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Everything posted by Cambon

  1. @code99 £20m can easily be raised by increasing employee NI by 1%. Previous DHSS minister said each additional 1% adds £25m to the pot. But why do something simple when an entire new division of government can be created to administer this?
  2. This is correct. Many potential landlords now just purchase property and just leave it as an asset. If nobody lives there, no rates to pay, no standards to maintain, no tenants to cause damage. With the current situation, it is almost a win, win for them.
  3. NHS Levy on wages of working people is a complete con. Just another tax. They should introduce a GST style additional levy on sales, where everybody contributes, including tourists, pensioners, and other non-tax payers who can potentially benefit from our health service,
  4. It’s not too small. The damage and danger within the harbour will all depend on the severity of the storm, the time of high tide and any additional tidal heave. Safest place is at sea either far away, or in the lee of the storm.
  5. Cambon

    TT 2024

    £1,000,000+ for a scoreboard that will be obsolete by the time it is built! idiots! Big TV is the way to go. Just display what is available on live timing.
  6. Worse than that, 5 year olds whom are not toilet trained, being sent to school. The teachers are then meant to do the parent’s job for them!
  7. Good idea. Perhaps they could use the toilet as a classroom. Cut out the middle man, kind of.
  8. It is also a result of feral parents bringing up feral kids. Going to the toilet during lessons is unnecessary and should be banned, except in emergency circumstances. I very much doubt the kids will wet themselves. The social embarrassment would be too much.
  9. The cost of living “crisis” was actually caused by the UK’s obsession with low inflation over the last decade or so. In 2019 I visited the USA for a couple of weeks and was shocked at how expensive it was compared with previous visits. I said to my wife at the time, “The UK is in for a big shock very soon. Prices will have to catch up.” Now it is happening.
  10. They always say that. It is cyclical. Petrol prices will go up now until mid summer. Heating oil will go down. Come July/August, futures will reverse. It is cyclical and repetitive. Gas prices will be low. Very low until the Ukraine war is resolved. Not because of buying gas from Russia, but because of the threat of it. Anything to not finance Russia’s unknown objective.
  11. Gas price hovering around 25 year low, regardless of inflation.
  12. Cambon

    Manx Radio

    But he is not wrong. Or, are you now arguing that the well established science of geothermal gradient is wrong? It isn’t. Geothermal power is possible anywhere on earth. It all comes down to money. Put it another way. If there was £10 Billion worth of diamonds or gold down there, Alfie would be personally digging with his finger nails. The promise of 100+ years of guaranteed power security is not enough.
  13. Cambon

    Manx Radio

    Good luck. When you and your experts have bankrupted the island for no gain, please switch the light off when you leave. Oh, hang on, there wont be any electricity to run the lights in the first place. Remember, it was experts who said the Liverpool landing stage would cost £25M
  14. Cambon

    Manx Radio

    No existing grid, no suitable roads, no suitable landing stage, no possibility to keep spares, and that is the best to “experts” can come up with? How about a couple on the headland behind Peel power station, connecting straight into the grid? If the solar farm goes ahead at Andreas, they will need to install infrastructure, so it will be available for turbines at Jurby. Oh and look, loads of warehouse space for spares. It doesn’t require experts as much as common sense.
  15. Cambon

    Manx Radio

    There is no power station at Eary / Scard either. Doesn’t stop the half wits wanting to waste £100,000,000 on wind turbines though, does it? Actually, geothermal is possible anywhere. That is science fact. It comes down to how easy and cost.
  16. Cambon

    Manx Radio

    It was Graham Fox-Hulme. He didn’t write it off altogether, but said due to the way the slate sits under the main power station, drilling is almost impossible. May be different at Peel, or other places.
  17. Problem is, many are better off on benefits than if they worked. Make work pay more and look after people better and more people will work.
  18. Interesting. A friend who works at Port Erin Shoprite told me they close on 23rd.
  19. SQL is a simple language to learn, and programmers are 2 a penny. That said, it is a government worker, so more than likely paid too much.
  20. Did you read it? It says twice that IOMG applied to be included. How did you miss that?
  21. That is actually incorrect. You can only access the lower tax rate if you have been given a tax code. Your tax code can only be used against one job or pension. Any additional jobs or income are taxed at standard rate, now 22%. You are then able to claim any overpayment back in your tax return. If you do not have a tax code but have income where manx income tax applies, you are taxed at the standard rate, now 22%.
  22. 20%, now 22% is the standard rate. 10% is the low rate to offset the 11% NI that employees also pay, aimed at lower earners.
  23. Make appointment, pay in advance. £20. If you have already paid for it, you wont miss it. Make prescriptions free, use prescription admin system to track Drs appointments.
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