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Everything posted by Sentience

  1. Here's what I heard. Judge for yourself if this info is real. Altercation at a 'Royal' place of learning in the West of the Island between two female students started with one scratching the others face drawing blood. Defending herself, the scratched girl slapped back. Guess who got suspended.........the girl who did the initial scratching?...NO.....the girl who in defence slapped back!! Why? Because the scratcher has identified as......a Cat!!! Holy snapping arseholes, what is this world coming to????
  2. Sentience


    It originated, I'm led to believe, in the forces many many years ago, (centuries). It concerned the Field Marshals, the Admirals, the Air Command, usually many miles, countries, behind enemy lines, issuing orders that sent brave men on missions that ultimately ended in thousands/millions of lives lost for very little real advantage in wartime. OK, so not so many lives lost these days, BUT, we are talking about very many decisions made here on the Island by our elected representatives using a 'No Experience necessary knowledge' to determine 'the way forward' (sic) SNAFU describes that perfectly....SNAFU.... Situation Normal...All F####D Up. Example: Medical Staff, at all levels not being honoured, financially or in any way for their bravery shown in trying to keep us all alive during this recent Covid pandemic, having to strike for what they should have recieved to simply say thank you! Even now, today, when our Zero hours contract Carers have to pay out of their own very poorly paid pockets for LFT tests simply to be able to offer that care. Caring, thinking politicians/civil service, I don't think so.
  3. Sentience


