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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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Maybe 'they' feel that they could receive a more sympathetic response, given the the World now recognises, that their plight has gone unrecognised for too long? Should they expect this from you? A right wing Tory bollocks merchant who is willing to denigrate the BLM and the Manx Nation ( Gaelic references) to further your puerile opposition to Race Equality.  No. The majority of the Manx public will sympathise in general with the aim of this movement and, hopefully, our Govt will act accordingly?

Max. The PR indicates that they, BLM/POC have responded to MR.. That they feel that they could not respond to a debate reflects their amateur status rather than a reluctance to enter a professional debate? Were they to get a spokesperson of the IOM Freethinkers, Geoff G would have been ideal, they could have taken on all comers in an MR prog  but why risk giving the nay sayers a further chance to denigrate their World recognised goals of Racial integration ?

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6 hours ago, Kopek said:

Maybe 'they' feel that they could receive a more sympathetic response, given the the World now recognises, that their plight has gone unrecognised for too long? Should they expect this from you? A right wing Tory bollocks merchant who is willing to denigrate the BLM and the Manx Nation ( Gaelic references) to further your puerile opposition to Race Equality.  No. The majority of the Manx public will sympathise in general with the aim of this movement and, hopefully, our Govt will act accordingly?


The majority don't sympathise at all.  The majority probably believe there are not huge issues here at all.  Which there aren't.

When that recognition of their "plight" involves trying to get a fella sacked for doing nothing wrong  they lose what little sympathy many have.


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1 hour ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

The majority don't sympathise at all.  The majority probably believe there are not huge issues here at all.  Which there aren't.

When that recognition of their "plight" involves trying to get a fella sacked for doing nothing wrong  they lose what little sympathy many have.


To be fair, the majority probably do sympathise with anti-racism, I do.

Do I sympathise with this bunch as they are currently positioning themselves? No. 

Do I think there is racism on the island?  Probably there is passive or latent racism but it will manifest itself as ignoramuses being mean and insulting, nothing like the actions that sparked the BLM movement in the US.  The US has it's own peculiarities, such as gun ownership, militarization of the police and systems that do inherently seem to prejudice black people, but it is not necessarily all one-sided as many black American commentators observe.

More generally, Stephen Fry is worth a watch.  Search YouTube for his recent interview on the Rubin Report where he refers to infantalism as being an issue.  He describes it as people not taking responsibility for themselves in a mature way, ie not being adult and carrying victimhood as an issue for someone else to solve.  He makes some controversial statements,  but the underlying sentiment resonates. If you want to characterise yourself as a victim with no power over your own destiny, like a child,  that is how you will stay.  If an organisation reinforces that infantalism ( and the Marxist view on collectivism certainly could be argued to do just that) rather than empowering people  ( ie telling them to grow up and take control of their own life), it will perpetuate inferiority. 

The answer to racism lies with both the individual and the state.  The latter to make sure its systems do not inherently prejudice any sector of its population, and the individual to take responsibility to do the best for themselves within the system. 

I probably will have a barrage now, but it is worth just thinking about. 

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7 hours ago, Kopek said:

Maybe 'they' feel that they could receive a more sympathetic response, given the the World now recognises, that their plight has gone unrecognised for too long? Should they expect this from you? A right wing Tory bollocks merchant who is willing to denigrate the BLM and the Manx Nation ( Gaelic references) to further your puerile opposition to Race Equality.  No. The majority of the Manx public will sympathise in general with the aim of this movement and, hopefully, our Govt will act accordingly?

Max. The PR indicates that they, BLM/POC have responded to MR.. That they feel that they could not respond to a debate reflects their amateur status rather than a reluctance to enter a professional debate? Were they to get a spokesperson of the IOM Freethinkers, Geoff G would have been ideal, they could have taken on all comers in an MR prog  but why risk giving the nay sayers a further chance to denigrate their World recognised goals of Racial integration ?

Typical of the mindset to annexe 'the World' as advocating the narrow aims of a belligerent pressure group. A bit like the Corbynistas. 

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8 hours ago, Kopek said:

 A right wing Tory bollocks merchant who is willing to denigrate the BLM and the Manx Nation ( Gaelic references) to further your puerile opposition to Race Equality.  No. 

What rot. Denigrating the Manx nation?  What audience do you reckon there is for that half hour? Is the Manx nation denigrating the Manx nation by not listening?  Is Manx Radio denigrating the Manx nation by carrying it on AM only? I can live with the bollocks merchant. Wear it as a badge of honour from some quarters but less of the right wing Tory. 

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5 minutes ago, woolley said:

What audience do you reckon there is for that half hour? Is the Manx nation denigrating the Manx nation by not listening?  Is Manx Radio denigrating the Manx nation by carrying it on AM only? 

