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Everything posted by Eris

  1. Eris

    Firm closing

    Then let the free market decide. As for quality products, that's all about compliance with requirements, nothing else.
  2. Eris

    Firm closing

    So surely the customer must be the #1 priority at all times? If the local provider can't compete on price then compete on quality.
  3. Eris

    Firm closing

    But surely sensible people will always buy best value for money? If M&S or anyone can beat price and quality in the market they deserve to thrive, and only by improving quality and reducing price by the local provider if they can't then ---
  4. But was it morally right that he should have taken it, and he is not alone in this.
  5. In my opinion the huge issue is not the unlawful "parties", it's the succession of lies from Johnson. Granted he's not alone but for the PM of the UK it's beyond disgusting.
  6. Any thoughts on the Minsk treaty/agreement?
  7. I just keep an open mind, look on history, and avoid sources that support any bigotry that I might have (although I don't believe that I have any!). Maybe my knowledge of even just C20th history is the reason for that?
  8. Water always finds its own level. Typical behaviour all round. Anyone else been to New York recently?
  9. In my opinion Johnson is awful in every respect as is the Conservative Front Bench along with the Opposition From Bench. Similarly the Conservative MP's with very few exceptions are dreadful for not triggering a Vote of no confidence. The Conservative party were elected in part to keep Corbyn out but mostly to "get BREXIT done". Johnson did indeed invoke Article 50 but has since singularly failed to follow through and left us with BREXIT in nano only and worst of all not put an end to the illegal invasion by the "rubber boat people". Arguably that is the worst thing of all - other than failing to allow Article 16 to be invoked which would have left the possibility of a united Ireland dead in the water which in my view is what should be the case
  10. What does "poor mental health" actually mean now? Certainly not what it used to.
  11. What the US does is not the same as Europe will do - thank goodness.
  12. I'm looking forward to when BREXIT actually kicks in because it certainly has not done so yet. Although Blair and his lot caused the most damage in the UK this lot have proved to be the most useless and corrupt government for many decades.
  13. That's the point. Take Hinkley Point. Funding is provided by EDF and CGNP. It's by sale of electricity to the market that the investment is recovered. Of course on the Island the breaking of the electricity monopoly would be invaluable, and the gas monopoly is just indefensible. Monopolies are NEVER good for consumers.
  14. Exactly the same as is employed across the civilised world unlike the nonsense glorified extension cord that forms the present interconnector. Very high DC voltage cable is state of the art and indeed was when some fool specified the AC thing that was used. Here again not just a single interconnector but multiple for a variety of reasons not least system security. How anyone EVER chose an AC cable considering the distance involved beggars belief.
  15. Not if it was built to provide (export) power to the UK National grid with the Manx electrical load as almost a byproduct. Just think outside of the box.
  16. Look beyond Manx needs and at the UK market that could be supplied and in so doing create a big export for the Island. Capital outlay could be serviced by a JV along the same lines as Hinkley Point. The island would be an offshore nuclear power station.
  17. No. Most comes from Nigeria, Canada, and Australia.
  18. I THINK that there's around a 40% Russian money involved.
  19. Because the UK is already facing a serious energy shortage that will only get worse unless at the very least the Net-Zero rubbish is set aside. It should have been done before the stupid Purpose power station was decided on and a PROPER interconnector was installed.
  20. So let's look at a few facts. Let's take Hinkley Point C. Firstly it's fully financed by CGNP and EDF. It provides enough capacity to cater for six million homes. The whole object would be to provide a nuclear generating plant that the Island would get low cost electricity as part of the license and at zero capital outlay from the island. The cost of an interconnector upgrade to a proper interconnector would be "in the noise" and not different from existing UK interconnectors. The costs from "dust to dust" would be around £45 billion which would be covered 100% by the licensee so no cost to the Island. It's necessary to think beyond the borders of the Island when dealing with matters such as this.
  21. Russian owner has applied sanction against the UK according to scuttlebutt.
  22. It is paid for by the investor selling excess production to the UK national Grid in the same way that the Northern France nuclear generators takes place today and has been taking place for decades.
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