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The Wave - New Project For Old Summerland Site


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However on my recent visits to the Palace cinema lately I have been surprised at the low number of people watching films.


That is more due to the numbskulls who run the place - as an example, Watchmen, a highly anticipated film which topped the box-office charts around the world after its release was given ONE screening at the Palace. This screening sold out without being advertised. The Palace have no plans to show the film again.


Plus the place is a grotty, smelly pit run by pensioners and staffed by surly rejects from Marilyn Manson's band.


Watchmen has been on already?! Oh **** :(


Hurry up and build THE WAVE!

Edited by bishbashbosh
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I wonder if a Gun is being held to Governments heads, heard that they want the land for free or may divert the project to their own Walpole Av site.


How is that a gun to their heads? Other bidders were interested?


Yes other parties were asked to submit proposals for the site, but no figues on the lease had been discussed wth any party. Now that he Government have decided they like the project submitted and have spent a lot of money getting to this point gives the company with another site that could be used the upper hand when the price of the lease is given. Dont forget the Sefton Group already own a very large site in town that could be used. So ifthey wanted they could say give us Summerland free or on the cheap or we will develope our own land leavin the Government with another white elephant

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However on my recent visits to the Palace cinema lately I have been surprised at the low number of people watching films.


That is more due to the numbskulls who run the place - as an example, Watchmen, a highly anticipated film which topped the box-office charts around the world after its release was given ONE screening at the Palace. This screening sold out without being advertised. The Palace have no plans to show the film again.


Plus the place is a grotty, smelly pit run by pensioners and staffed by surly rejects from Marilyn Manson's band.


Watchmen has been on already?! Oh **** :(


Hurry up and build THE WAVE!



am so gutted I missed it as well.. I rang up and asked them when it was on, they told me it was not going to be...

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I just really want to see this go through and will give it my full support in Council. Its a great idea and as a parent, the facility will be a godsend.


Just the sort of nonsense you'd expect from a town councillor who cannot see through this little charade. It is never ever going to happen - you'd have to be stark staring bonkers to even consider this £30m project which cannot possibly make money or provide a return on investment at any point in the next 20 years.


Its a typical Sefton Group development - get plot, stick sign up saying whats going to go there, get planning, sell plot or sell project on. No brick will ever get laid on this site so stop fooling yourselves.



Just the sort of response you expect from a cynical forum poster, who is an expert on all subjects.


and yours is the sort of mindless cretionus optimism that thinks any company is actually going to spend £30m in the biggest recession in living memory to build a facility that cannot possibly ever make money. Maybe you should go down to Lord Street and look at the other plot that the Sefton Group has that until recently had a sign on it saying "Planning application in for - a cinema, casino, hoverport, starship docking terminal, flavour of the month DTL grant funded amazing widget and thingy factory etc, etc, etc"


Its a carpark with outline planning and a big sign on it; and as usual this is a load of old bollocks and at least some of us can see it.

Edited by oldmanxfella
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I just really want to see this go through and will give it my full support in Council. Its a great idea and as a parent, the facility will be a godsend.


Just the sort of nonsense you'd expect from a town councillor who cannot see through this little charade. It is never ever going to happen - you'd have to be stark staring bonkers to even consider this £30m project which cannot possibly make money or provide a return on investment at any point in the next 20 years.


Its a typical Sefton Group development - get plot, stick sign up saying whats going to go there, get planning, sell plot or sell project on. No brick will ever get laid on this site so stop fooling yourselves.



Just the sort of response you expect from a cynical forum poster, who is an expert on all subjects.


and yours is the sort of mindless cretionus optimism that thinks any company is actually going to spend £30m in the biggest recession in living memory to build a facility that cannot possibly ever make money. Maybe you should go down to Lord Street and look at the other plot that the Sefton Group has that until recently had a sign on it saying "Planning application in for - a cinema, casino, hoverport, starship docking terminal, flavour of the month DTL grant funded amazing widget and thingy factory etc, etc, etc"


Its a carpark with outline planning and a big sign on it; and as usual this is a load of old bollocks and at least some of us can see it.



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If in say 2 years , there has been no movement or the project is shelved for no good reason, then I will join you in criticism. But until then I am living in hope that i don't have too, does it hurt to be positive about something for a change?




correct john it does no harm to live in hope.


exactly what the sefton groups PR machine has set out to achieve whilst doing nothing except biuld its land bank.

Edited by manxman2
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Could be an interesting future, I wonder if the following could ever happen?

Summerhill site after geological survey is found to be unsafe to build on so lots of people disappointed.

Hilton found to have structural faults and needs to be demolished.

Castle Mona has a misterious and unexpected fire that destroys it and the Cinema.

Someone comes along and says "I've got a good idea let's now build the Wave on the old Hilton/Castle Mona site". Oh everyone says what a good idea lets rush through planning so everyone can enjoy it.

Not that anyone would expect this to ever happen :whatever:

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I was lucky to be a presentation for the Wave. Looks amazing.



Oh God what do they teach on architecture courses these days?


It's the same old design every time whether it's Tesco's, a swmming pool, or a sports centre. Basically a big shed with a wavy roof.


You forgot Power Station. Oh, and an incinerator.

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