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Boo Hoo


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What the hells that got to do with me?


Hollandaise picked you up on your spelling of etc.


Jeremy, please, please, learn to spell etc. It's not ect. Even if you're from Lancashire, m8, it's still etc, the abbreviation of etcetera


I, being Mr Pedantic to her Ms Pedantic, pointed out that is should have a full stop after abbreviations and then it all seems to have gone off since then

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Which brings up an interesting question. Why were the original forums shut down? I had posted some good stuff on there that i hadn't made a copy of. If i had known about the shutting down i could have made a copy of my stuff.


I'm sure i am not the only one who had this problem.

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Apologies to Planb for being one who has contributed to the downfall of this thread. I will not post further here.


When a bully is challenged it is not unusual for the challenge to be met with disbelief, counter acussation, and (sadly) an attempt to throw doubts on the mental state of the challenger. For that reason I was not surprised to read ans' response.


I do not feel I have to post evidence of my statements. I'm not getting into a tit for tat with you. I post here. I like posting here. But I could not be mealy mouthed about something I saw to be unfair and unkind. I had hoped that my post might in some small way be met with just a bit of reflection and maybe instigate some small change. It was not meant to inflame but it was meant to get you to notice.


As to your comments about me personally. I suspended my regular account for a good and valid reason. I shared that information with Uni and asked him to share it with the people who needed to know. I'm disappointed that that has translated itself into my having had a 'hissy fit' and that is something I shall follow up privately.


As far as I am aware there is no limit on usernames? I am free to log in as who I chose and when I chose. And to compare having multiple user names with your bullying of posters is blatent straw clutching.


A troll needs to hear that he is appreciated.


I couldn't agree more. But you seem to be missing the point in all of this. If you want to go trolling go to another forum to do it - a forum where you are not a moderator. You don't xxxx on your own doorstep.


ans, you have a brilliant way with words. Your sarcastic humour is second to none and some of very best posts on here are atributed to you. Hell, you taught me all I know! I don't want to *fall out with you over this but I couldn't sit and watch it any more.







*on here.

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and (sadly) an attempt to throw doubts on the mental state of the challenger


Umm, isn't that exactly what you did sweetie?


I can't find evidence of my statements.


Fixed your post.


As to your comments about me personally.  I suspended my regular account for a good and valid reason.  I shared that information with Uni and asked him to share it with the people who needed to know. I'm disappointed that that has translated itself into my having had a 'hissy fit' and that is something I shall follow up privately.


Unisol didn't share that information with any of us regular mods, certainly not in a post in the mod forum or a group email, although I can't say for sure he didn't share it with any of them privately on an individual basis. I can only say that I was never told personally what the reason for the account deletion was and bearing in mind that it happened within a matter of days of some personal communication I exchanged with you ending quite bitterly, I think I can be forgiven for putting two and two together and making five.


As for the rest of your post, although I know you're reading, I can't be bothered pulling it apart as no doubt my replies would be examined in some minute details while consulting a new Psychology 101 book. Not that you are interested, or even care, but I have never been more balanced and comfortable with my life than I am right now. Nice try though.

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