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Diablo 3 Open Beta For Everyone This Weekend!

K.os Theory

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I've turned on Elective mode, and it makes the game a bit better - have you tried it?

Options / Gameplay / Elective mode


it's the only way to play...seems strange that Blizz kind of hid that option away?


Nearly through act one on nightmare, my friend who rolled a barbarian is really struggling with his damage output at level 34 he's only doing about 300-400 dps where as I'm ( wizard ) topping 700dps?


I've not played the barbarian so can't really help him out but he should be buffing his strength and vitality though right ( through sockets and armour ).

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My witch doctor on act 1 nightmare (literally just started) is doing aroudn 500 dps, but still not really that good at killing


Pets are useless, only decent dps skill i have at the moment is the poison dart with the triple shot. Secondary skills are a bit weak like the giant toad that does bugger all, running zombies that do bugger all, and the acid rain, which does good damage but leaves you out of mana in seconds.


i can see some serious changes being required soon!


They left elective mode off to help new people and make the game easier.....How easy does it need to be?

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Almost finished Hell with my Witch Doctor


Single player is OK, not easy but not too hard.


4 player is more difficult, but again, on hell it's not particularly taxing. game is MUCH more fun when it's hard, i wasn't impressed with the game originally because it's just far, far too easy


Will be on Inferno by the weekend i imagine, which i expect to be EXTREMELY difficult (especially on single player, and even more so playing as a witch doctor)


Currently level 57 with 42k health and 9k DPS with my soul buff on. Very survivable and the zombie bear damage is a sight to behold. Not that it will do me any good whatsoever on inferno, where white mobs hit you for 30-40k....

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still not completed NM, wanting to work through it with my friend but getting together has proven difficult the last few evenings...i've not wanted to jump too far ahead...although farming for items seems like a good idea...have picked up a few legendary items that have made a tidy sum on the AH!


My wizard is currently lvl 41 and i'm on the 2nd act on NM...he's busy tonite so i may just jump ahead, see if I can't get to act 3 and get some moar looooot!!


loving it so far, again not too challenging unless I pull to many "elites"...

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Got a guest pass from a work mate and have been playing on that, got to admit it's quite addictive. Nothing too taxing on the old grey matter just murder.. death..loooooot.


May have to make a full purchase as can only go as far as act 1 I believe.

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Servers down again. It's the buggiest, most problematic game launch i've ever seen. Blizzard should be absolutely ashamed, especially with the amount of money they have available


Another example of a game released to the public, letting them test what is effectively a beta build of a game.

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Now if only the single player game was available offline, rather than the whole overly elaborate always online DRM.


I played through the starter edition and I enjoyed it, not £35 worth of enjoyment especially not with the ridiculous amount of lag and rubber banding that is completely unforgivable when playing a single player game.

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I was having issues through beta and on launch with the graphics failing for a couple of seconds at random times. Nothing from Blizz but some handy advice on some gaming forums, This is the only game i have had to under clock my gpu for stability :) My card is a little dated but plays every other game on full whack.


Yesterday was a pain in the arse but think back a few years and how bad patch day was for wow.

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I was having issues through beta and on launch with the graphics failing for a couple of seconds at random times. Nothing from Blizz but some handy advice on some gaming forums, This is the only game i have had to under clock my gpu for stability smile.png My card is a little dated but plays every other game on full whack.


Yesterday was a pain in the arse but think back a few years and how bad patch day was for wow.


Have you got VSync on or off? If it's off it could be overheating. Try popping it on and restoring the clock settings.

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Re: The DRM,

It's the only way to ensure the real-money AH isn't abused really. I guess they could have had it opt-in (i.e. if you want to use the Real money AH you must have the always-on internet DRM) but I suspect most people would still have just opted in for that anyway.

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