. Just throw a random thought out there. For all you "I'm not racist but" If all the channel crossing asylum seekers were not mostly young males but single young females? What do you think the policy of our and HMG would be?
  13. It could be a IOM version of Stop Oil ? Typical Manx Muddle (Fuc8 up)
  14. Put a loaf in the Freezer.
  15. Not really, those bonds are not finished at maturity. We are only paying the interest, they have to be refinanced and you start again. Yes the current high inflation rate will help "inflate" the debt away a bit but that is still a lot of money for a small town to owe
  16. So there is no one in the DOI that can write a detailed safety procedure for an airport runway? WTF did we employ the new guy for? Can he not do something like that? I would have thought that was the type of thing a director of an airport should be doing in their sleep?
  17. "We should allow any refugee/ asylum seeker to take up full time residence on the island as long as they agree to race in the TT, (to keep it going)" * *Taken from a brainstorming meeting last week at DFE (Racing bikes to be supplied by DOI with a a full maintenance contract on FOC terms, as long as the new resident is alive).
  18. Wooley, it's not a 1 % kickback to the cardholder (I think that is the charge to the retailer, maybe more?) its 0.1% kickback to the cardholder. And it only kicks in after spending more than £10k on your card in a year. So whoop de do, spend £10K and get a kickback of £100.00 - it is really is not worth it. The reason I have AMEX is for their concierge services, you can call them up and ask them to sort out all sorts of travel and other problems and they do, very well, it's like having a really good PA for free.
  19. You do that, and report back here with your findings please...... FFS Have people not got more important things to do with their time?
  20. " in a wild state" is the dictionary definition. Just how you want someone to be who may be about to try and save your children's lives.
  21. If that scenario did happen,would I, upon arriving at Nobles be looked at by the "Feral" * doctors in A&E? *Quote taken from the Care Quality Commision leaked report, not my words. P.S. I have not met a bad paramedic on the island to be fair, good guys and gals including the ones who live in England and commute to work here.
  22. I don't think so, god help any family going there with something other than a minor health problem
  23. When the old DHSS went to Tynwald asking to cover an "Overspend" there was lots of teeth sucking and grumping about giving them a far smaller sum of money. Lots of grandstanding from our "Politicians" and statements of "NEVER AGAIN" They are wasting money etc etc etc How come now, we have a fancy named outfit (Manx Care for those a the back) "Running" THE HEALTH SERVICE" That it is okay to ask for over £20 million on top of your annual budget to make the health service work? Just asking...... Forget Covid, it was terrible many years before that. I have always been of the opinion that the IOM budget for the hospital etc is massively underfunded, so underfunded that there is zero chance of having enough money to make it a safe service from the islands low tax model. As I have said before, turn Nobles into a stabilise, and send packing, hospital and let the proper docs/specialists in the UK do a proper job on you and your loved ones. No offence aimed at Wrighty, he has been on island a while but if you are a really cutting edge, good surgeon/ consultant, what the Actual F would you come here for? Hint, the good ones don't come here, and when you talk to the good ones in the UK they laugh at the idea. It is a career killer. I would, from prior experience at Nobles, sell my non mortgaged house and become homeless/ penny less before I let anyone at Nobles cut me open or try and fix a bone or any other part of me or my family. Do not go there for anything other than a consultation, ask to be referred off island. It will save your life in many cases.
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