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Peter Karran


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Peter Karran has more balls than the rest of tynwalk put together, good on him keep it up. He will get elected for the Onchan MHK untill he retires from politics.


so, people in Onchan vote people in based on their collection of balls? do they have to be a specific type, such as tennis or rugby? Or are you just another person too lazy to bother taking an active interest in government polich and parliamentary proceedings and votes for the person who shouts the most and the loudest, regardless of whether or not anything they say makes any sense? Perhaps if he put forward a cohesive policy on something - a workable rather than fanciful one - rather than just trotting out the same tired, hackneyed criticism of anyone selected to work for a government department (dead hand of the executive et al) he could actually achieve something.


Well he's not my cup of tea, but the good people of Onchan seem to like him. I think it's called democracy

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PK always reminds me of Dennis Skinner (MP) to some degree.


And it's not 'democracy', it's 'dumbocracy'. As clearly 75% of his old lady voters have never tuned into a Tynwald broadcast and actually listened to him, never mind worked out what he was actually saying.


The man has 1 years experience of sod all - that is now 20 years old.


Sigh. Which all says far more about his electors than him.

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Its a mystery to me Nipper.


It's quite simple really. We get three votes in Onchan so we vote for two sensible politicians and then Peter, just for amusement. If there was only one vote in Onchan I don't think it would go to Peter for the last 23 years

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PK always reminds me of Dennis Skinner (MP) to some degree.


And it's not 'democracy', it's 'dumbocracy'. As clearly 75% of his old lady voters have never tuned into a Tynwald broadcast and actually listened to him, never mind worked out what he was actually saying.


The man has 1 years experience of sod all - that is now 20 years old.


Sigh. Which all says far more about his electors than him.


As I say he's not my cup of tea. But a relative of mine, one of your "old lady voters" in Onchan contacted him with a problem she had. He made the effort to come round to her, and discuss her concerns and acted upon them. OK it was a relatively minor issue and you wouldn't rely on him to bring peace to the Middle East but fair play to him, although I don't agree with most of his policies such as they are.

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PK always reminds me of Dennis Skinner (MP) to some degree.


And it's not 'democracy', it's 'dumbocracy'. As clearly 75% of his old lady voters have never tuned into a Tynwald broadcast and actually listened to him, never mind worked out what he was actually saying.


The man has 1 years experience of sod all - that is now 20 years old.


Sigh. Which all says far more about his electors than him.


As I say he's not my cup of tea. But a relative of mine, one of your "old lady voters" in Onchan contacted him with a problem she had. He made the effort to come round to her, and discuss her concerns and acted upon them. OK it was a relatively minor issue and you wouldn't rely on him to bring peace to the Middle East but fair play to him, although I don't agree with most of his policies such as they are.

That's more about the local councillors not doing their jobs properly IMO. Time Tynwald, commissioners etc. were given boundaries of responsibilities (job descriptions if you like - types/levels/responsibilities of assistance). They could explain 'who to contact/escalate, for this and that' with a leaflet drop in the Courier IMO.


MHKs are doing/accepting the work of councillors/civil servants - and letting us down nationally, never mind letting us down internationally.

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PK always reminds me of Dennis Skinner (MP) to some degree.


And it's not 'democracy', it's 'dumbocracy'. As clearly 75% of his old lady voters have never tuned into a Tynwald broadcast and actually listened to him, never mind worked out what he was actually saying.


The man has 1 years experience of sod all - that is now 20 years old.


Sigh. Which all says far more about his electors than him.


As I say he's not my cup of tea. But a relative of mine, one of your "old lady voters" in Onchan contacted him with a problem she had. He made the effort to come round to her, and discuss her concerns and acted upon them. OK it was a relatively minor issue and you wouldn't rely on him to bring peace to the Middle East but fair play to him, although I don't agree with most of his policies such as they are.

That's more about the local councillors not doing their jobs properly IMO. Time Tynwald, commissioners etc. were given boundaries of responsibilities (job descriptions if you like - types/levels/responsibilities of assistance). They could explain 'who to contact/escalate, for this and that' with a leaflet drop in the Courier IMO.


