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Pinewood...more Govt Propaganda

Albert Tatlock

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From Pinewood Pictures website.

Have we still got a 'purpose built studio' on the island and how many 'Isle of Man film workers' do you know?

'Key considerations for the Isle of Man Media Development Fund:'

  • Use of Isle of Man facilities will make projects more attractive to the Fund, though this is not a pre-requisite
  • Use of the purpose built film studio on the Island is available
  • Employment of Isle of Man film workers and the use of ancillary Isle of Man services is a vital factor in consideration of applications
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From Pinewood Pictures website.

Have we still got a 'purpose built studio' on the island and how many 'Isle of Man film workers' do you know?


'Key considerations for the Isle of Man Media Development Fund:'


  • Use of Isle of Man facilities will make projects more attractive to the Fund, though this is not a pre-requisite
  • Use of the purpose built film studio on the Island is available
  • Employment of Isle of Man film workers and the use of ancillary Isle of Man services is a vital factor in consideration of applications

Been flogged to AFD software has'nt it?

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From Pinewood Pictures website.

Have we still got a 'purpose built studio' on the island and how many 'Isle of Man film workers' do you know?


'Key considerations for the Isle of Man Media Development Fund:'

  • Use of Isle of Man facilities will make projects more attractive to the Fund, though this is not a pre-requisite
  • Use of the purpose built film studio on the Island is available
  • Employment of Isle of Man film workers and the use of ancillary Isle of Man services is a vital factor in consideration of applications

Been flogged to AFD software has'nt it?




Let's hope he has more success than this poor fellow.

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Newsnight said: so what are you happy to have by way of explanations of how that public money has, and is being spent, opinions or facts?


Producing hard facts with evidence to support is the only chance Teare & Co have to make this investment credible and the skepticism go away.

Sadly I honestly believe that CoMin has become so riddled with spin and deceptive tactics that the current members wouldn't know how to begin such an exercise in accountability.

Edited by Lisenchuk
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Newsnight said: so what are you happy to have by way of explanations of how that public money has, and is being spent, opinions or facts?


Producing hard facts with evidence to support is the only chance Teare & Co have to make this investment credible and the skepticism go away.

Sadly I honestly believe that CoMin has become so riddled with spin and deceptive tactics that the current members wouldn't know how to begin such an exercise in accountability.

I believe that the whole arrangement / investment / whatever has become so convoluted and complex that if they are honest most, if not all, don't understand it ! maybe thats the idea !

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Newsnight said: so what are you happy to have by way of explanations of how that public money has, and is being spent, opinions or facts?


Producing hard facts with evidence to support is the only chance Teare & Co have to make this investment credible and the skepticism go away.

Sadly I honestly believe that CoMin has become so riddled with spin and deceptive tactics that the current members wouldn't know how to begin such an exercise in accountability.


I believe that the whole arrangement / investment / whatever has become so convoluted and complex that if they are honest most, if not all, don't understand it ! maybe thats the idea !

Including Eddie Teare.

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Newsnight said: so what are you happy to have by way of explanations of how that public money has, and is being spent, opinions or facts?


Producing hard facts with evidence to support is the only chance Teare & Co have to make this investment credible and the skepticism go away.

Sadly I honestly believe that CoMin has become so riddled with spin and deceptive tactics that the current members wouldn't know how to begin such an exercise in accountability.

I believe that the whole arrangement / investment / whatever has become so convoluted and complex that if they are honest most, if not all, don't understand it ! maybe thats the idea !

Including Eddie Teare.


especially eddie!!!

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https://www.gov.im/media/622157/section20part1.pdf Page 272.


“This is because the weaknesses and failures in government in the handling of those matters continue in significant degree with a still present belief, in many areas of current influence, that there was really little wrong with the systems of government, and that there was simply negligence or misconduct by some limited number of individuals who were operating the systems. Such opinions are seriously misconceived “





The Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee at the time of the Report on the Media Development Fund was Ms Clare Christian. You can see from her biography that she is a person of accomplishment. Educated with a BSc in Physics and Chemistry a person for whom facts are important, if not absolutely essential in her professional life.


Then we have all those lawyers doing business on the Isle of Man, men and women who have spent years in training in the law, finders of facts, and so essential to the concept of justice being done.


Where would we be without the ability to establish fact from fiction?


As Ms Christian sifted the answers to the many questions that had been asked in the Committee to identify and describe the facts, one could easily see her lips pursing or hear her school mistress tone of voice as she expressed at turns surprise, disapproval, disappointment, at what was being revealed to the Public Accounts Committee about the Media Development Fund.


What is also very obvious is that political considerations had come into play to avoid too close an inspection, or to go where the facts pointed when to do so would have meant saying much more than would have been politically acceptable to the Council of Ministers.


It is often said on this Forum that the Media Development Fund and related matters are so complicated and convoluted it is almost impossible to understand what are the facts, and what is the truth about it all. I suggest such opinions are seriously misconceived.


If we cannot depend upon the Public Accounts Committee to say fully what it finds as factual, or if it will ignore or avoid unpalatable facts because of what they reveal and describe because to do so is an anathema politically speaking , then we never get to the truth of anything that comes before it, except when it is politically neutral to state what the truth is.


Some of the facts are easy to establish, they can be read in Reports, or located at Companies House in the UK. Some facts are being deliberately hidden, defended from being revealed.


Ms Christian said in the Media Development Report at 4.6 page 15. “With reference to one of the issues identified at the beginning of our investigation, regarding the complexity of the landscape within film finance, we have concluded that the landscape is genuinely complex and there are real commercial sensitivities about releasing too much information. However, it is also the case that the Treasury and CinemaNX are handling large sums of money on behalf of Tynwald and the public. We believe that more could be done by the Treasury to explain what is being done with that money, how it is being done, and why”.


You may agree with me when I say I agree with Ms Christian, the Treasury could do more to explain what is being done with the Media Development money, how it is being done, and why?


So why not start by having the Public Accounts Committee undertaking a fact finding exercise in proving that everything is as it should be with the Pinewood deal? I think it is unlikely to happen because the one fact standing above all, the fact that is unavoidable, is that this Chief Minister and his Ministers are well known for resisting scrutiny. Is it the case that the more they have to hide the more vigorously they resist attempts to scrutinise?


I predict that in this matter of the Media Development Fund the Treasury and Minister Teare along with Allan Bell will become more strident, and even more resistant to questions from any MHK trying to establish the facts about it.


However, in the past 15 years I think it has been proved in politics on the Isle of Man that sooner or later the facts will out no matter how inconvenient they might happen to be. If anyone doubts that to be a fact, I suggest they read the Mount Murray Report in its entirety and then see if they still have any doubts remaining.


Allan Bell might think about telling Minister Teare what can happen when a MHK becomes determined to have the facts no matter what the opposition, and what happens when hectoring opposition just makes the MHK even more determined to have the facts out in the open, of all the politicians on the Isle of Man he should know that better than anyone .

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I suggest we need a Venn diagram showing the relationships between-


Isle of Man Film Commission


The Media Development Fund

Isle of Man Film Ltd

Pinewood Financial Advisers Ltd

Pinewood Shepperton plc

Steve Christian


Maybe Kate Beecroft MHK could ask for it on our behalf.

A diagram would assist on this very complicated entwined group of companies.


It begs the question was Mr Teare any where near qualified to be able to do "Due Dillegence" on this deal with Pinewood and this group of companies given his back ground as an out of town Bank Manager with the IOM Bank over ten years ago?

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