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General Election 2011 - Garff


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Incidently, why is Ballakillowey roundabout such a bad thing? Loads of people moan about it but that road needed resurfacing anyway.


£250,000ish, 17 weeks of disruption for a garden patio, when a lick of paint would have done. Try driving 50 yards along ballagawne rd and that is where it needs resurfacing. Pity really as all he will be remembered by oh and playing with matches.


Bye bye Gawne

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Leaves no choice in Garff now (i guess there's little doubt anyway).


Unfortunately for me Rodan spends too much time focusing on the UK - ,

- "how we have a relatively safe community . . unlike the UK" (not comfortable with that sentence for many reasons. Is the UK not relatively safe? Relative to what? Are we comparing everywhere in the UK with the Isle of Man?)

- how we're richer than the UK (yet still fairly reliant on them)

- how in the UK "crime and social unrest are the norm" (riots and looting are now happening every night accross the whole of the UK I guess. Maybe post-election here there'll be some social unrest when cuts may start happening)

- how the house purchase scheme is the envy of the UK (is it??)

- how the rising cost of living here is because of the UK . . and the world economies (could really just state "the world economy" if he wasn't trying to mention the UK in a negative light yet again. Much of the world is facing rising costs of living, because of the world economy, not because of the UK economy. As a place where people save tax by investing here rather than the UK and other countries, we do contribute to the world economy on a small scale and in a generally unpopular way. At the same time we are sheltered somewhat by our size. Its no miracle or work of genious on governments part that we've not suffered to the same extent)

- how the VAT agreement recalculation was a "raid" on us by the UK. Then in his bigger section later on not actually confirming why he think its a raid rather than the UK just tightening the agreement that we have previously thrived on (and wasted?) and that on the face of it does seem to have over-benfited us. Basically just says that we should keep the status quo now. Would be quite refreshing to see an MHK come forward with evidence of why the VAT re-calculation should or shouldn't have been done by the UK govt.


All the mentions of the UK just sound populist.



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Rodan declares in favour of independence if the conditions were 'right':



Not now. This would be cutting off our nose to spite our face, in the naive belief that recent challenges from them and external pressures from other agencies would thereby simply go away. But when it is judged to be in our best interests, and at the time of our choosing, we should not hesitate to do so.


Has anyone other candidate included independence in their Manifesto?

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Rodan declares in favour of independence if the conditions were 'right':



Not now. This would be cutting off our nose to spite our face, in the naive belief that recent challenges from them and external pressures from other agencies would thereby simply go away. But when it is judged to be in our best interests, and at the time of our choosing, we should not hesitate to do so.


Has anyone other candidate included independence in their Manifesto?

But it's entirely typical waffle without committing to anything at all. He's brilliant at that if you can stay awake long enough to understand the point he is weaving around. Having said that, he is about the best there is. Christ, have I really come to that conclusion?

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If you live in Garff, there's no point voting now, is there?

Don't say things like that!

Why not?


Was considering voting for Dobson as I don't want to vote for Rodan.


Dobson's disregard for the law and inability to complete his nomination form correctly now leaves me with no choice.


So why bother wasting my time voting?

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Why not?


Was considering voting for Dobson as I don't want to vote for Rodan.


Dobson's disregard for the law and inability to complete his nomination form correctly now leaves me with no choice.


So why bother wasting my time voting?


Thats exactly how i feel. Dobson was never much of an option anyway, just someone who isn't Rodan.

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