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Much ado about nothing methinks...just cos something's on BBC news 24 all day, it doesn't make it all that important to the rest of us. Really, it doesn't.


well it does really,

the direct effect is increased oil price, and we know how much we love to moan at that :rolleyes: . plus the possable increased price of all our whitegoods, that may have to go around the cape now, increased cost.


long term it could really effect you, egypt is the main peace keeping player in the middle east, that the uk and usa have on side,

now if somebody takes power that is not that bothered about keeping the peace then all hell could happin in time,


Not to mention the knock on effect to other places,

3 places in the ME have rioting and it could boil over to them all

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Oil jumps as one-third of world oil supply passes through Suez Canal. Fear revolution could look more like Iran than Eastern Europe… Crude rises 4.3% to $89.35


More petrol increases on the way?





Oil now up to $101 per barrel



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I really hope that no other treasures get looted or destroyed in all of this


Rioters have broken into a museum in Cairo, the capital city of Egypt, and smashed the heads off two mummies on display.


They also destroyed other exhibits and raided the gift-shop.


Local people were quick to help protect the Egyptian Museum by forming crowds outside every entrance to stop any more thieves breaking in.


The men have been caught and the stolen items returned according to police reports.



It happened during the massive anti-government protests going on around the country.


Newsround spoke to Omar El-Husseiny, who's a student at Cairo University.


He said: "Me and my friends all held hands in front of one of the gates of the Egyptian Museum to protect it from being destroyed by intruders. There were around a thousand of us. We stayed there until the army forces came. It is secure right now."


Protesters are angry with how the President, Hosni Mubarak, is running their country.


At least 100 people have died and up to 2,000 have been arrested since the demonstrations began a week ago.


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As for democracy, just keep in mind that there’s western democracy and Islamic democracy. The former lets people rule themselves and establish their own laws. Islamic democracy does not. All it does is allow the majority decide who will hold the whip hand while laws are down to the Shar’ia.

Egyptian and liberal 'democratic' systems are not that much different. The only main difference is that power lies heavily with the military. Yes, Islam is very influential. But to talk of Egypt as being a system where an elite rule unlike in the West is pretty silly. We're as ruled as they. Just different people doing it.
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As for democracy, just keep in mind that there’s western democracy and Islamic democracy. The former lets people rule themselves and establish their own laws. Islamic democracy does not. All it does is allow the majority decide who will hold the whip hand while laws are down to the Shar’ia.

Egyptian and liberal 'democratic' systems are not that much different. The only main difference is that power lies heavily with the military. Yes, Islam is very influential. But to talk of Egypt as being a system where an elite rule unlike in the West is pretty silly. We're as ruled as they. Just different people doing it.


it will be a military rule

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I've been following a few people on the ground via twitter - there are some scary things coming out from Tahrir Square - quite upsetting.


The speed and uncensored feel of twitter gives you quite an insight.


Local Egyptian:



Reporter for Australian 10 network - been reports all day of journalists being targeted by secret police, arrested and beaten up along with equipment stolen.


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Oil jumps as one-third of world oil supply passes through Suez Canal. Fear revolution could look more like Iran than Eastern Europe… Crude rises 4.3% to $89.35


More petrol increases on the way?


Revolution is great for driving up oil prices. But is it really cause and effect or is it effect and cause ?


I find it difficult to believe that most people are not at least slightly sceptical of these supposedly spontaneous color coded Twitter / Facebook freedom movements. It all seems quite scripted / choreographed.


I'll bet you that the markets have decided to take oil to $200 a barrel (this round) on the way to shorting it. They'll be blowing up Jordanian pipelines next.


And it nicely reinforces the case for increasing US supply by allowing new drilling.

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Well - we'll see what happens now, but I have to say I think it is a good thing he's resigned. I thought there was a real possibility of major violence after he refused to do so last night.


The question is how to allow stable, and democratic parties to form and function in such a way that social tensions are reduced.


Its important to ensure one man, one vote doesn't become one man, one vote, one time with another strong man, or a Mullah, imposing their point of view. But the country has almost no concept of a "loyal opposition" so goodness knows what could happen next.


Probably alot of high ideals and shabby reality, but that is progress of some sorts I suppose.

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