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Everything posted by Cambon

  1. Hence the reason Fred the Shred’s idea of helping people invest in PV panels is probably the most sensible way forward. No massive projects. No massive upgrade to the existing network. No huge expense in purchasing white elephants. All of which means it will not happen.
  2. Correct. No more UK subsidies. Iom has pretty much missed out on leasing the local seabed. I am sure they will continue wasting time and money debating it.
  3. Wind turbines, wherever they are put will bankrupt us.
  4. No, nobody relies upon one single source, and we would still have other multiple sources to call on for backup. At the end of the day, this expensive, barking idea of onshore wind is going to bankrupt the island for no gain. There are cheaper, better alternatives, such as the interconnections where we can take advantage of green electricity that we have already contributed towards.
  5. Almost completely wrong. The only time a turbine off Peel would be in the lee would be from an easterly wind, which is not the prevailing direction, and have a tendency to be low. Prevailing wind is southwesterly and strong. Therefore, the turbine could be located just around the corner of Peel hill, where the scallop shells get dumped, a couple of hundred metres offshore, virtually out of sight, minimal cabling to the power station, relatively easy access for maintenance, win win. Unfettered wind 90% or the time. As for Scard, the turbines will be in the lee of the hill to the southwest. The idea is bonkers! However, since they completely resurfaced the road up from Gawnes Folly, we can assume the decision has been made.
  6. Cost and time of planning and installation would be minimal by comparison to either of the proposed sites. That would balance it out.
  7. I won’t be having any more. I don’t have flu jabs either.
  8. Or, just have one massive turbine offshore, which would produce more power than the 5 or 10 put together. Put it off Peel and link into the Peel power station.
  9. M&S’s cheapest 800G loaf is 75P. Very tasty too.
  10. That is kind of my point. If the Nightingale hospitals had been required, they would have found the staff. For convalescence purposes, all that would have been required is a handful of auxiliary nurses (of which there is no shortage) and one qualified sister or junior doctor per shift. This would have half emptied the hospitals and allowed serious cases to be treated. The nursing home debacle was complete incompetence.
  11. I agree with you. However, in hindsight, that was BBC, in addition, the consultants and doctors all complained of being full, lack of beds, to many cases. Yet the multi million pound Nightingale hospitals were virtually unused. If there were really that many serious cases, we would have seen them used extensively, even if only for convalescence.
  12. To be fair, heat pumps are expensive and pretty useless. New builds should have individual electric heaters and hot water tanks like back in the ‘60/‘70s. The water can be heated by a combination of photovoltaic and solar tube (even a garden hose is fairly effective). All there air source / ground source solutions, even electric boilers are expensive money making ventures. Not “green” at all.
  13. Of course it is getting hotter. Has been for over 25,000 years. Back then, Cumbria, and the surrounding area was covered in a mile thick of ice, with only a couple of the highest peaks protruding. The UK was basically uninhabitable until 10,000 years ago. Temperature records are being broken. Wildfires happen every year, and have done for time immemorial. Are the storms worse? Or, is that just what is reported? We all know the media tells the truth. If everyone in the world pretty much stopped going about their day to day business and stayed at home for a year (hang on, didn’t we do that in the pandemic?) it would not make the slightest difference. That has been proven. Global warming is the World’s biggest industry, biggest moneymaker and has become the world’s biggest con!
  14. No. We have been told there is a climate emergency, declared by self serving elites, for the single purpose of extracting as much money as possible out of normal people like you and I. Nothing in any of their narrative does anything to help the (none existent) situation. All it does is extract money.
  15. A quote from an article about what stops miners from boiling to death in a diamond mine in Africa: “It takes 6,000 tons of ice a day to keep Mponeng's deepest levels at a bearable 83 [°F] degrees. They make the ice in a surface plant, then mix it with salt to create a slush that can be pumped down to underground reservoirs. There, giant fans pass air over the coolant and push the chilled air further down, into the mining tunnels. Cool air goes down at a temperature of 37 [°F] and comes back, heated up by the rock, at 86 [°F].” 5KM depth is along way down. AsI said earlier, cost versus return. Geothermal is available everywhere. Some places more cheaply than others.
  16. So, one geophysicist says it is possibly, another says it isn’t. Actually, the one on the Mannin line was backed up by a second expert on a previous interview on the Mannin line. The truth is geothermal is 100% possible. It is a matter of cost versus reward.
  17. Got to love Shoprite’s advertising logo. Price Match Plus! Absolutely spot on!
  18. Yes, but being over 25 years old, the Manannan would be exempt, as are historic cars. ULEZ literally only affects cars between (roughly) 18-25 years old, and theoretically will disappear in seven years time.
  19. Manannan could do it faster on four engines, but it is in fuel save mode most of the time. Prior to covid, i was a regular day tripper. The crossing from exiting Douglas harbour to entering the mersey was two hours, give or take five minutes, every time. Last year I did a couple of trips on it and one this year. The same journey, on four engines, is now two hours twenty minutes, give or take. Just for comparison, when they brought the Manannan up from the southern hemisphere, through the Straits of Hormuz, she was given full throttle, and hit 70mph. Albeit being empty of passengers and cargo. But even with a decent load, she is capable of much more than any of us have ever seen.
  20. Although you are correct in theory, at the end of the day, prices will settle based on demand. So, it is possible that the £1.37 price may return.
  21. Well, I am all for supporting the local community. However, I can no longer afford to shop at Shoprite. I shop at Marks and Spencers now. It is cheaper!
  22. As we are regularly told the cheapest, cleanest power is the power we don’t use. At the moment, iom is talking of spending tens of millions on green power to charge evs, power heat pumps, and loads of other green vanity offerings. This is because there is a lot of money in it. That is all. Ideas like making public transport free, geothermal electricity, etc. does not make people in big business and vested interests rich.
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