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Harry Lamb

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Everything posted by Harry Lamb

  1. Probably where they keep the over-priced cakes
  2. Per BBC: 2. "Discussing Uganda" In 1973, the satirical magazine Private Eye reported that journalist Mary Kenny had been disturbed in the arms of a former cabinet minister of President Obote of Uganda during a party. Variations of "Ugandan discussions" or "discussing Uganda" - the term is believed to have been coined by the poet James Fenton - were subsequently used by the Eye to describe any illicit encounter, and the phrase soon became part of common usage
  3. The police are people, though, right? Usually associated with another farm animal rather than sheep.
  4. The one who allegedly offered assistance to young people learning to swim?
  5. Drop off area for the airport?
  6. GPO didn't take over Manx phones until 1912. Before that it was the private sector and 4G coverage was crap.
  7. I wasn't looking to give the courts and police a free ride, just to have better reporting before the pitchforks are brought out.
  8. As you say, you weren't there and don't know the circumstance. This happens time and again because of sloppy or incomplete reporting, so there is a growing public belief that the police and courts are stupid/too soft/ too draconian etc, which erodes trust in the justice system. I'm not sure what the answer is.
  9. Bit harsh. His guide dog needs words of advice, though.
  10. 51 year old local man bailed for going wrong way at Creg!
  11. As the families of those hit head on well remember.
  12. O'Reilly's weren't available as Fawlty Towers has a show on in London
  13. Do the dry cleaners' customers know?
  14. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/unattended-cars-at-airport-causing-serious-safety-security-and-operational-issues/
  15. https://www.gov.im/media/1374776/redacted-stillwater-discontinuance-feasibility-assessment-report_c_v3.pdf
  16. The Coop in Onchan has had good staff for some years. The guy in the peel branch the other day looked like the Samaritans had hung up on him.
  17. Why not use the right size number plates which they had in the boot?
  18. https://www.wxpr.org/crime-courts/2024-02-08/plea-agreement-reached-for-former-tomahawk-school-bus-driver
  19. Children refused to be let off school bus https://manx.news/children-refused-to-be-let-off-school-bus/ I understand that children can be poorly behaved on the school bus, but is this not illegal imprisonment?
  20. Foil hats are waterproof, though
  21. Flogging would be a lot cheaper. Maybe we could make it a regular event at the Villa and claw back some money?
  22. https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/22/never-ending-uk-rain-10-times-more-likely-climate-crisis-study
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