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Everything posted by TheTeapot

  1. Even the lunatic Putin is appealing for calm ffs.
  2. Next time it will be a lot worse, and all the people involved should do everything they can to ensure that there is no next time.
  3. TheTeapot


    Yesterday was the last day of winter.
  4. This is a really unpleasant post, and I don't even like Josem. You'd have to be a full on prick to make it.
  5. Last time I was in a Weatherspoons (The one by St Johns Liverpool last summer) it was an incredible £1.19 for a pint of Ruddles Best. I had 6.
  6. The glo one is supposed to go on what were the Ronaldsway sports fields - the Airport Technology Gateway no less. They had a presentation in the Square about it last year. They were very unconvincing in my view, but good luck to them.
  7. I wouldn't bother finlo, more fucking notwell shite arguing black is white, it'll just annoy you.
  8. Always worth checking your biases. Everyone has them, some people are in denial, some people outright lie, some people wear them proudly, some people are just cunts. As awful as this event was, really it's a local story for Australians.
  9. I don't think this is at all correct. Even the Israelis aren't saying this.
  10. Works for me, I normally like that kind of thing though.
  11. Glad to have woken up to the news that nothing too bad happened. What comes next though?
  12. Amazing how loads of people allowed their existing prejudices to be on display in such a way before the actual facts were known.
  13. More bad things might be happening. Watch out.
  14. The burnable waste from the sites goes to the incinerator at huge cost that rises like crazy every year.
  15. Haha I've had a tiny play. It's a very silly thing. https://suno.com/song/da15d237-3fdf-4d01-8a36-fc34cd87dfa4
  16. Some forums have a thing where you have to have made a specified number of comments before you can start a new thread. A small restriction like that might be helpful?
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