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Tips For Fatties?


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Walking is a great way to keep yourself fit. I hated sports at school, but loved walking, from there got into racewalking, then did the fells, and so on.


Would say that you don't seem fat to me, and you seem to follow the right sort of lifestyle, but if you wanted to you maybe have to look at higher intensity exercises, or increasing the intensity of the exercise you're doing. Basically if you find it uncomfortable, you're getting there.


Maybe drinking more water will help? I read somewhere that some people are so dehydrated, that they confuse thirst with hunger.

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Excersise is worthwhile for keeping fit, but it's not that great for weightloss. Walkking burns what? 300 calories per hour tops. That's less than a bar of chocolate for an hours walking.


Eating less is the big win for weightloss. It's hard to diet over a long period though, portion sizes creep up, bad habbits creep back in. This gets me too, I lost a few stone last year, but this year I'm either staying the same weight, or losing very slowly. I'd suggest kick starting the diet again, making sure it's back to how you were when you started. I know I need to!


Well done on the 4 stone though, you must know the score if you lost that much!

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I was out on Saturday night and saw loads of people I hadn't seen since christmas and they REALLY noticed the difference. That alone has helped me get back on track :)


I've had a few messages from fellow fatties asking me how I'm doing it.


There really is no secret. Exersice more and eat less. It's hard for the first week or so, but then it becomes routine. I eat when I'm hungry, never over eat and feel uncomfortably full, drink water when I think I'm hungry, I carry a container of nuts and dried fruit to snack on and I exersice for at least 45 minutes a day. Beer is out, but I still drink wine...... because I could never give up drinking!


My last tip is to only weigh yourself once every couple of weeks. Get on the scales everyday and you'll just become disappointed. If it's taken years to put on it's not going to fall off overnight.


I should write a book!


'Fit to fat and back again in 4 years' by Mr Tango

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If your excersising a lot, you could try measuring instead of weighing?


I also eat very high fibre food, stuffs you up and stops you eating more. Adding weatgerm to stuff is a good way of ramming the fibre count right up.


You get huge logs though, eek :)

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If you drink cool water through out the day, your body needs to heat it up to - therefor burning calories while you sit on your bum. Also if your well hydrated you will feel a lot fesher and healthier.


Along the lines of what Stuart mentioned, if you feel hungry and its late evening - drink a large glass of water, should take the hunger away while your sleep. Eating before you goto sleep will keep you awake and you won't burn off the calories as your just laying there.

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Seconding the water theory. They reckon (from memory) that 70% of hunger pangs are mistaken thirst signs.


Oh, and I know where Slim is coming from with the logs. I'm doing high fibre/protein right now and my poo is huge, frequent and pongy.


But I don't think you needed to know that.

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Oh man I m tryin to loose 4 stone as well, and so far I have only lost about 8pounds in 10 months!!! I cant do it! Well Im really good in the week and i eat porridge no sugar, salad for dinner an then chicken grilled for lunch with yet more salad, i eat fruit all day and drink herbal teas and water. I only go the gym about 2 twice a week though, i know i shoud go more, but i hate it!


Its the weekends that get me, on friday alls i wana do is drink a bottle of wine and eat some chicken and chips, then im usually ok on a sat day, then in the evening im like "mmmmm chinese" then sunday is semi-ok! I just wish i had more will power! I am so sick of dieting though, but i need to loose at least 3 stone!


I have decided im gona go the gym more, try 4 times a week and just walk everywhere, although in london that seems to be a dangerous occupation these days!


I think the key is to eat less portions, but eat lots of salads and veg and fruit to fill you up and make a point of goin the gym i guess! wish it was that easy though eh!


I noticed that when I was in turkey everyone looked so healthy, and i realised it was cause of the food, they eat so well. Brown rice with veggie stew, garlic and yoghurt. Grilled chicken with salad in wholemeal pitta bread, lots of water, lots of salad with lemon on it, fish! I felt great eating all that food! Im gona get a turkish cook book! i really think good on people who loose weight, spec loosing 4 stone, man thats amazing!


Maybe we could start up a dieters club!! I know i would look so much better a few dress sizes smaller! Oh well, lets all try and keep it up!

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I think the key is to eat less portions, but eat lots of salads and veg and fruit to fill you up and make a point of goin the gym i guess! wish it was that easy though eh!



Thats deffo it. If you try to have at least half of your meal on the plate as veg, it helps a lot.


I'm in the fat club at work too, which helps. Group humiliation once a week of a public weigh in. And if you put on weight, you get fined a quid for every pound.

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