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Everything posted by Pipsqueak

  1. it reminds me of the MEA appliance shops situation.
  2. they were until the majority of the non caucasian residents with british passports were suddenly not british enough when they were planning to move to britain before the place was given back to china
  3. wind direction will be a factor in where the smell is
  4. we probably dont have any means to fix a technical fault on island so going back makes sense.
  5. by the time you have actually arrived at where you have had enough it is probably a place where you can't physically end things without assistance,
  6. society is littered with psychopaths, most dont cause violent problens
  7. not really, sex education of old was really reproduction education or one aspect of our biology. 'sex' as in carnal indulgence is another topic altogether
  8. and will take months to sort out too no doubt
  9. are people mixing up winedown with tacoma ???
  10. everywhere on the planet is overseas from the Isle of Man
  11. ah i see, i was just thinking from an employee point of view or self employed.
  12. he lasted longer than most people expected.
  13. you sound very in the know with the mention of movement strips
  14. and his remand time will come off his 50% of time he'll serve
  15. the Queen is dead, long live the King.
  16. would say the cost of commercial shipping to the Island on top of UK distribution costs would account for the price differences
  17. oi tosser doesnt appear as acceptable as i thought it would
  18. resigned from what? his ministerial posting or tynwald please
  19. bumped to the front page in anticipation....
  20. if newer housing estates had to have roadways of sufficient width to allow for on street parking and room for HGV's to get through at the same time these issues would be less so
  21. facts can be removed by a moderator if it can get MF into trouble, think hillberry
  22. all subjects should be free from bias but indoctrination is the norm when it comes to sex and religion and even historical events get the propaganda make over from 'our side'
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