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Everything posted by Cambon

  1. Rubbish! Tiny IOM, with 85,000 population, with virtually no carbon producing industry, produces over 1/1000 of the entire world’s carbon footprint? What complete and absolute bollocks!
  2. Better to have one ship prepped and ready to go than two ships in the forms of the Arrow and the Manannan. The cost of keeping and running both of ghem as stand by would be far more than just the Ben.
  3. Problem with your suggestion is the old “Build it and they will come.” The more houses, the greater the requirement. It needs to be means tested and rent adjusted according to income. If the social housing rent becomes greater than private rent, it is their choice. Why they keep ripping down and rebuilding old properties, rather than sell them to first time buyers as fixer-uppers, and using the money to create new social housing, is beyond me.
  4. Surely you were both sat in the car, with your windows closed and ignition off, therefore fan off. So all she would be breathing was the air in the car. I was also on that trip. Great crossing. I wonder which one you were?
  5. After she has bankrupted the country, completely in vain, at least she can say, at least we tried!
  6. So, rather like the climate loonies who believe everything in the media, like that woman on the moanin line yesterday.
  7. My prediction? It will still be in use, along with many other gas turbines, in 2040.
  8. Lots of work for little gain. Better to wear slippers! Carpet with good underlay is another option.
  9. Agreed, but biomass is better than fossil. There are answers, but governments wont listen
  10. Even if they install your beloved white elephant windmills, the gaspower station will be kept as a backup.
  11. Well, the price has already doubled dud to the sudden massive increase in the price of gas last year. That price has fallen and stablised, but the electricity price is still double.
  12. Thanks PK. Personally, I am not anti-vax, and had my first three jabs. However, after reaction to the third, I will not be having any more. We have always been told it is impossible to vaccinate against a cold. Covid is a cold virus. If I could go back, I would not have had any of the vaccinations.
  13. Smoke and mirrors. Gas price spiked early last year and futures were back to normal range by July. I reckon they have created a paper loss to justify another future tariff hike.
  14. I am of the last year of baby boomers. I collect my state pension in just over four and a half years. Older boomers are already dying out. The government answer was actually raise the retirement age to 67. Talk of everyone living into their 80s is simply marketing the retirement age increase. Look in the obituaries or check you local graveyard. Death does not discriminate. Yes there are more octogenarians, because there are more people.
  15. Different times. A lot more young people don’t drink these days. They are not interested in going out as much. They prefer to spend time with friends talking, go for a pizza, Netflix and chill. That sort of thing. Netflix did not exist back then, nor did smartphones, ipads, and so many other things that are here and relevant to day to day life. CrazyDave mentioned loads of night venues in his post. I could add to it. But they were not all there at the same time. It has always been three or four venues and that is still true today. Times and requirements have changed and so have the types venues.
  16. Young people leave school and go to college in uk for three years. In that time, they basically start a new life, with new friends and interests. They have essentially left home. Why should they return here? They are already at home. Coming here is not returning. It is a life move. If we want to attract young people to stay here, we need to offer alternatives to college in the uk and beyond. The drop in 6th formers seems to indicate that we are achieving this. Nothing to do with old people. Nothing to do with facilities and activities.
  17. I think Tesco Express, Vic Road-is probably Winerite store.
  18. Thing is Biden is weak. Everyone knows that. All over the USA, politicians are desperate to pin anything on Trump to stop him running, because they basically know he will get in. Interesting times.
  19. I read the other day than Hertz car rental is selling their EVs and going back to IC. Reason being repair costs, in particular the Teslas.
  20. They ran out of money. Same as the horse trams and a few other bits that have not been completed.
  21. The thing that brings the traffic to a stop are the zebra crossings
  22. They were installed because DOI ran out of money, and couldn’t afford to install round abouts.
  23. Cambon


    I just had a telephone call from somebody at an organization called Blue World, who claim to be dealing with the acquisition of Aviva PLC. on behalf of a client. The person seemed to know quite a lot about me. She tried to get me to give her more information, which I refused. She said she would call again in a few days. A quick look on the internet and I don’t see anything suggesting an acquisition. Quite the opposite. Beware!
  24. Yes, but it is inaccurate. I.o.M. can apply to have a special VAT rate on individual goods of services, such as the 5% rate on heating oil, and building work and supplies. Perhaps they could request a 25% VAT rate on petrol and diesel? Additionally, the VAT on heating oil needs to rise.
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