MHKs are doing/accepting the work of councillors/civil servants - and letting us down nationally, never mind letting us down internationally.



Have to say Albert I find that a bit churlish. Yes the problem in question perhaps should perhaps have been dealt with at a more devolved level. But we proudly declare that our MHK's phone numbers are in the phone directory to contact for help.

How many times for example, are UK MP's criticised for being out of touch with "ordinary" people and their problems?

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PK always reminds me of Dennis Skinner (MP) to some degree.


And it's not 'democracy', it's 'dumbocracy'. As clearly 75% of his old lady voters have never tuned into a Tynwald broadcast and actually listened to him, never mind worked out what he was actually saying.


The man has 1 years experience of sod all - that is now 20 years old.


Sigh. Which all says far more about his electors than him.


As I say he's not my cup of tea. But a relative of mine, one of your "old lady voters" in Onchan contacted him with a problem she had. He made the effort to come round to her, and discuss her concerns and acted upon them. OK it was a relatively minor issue and you wouldn't rely on him to bring peace to the Middle East but fair play to him, although I don't agree with most of his policies such as they are.

That's more about the local councillors not doing their jobs properly IMO. Time Tynwald, commissioners etc. were given boundaries of responsibilities (job descriptions if you like - types/levels/responsibilities of assistance). They could explain 'who to contact/escalate, for this and that' with a leaflet drop in the Courier IMO.


MHKs are doing/accepting the work of councillors/civil servants - and letting us down nationally, never mind letting us down internationally.



Have to say Albert I find that a bit churlish. Yes the problem in question perhaps should perhaps have been dealt with at a more devolved level. But we proudly declare that our MHK's phone numbers are in the phone directory to contact for help.

How many times for example, are UK MP's criticised for being out of touch with "ordinary" people and their problems?

Maybe...but we'd be living in the stone age if all MPs dealt with was Mrs Scroggins' neighbours' cat crapping on her roses.


...there again, we'd probably all be less legislated and a lot happier...so I concede you might have a point there.

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Fine words indeed censorship.


Now.....I wonder can you explain why Peter Karran has topped the poll in Onchan for the past 23 years.


Because more people have voted for him than the other candidates?


This is the same constituency, incidentally, which elected Richard Corkill, David Quirk and Adrian Earnshaw so I'm not sure being elected in Onchan is necessarily a great endorsement. In any case, it appears to me all elections in the Isle of Man have more to do with who you are or who your family are, rather than your policies or abilities. The fact Peter is a nice chap who is prominent in his community and makes sure he always has time for the old dears is why he is elected every time - not because of his abilities on the floor of the House or Court. It probably helps that, of the elected members for Onchan in the past 20 years, Peter has probably had more time to concentrate on constituency affairs than his colleagues as he hasn't exactly had his time taken up with government business has he?

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Clearly too, the people of Onchan aren't all smug pseudo intellectuals.


Incidentally David Quirk was rejected half a dozen times by the people of Onchan and finally scraped in on his 7th attempt. Quite where that puts him in relation to Peter Karran then, I'm not quite sure.

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Fine words indeed censorship.


Now.....I wonder can you explain why Peter Karran has topped the poll in Onchan for the past 23 years.


Three seats in Onchan. They can afford to throw a wild card in the pot because there are two others for the mundane stuff. Rushen does the same but that tends to be more "give the young fella a chance" - most clearly demonstrated by Juan Watterson, but Gawne, and Rimmington came from left-field political backgrounds and if you go further back Cringle and Walker were on their thirties when first elected, not mention Labourites Corrin & Lowey. In fact before that wasn't an earlier mhk a conscientious objector during WWII?

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If Peter Karran has topped the poll in Onchan for the past 23 years, why has he never taken the top seat job and made the IOM to his own design?


He's just another grumpy old fart, who opposes everything and yet never steps up to plate to make a real and lasting difference.


A career politician if there ever was one.

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Try the Dune Mini series (2000) I thought it was great.


Anyway back on topic, IMPO, PK often annoys the thrones of smugness so he can't be that bad.

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