    This (common) type of 'no forward planning/thinking' epitomises what's wrong on this Island of ours. In their inscrutable wisdom, last year 'someone' here in Onchan decided to resurface Harbour road and right along the old Groudle road INCUDING THE OUTSTANDING SEVERE POTHOLES AND DEEP LUMPS .. RESURFACE...NOT REPAIR?? They also managed to block off both exits to the area at the same time....DUH. You'll never guess what....OK, you probably will, Signs are up for the same two roads to undergo....repairs?? How much did that original resurfacing cost only to be dug up again 12 MONTHS LATER...crazy. Next they'll be employing someone (at an exorbitant cost) to push the smelly seaweed on Douglas beach down to the waterline....only to have that same seaweed come back in with next rising tide....daft eh.......oh....wait. You get posters on here complaining that we're always knocking the government/local authorities, but really there is so much bad decision making going on it's hard to choose which embarrassment to talk about from the many available. It's a gross misuse of public money....OUR MONEY!! Only in the IOM where 'THEY' can.
  4. Health service...ALL AREAS. Never ever 'over budget'. Always 'Under funded'. Why can those responsible never understand the difference. 🤫
  5. Holy snapping arsholes. I apologise, it was indeed....duh. My sincere apologies for any offence this might have caused....jeez.
  6. Ken does indeed play a mean Saxophone, witnessed at the 'Woody' many a Friday.
  7. Sorry John, you lost me there? After posting I hoped I'd not said anything that could be of any 'legal' concern to MF. But, that really is how it panned out. Even more interesting is how the Bailiff handled the issue. Interested? PM me.
  8. Had a very important case that Quilleash was our advocate for with the then head of the Comms Commission....he won and was awarded £20,000. Payment was agreed, and time went by, until a local Bailiff came a knocking looking to remove £10,000 of my personal belongings...why? Because our Sax playing drinker had forgotten to forward the finance release documents....or whatever to his advocates. My then colleague and I spent the next year or so personally paying all the British (English) County Courts to remove the stigma that this had left us with. God bless Conister who made us aware of this....try getting even a car loan under those circumstance! Cheers Ken.
  9. As far as the 'Dental Health' issue is concerned, Seven years ago I applied to have an NHS Dentist as a local who has paid into the tax etc system for over 50 years. Apart from me making a follow up phone call a year or so later I have never been contacted since. Before anyone comments on my supposed state of Dental health after seven years, I have managed so far to save for any real necessary work to be done. But not for check-ups that could have avoided that need in a proactive way. Extremely sorry situation when those charged with making sure we DO have these health resources available to us, fail so desperately miserably. But can find long long millions for very much 'Vanity projects' they are able to have their name on a plaque for. Furthermore, in a very ironic twist, the answer to this, and in fact all of the Islands problems is 15,000 more residents!! With almost 3,000 of us currently still trying to get an NHS Dentist, myself for over 7 SEVEN YEARS....SEVEN YEARS! With an extra 15,000 people also looking, what chance does a mere local have...ZILCH. Big question, Where is the real problem? Especially when our lot, IOMG, express their views on the health service here as 'over budget', when the obvious reality is 'UNDER FUNDED' When will we actually get people in power who genuinely care....for more than just themselves?
  10. There must be a whole department somewhere whose sole directive is to monitor this and other forums (of honest and obvious discontent) and setup a 'handle' to painstakingly defend what are very obviously the usual bad decisions. The one constant here, from all the 'authorities', is the amazing ability to 'constantly' NOT make any logical or sensible decisions. AND to make sure no-one is held responsible when things, as usual simply, expectedly go 'tits-up' at the taxpayers expense.
  11. He really is his own worst enemy. However, when we have all witnessed the complete callous revengeful nastiness shown to Dr Ranson via their IOMG KC, under their instruction don't forget!, it just seems there could be a big possibility of this same situation happening to this easy target...Rob Callister MHK.
  12. I'm told that when the wheel was actually being used for it's intended purpose, she could generate 200HP. However, despite all the recent remedial work, whether she would be up to rolling 24 hours a day at the required speed to generate that level of energy is an unknown. The Victorians DID 'build to last' but, she is a graceful elderly lady over 160 years old.
  13. Sorry Phantom that's not correct. Laxey Wheel is classed as a 'Back Pitch' or 'Back Pitch Stop' type of mechanism.
  14. Oh dear, there's always one. The Manx crab attitude strikes again! (and I am Manx) The Canary Islands have shown a 38% increase in Tourism since they began offering these inexpensive devices over the last couple of years. Don't have to give £millions to marketing companies only to have a very limited positive quantifiable response.
  15. True, and non of them are 'Live'. They merely take a very low res photo which is then displayed for 30" or so. Add to that they are all very poorly maintained, not even the occasional lens wipe!! Surely someone should recognise the potential for tourist visits, enhanced by this fairly new tech......surely, oh wait.
  16. With the cost of data streaming being really quite inexpensive these days, check out the above youtube link. I've just spent a relaxing 30 minutes being entertained by some of the 10 second Live Cams from around the World. Many many places, in Europe, the American states, Brazil, Argentina, the Bahamas, A Namibian desert waterhole!!, Canada, even Nuuk Airport. All included to show some of the incredible visual offerings these places offer.....for going there.....as a tourist. The very beautiful Isle of Man, with all we have to offer, our Castles and Wheels, incredible coastlines, Trams, Steam trains, Sandy beaches, tasty restaurants, sports facilities, TT racing and......the Douglas Promenade...hmm....maybe not!, but all now available free to a universal audience at no real cost apart from half a dozen live Hi Def cameras and really low streaming charges. BUT NO...nothing, except poor resolution stuff that may, if you're lucky, refresh every 30 seconds. Once again it's 'wake up wake up and smell the Coffee time'.
  17. I had absolutely no idea that Paul Rogers (singer with Bad Company) not only lives here, but has got himself elected to the House of Keys! 🙃🤣
  18. Reynolds on the Radio often plays trax from that album on his Saturday night rock show. juss sayin
  20. When reading the various topics here on MF I would use the UP/DOWN keys to move to the next contributor, done it forever. They no longer do that. I've tried all the usual suggestions, apart from uninstalling. Any suggestions?
  21. Manx Radio had a rather large illuminated sign (like the one for the trams) many years ago. However, the bright spark who'd come up with the idea, a senior management figure, I'm told neglected to obtain the necessary planning permission, hence it wasn't up for very long.
  22. Cheers X, a very helpful response. The Douglas prom lighting is the 'left alone to do it' plan given to a 4 year old. It is not that which is based on for the benefit of tourism, or more importantly safety, ALL YEAR ROUND for us local folk. It actually makes the prom dark, dreary and dangerous. Once again though, no one admits to it being their idea, or their rational behind it.....on £50 - 60,000 a year! SNAFU.
  23. Think you'll find the answer, not too difficult to find in my original post..
  24. Just a heads-up. I went to my local Pharmacy yesterday (In view of the recent massive increase in Covid strain numbers in China) to get a 'Just in case' box of five LFC tests. £12.99!....be prepared!
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