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Today I Hate...................


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Today I hate all of the fuckers wishing me a Happy New Year...even the backstabbers at work will be at it next week.


The poor girl in the corner shop was at her wits end with the shallow crap that was coming out of everyone's mouths today.


The bitch in the supermarket for messing up my routine. She was deliberately trying to out pace me with her fucking conveyor belt and shove the items down in all kinds of random order. Frozen stuff was put on the conveyor belt with other frozen stuff. Cans and jars were put on with other cans and jars. Fruit was put on with veg and everything had a place and an order. How she managed to fuck it all up is beyond me and then in the middle of the turmoil, Little Miss Happy starts demanding payment. I put my card in the little card reader thing and continue disseminating and packing the shopping into the correct respective carrier bags when she then yells "CASH BACK" I firmly but politely tell her that I don't fucking want "CASH BACK" and I continue with my complicated task of separating my soft things from my hard things and my potentially infectious raw chicken from my uninfected but nicely cooked honey roast ham. Then she starts yelling "ENTER YER PIN" sevral times which I duly did and then returned to my previous but obvious preoccupation.


It was at that point that I managed to secure control over the chaos and returned it to order. I was tempted to say something pleasant to Little Miss Happy as it was New Year but I thought better of it and decided to tell her that "I'll not wish you a Happy Fucking New Year but if there's a competition for the fastest food throwing contest whilst showing a face that looks like a slapped arse, you'll get my vote!" I think I then proceeded to announce something along the lines of "I'll not be surprised if my fucking eggs aren't broke when I get home" as I waddled out of the supermarket.


That was it really and oh and the eggs weren't broken either but I did get mighty drunk!

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spar garage shops .. everything plus vat plus sat..[spar added tax}


greedy bastards..


they must think heres another lazy cunt lets slam him an exrta 10p on his milkyway and you want a pastie sir certainly that will be an extra 30p on top of the price avaliable just down the road you lazy priick..

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The almost constant "Connection Interrupted" error I have been getting a lot today when I have been trying to play COD4 on the PS3 online, in between trying to get some kip.


All I wanted was to relax myself a bit after a night of bad back pain, and merciless, tortured screaming from the little one (& thus no sleep) and I can't even do that. Grrr.


And I also hate merciless, tortured screaming from the baby as it upsets me.

And I also hate having constant back pain.


Still, the doc booked me an appointment for a specialist way back in September, so whoi knows, I might even receive a date for it sometime soon.....


Whinge whinge etc.


I wasn't torturing the child btw - she just sounded as if someone was doing for no apparent reason. Poor mite was inconsolable. :(

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The bitch in the supermarket for messing up my routine. She was deliberately trying to out pace me with her fucking conveyor belt and shove the items down in all kinds of random order. Frozen stuff was put on the conveyor belt with other frozen stuff. Cans and jars were put on with other cans and jars. Fruit was put on with veg and everything had a place and an order. How she managed to fuck it all up is beyond me and then in the middle of the turmoil, Little Miss Happy starts demanding payment. I put my card in the little card reader thing and continue disseminating and packing the shopping into the correct respective carrier bags when she then yells "CASH BACK" I firmly but politely tell her that I don't fucking want "CASH BACK" and I continue with my complicated task of separating my soft things from my hard things and my potentially infectious raw chicken from my uninfected but nicely cooked honey roast ham. Then she starts yelling "ENTER YER PIN" sevral times which I duly did and then returned to my previous but obvious preoccupation.


It was at that point that I managed to secure control over the chaos and returned it to order. I was tempted to say something pleasant to Little Miss Happy as it was New Year but I thought better of it and decided to tell her that "I'll not wish you a Happy Fucking New Year but if there's a competition for the fastest food throwing contest whilst showing a face that looks like a slapped arse, you'll get my vote!" I think I then proceeded to announce something along the lines of "I'll not be surprised if my fucking eggs aren't broke when I get home" as I waddled out of the supermarket.


That was it really and oh and the eggs weren't broken either but I did get mighty drunk!


THAT is the greatest post ever. Goal of the season <so to speak>


I would like to add that I hated the girl in the supermarket on Sunday morning who, rather than launch my goods at me down the slope as per normal, decided it would be better to carefully stack them up right next to her - essentially still on the till. So I'm down the end strrrrrretching back up to get my stuff. Ok so its not today - but I still hate her today.

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Sounds a bit crowded. Stav will leave the place looking like you've opened a hose pipe on a Mogwai :)


Today I am mostly hating the prick who bought those shoes in New Look that were going to be my sisters for her birthday. Now what do I get her!!! argh!

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Met another 20 in a 50 zone today driver today on my way to Ballsalla.....argg if you cant control a car at 50 Mph then you should maybe look at re-taking your test !!!


Forward mounted Gatling guns would help with such inconsiderate (and shockingly frequent) tossers.


Sadly we're not allowed to have them for this purpose. :(

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