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Everything posted by TheTeapot

  1. I went in the thirsty pigeon once, years ago not long after it had first opened, goband check out the new place in town and all that. The guy next to me at the bar ordered a pint of Coors light shandy, so I figured that wasn't the place for me and went to the Rovers.
  2. Someone should stop them.
  3. You should be out in the street with your tesco flag celebrating the miracle of capitalism
  4. TheTeapot


    You would always discharge the jury in a mistrial. Somebody somewhere has done something stupid which has caused offense. The defendent would possibly be tried again with a new jury. I don't know what this halted for legal reasons is. It's very ambivalent. Edit - I'm genuinely really hoping that what has happened is that Mr Scales has got on to the stand and launched a massive attack and caused a full on freak out
  5. TheTeapot


    This hasn't been declared a mistrial though right? It's just been halted for 'legal reasons'? So how can they discharge the jury?
  6. TheTeapot


    See, if they'd done the full 13 days they'd have got excused for life answering a previous question.
  7. All these 'new and improved' things are rubbish really, it just means smaller and shitter. Everything actually gets worse. Apart from cans of Draught Guinness. That's a product that has continued to improve.
  8. Yesterday was a Wednesday though
  9. Fun is only allowed to be fun when it's organised fun.
  10. Go away from the coast its not misty at all, blazing sunshine, but at the edge
  11. Been foggy all day down here. Its really cool. You cant see the college from hango hill which is what, 100m?
  12. Not their Early Grey no. That's out of my price range. I have had some of their other teas though, and if I were rich enough... The marksies 'standard' one is fine, I'll pick some up the next time I'm motivated enough to go to that bit of Douglas. I have plenty of other tea to be drinking, I just fancied a hit of the earl and didn't have any in. Quite what is 'finest' about that Tesco product claiming to be tea remains a mystery.
  13. Oh I liked the distraction. I was pretty sure there was a Robinson's where WHSmith is, but I'd have been small so could have been wrong. I don't think it would have been there by the time I was old enough to go into town on my own.
  14. Went back in for the second pot just to be sure. It's absolute crap. How disappointing.
  15. Because no one supports them.* Everyone would like Hamas to fuck off. The problem is, repeatedly bombing everyone else near to them is just going to create more Hamas. Unless you kill everyone of course. Edit - *apart from Bibi and his suitcases of cash
  16. Just to bring it back to Tesco, their 'finest' loose leaf earl grey tea is shite.
  17. I'm not sure the Isle of man has ever had a referendum. Exciting times.
  18. Wouldn't happen if it was the King Orry
  19. It's in preparation for the ultimate future True Green Isle when everyone comes by foot and uses the trains, trams and buses. It's only a mystery if you don't have vision.
  20. Quite an entertaining scoreline from last night.
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