Are you talking about Jamys Jeheiney?  That was an hour, not half an hour, though I don't think it's running anymore. Claare ny Gael (one hour, FM) is quite good though. . .

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1 hour ago, VinnieK said:

Are you talking about Jamys Jeheiney?  That was an hour, not half an hour, though I don't think it's running anymore. Claare ny Gael (one hour, FM) is quite good though. . .

You could be right, Vinne. I never got beyond 1 minute. Not running anymore?  I must have missed the Manx nation rioting in protest. 

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2 hours ago, woolley said:

What rot. Denigrating the Manx nation?  What audience do you reckon there is for that half hour? Is the Manx nation denigrating the Manx nation by not listening?  Is Manx Radio denigrating the Manx nation by carrying it on AM only? I can live with the bollocks merchant. Wear it as a badge of honour from some quarters but less of the right wing Tory. 

Stop behaving like one then.

Just read PoC IOM's "OK so despite our best efforts we didn't manage to get any elements of MR labelled as racist but we're going to carry on as if we are now the victims of a massive injustice pertaining to the decision of the Communications Commission" and realised none of them seem to know what a paragraph is for...

Thoroughly agree with this:

On 7/6/2020 at 10:51 AM, Gladys said:

Several things strike me about that letter:

1. It wasn't Stu's comments that have caused the backlash, but the vindictive campaign.  There have been no racist comments on social media  merely many people questioning the motives of this group.

2. Stu did not laugh at them, clearly it was at the inability to get a word in edge ways. 

3.  Again, it is anonymous. Who is this group?  Are they like the Hardy Commission (will that name) who have written to the Dept of Ed to demand that anti racism is taught in our schools? When asked who they were and who gave them their "Commission" they do not reply. 

4. They talk about tokenism, which is risible given that they are demanding a token sacking in recompense.

5. They need to drop their poster boy, who has turned out to be a bit of a liability.

6. There has been a process, but they are not happy with the outcome. Shame.  Is it because they were wrong, or because there is inherent racism in our systems? 

7.  It is starting to border on harassment and defamation.  Not the actions of a peaceful organisation. 

They have declined to go on MR due to "tokenism" which strongly indicates to me they think they will advance whatever their cause is further by continuing to play the "victim card".

I have no time for racists but equally I have no time for liars either...

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44 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

This keeps going back to the slavery issue, which ended nearly 200 years ago in the Empire. It was a terrible thing, then. I don't own any slaves, never have, in fact my Irish ancestors were not much better than slaves themselves into the 20th century!. As for the benefitting from slavery, every citizen benefits from the past history of a country, black or white. 

They say white privilege manifests itself in the whites access to power? Have they not seen the make up of the British Government and the cabinet? There seems to be at least fair representation by POC? It seems that what they actually want is exclusive access to power! 

Before all of this, I was sympathetic to this cause but the furor has made me look closely at the situation. I'm less sympathetic and more angry I'm afraid.   

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10 minutes ago, Max Power said:


They say white privilege manifests itself in the whites access to power? Have they not seen the make up of the British Government and the cabinet? There seems to be at least fair representation by POC? It seems that what they actually want is exclusive access to power! 


Hmm. The British government has Rishi Sunak, Priti Patel and Alok Sharma of Indian descent in the cabinet, and Kwasi Kwarteng of Ghanaian. That's about it I think. Maybe that's reasonably representative of the demographics of the UK, I dunno, haven't given it any thought. But most of the cabinet went to private school and Oxford. Which screams privilege, even if you dispute the idea of 'white privilege', and goes a long to explaining why they have no idea of life for the common man.

Edited by TheTeapot
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41 minutes ago, Donald Trumps said:

Maybe it's time to end the Manx Radio broadcasting experiment & invest the money in digital infrastructure instead

The government have a duty to get their message across to their electorate and the wireless is still the best medium for this.

So they have to pay for it.

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49 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Hmm. The British government has Rishi Sunak, Priti Patel and Alok Sharma of Indian descent in the cabinet, and Kwasi Kwarteng of Ghanaian. That's about it I think. Maybe that's reasonably representative of the demographics of the UK, I dunno, haven't given it any thought. But most of the cabinet went to private school and Oxford. Which screams privilege, even if you dispute the idea of 'white privilege', and goes a long to explaining why they have no idea of life for the common man.

That's just privilege, not white privilege. We are all victims of that sometimes.

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15 minutes ago, Max Power said:

That's just privilege, not white privilege. We are all victims of that sometimes.

Two thirds of the Cabinet of "Call me Dave" were millionaires.

Cameron was also the UK's 53rd Prime Minister and the 19th to have attended Eton.

Bozo is the UK's 55th Prime Minister and thus the 20th to have attended Eton.

Tory governments out of touch, the very idea.....

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