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Donald Trumps

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Buchholz seems to answer the public sector pension question by talking about the changes to state pension.

That will because he's one of the huge number of idiots (and some are in the media) who don't understand the difference between public sector occupational pensions and the state retirement pension.

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Chris Thomas is an excellent candidate and from past dealings with him is polite, efficient and very personable. Above all else he actually responds to emails, letters and telephone calls, unlike many of the current standing MHKs and current MLCs, who ignore correspondence. My only criticism is Chris Thomas can address his subject matter to academically and sometimes a bit waffly. I suppose this can't be helped when you are an former college lecturer. Yes it could be argued that he would possibly be a good Tresury Minister. However in taking on either this role or becoming a COMIN member, maybe he will lose his reforming and investigating zeal. He could be stymied from asking questions? At least this could be achieved by being a member of a department. Unfortunately if some of the other ex 'big beasts' of the Bell regime get reelected who is going to ask the questions and challenge within Tynpotwald? Kate Beecroft used to have the challenging streak but I'm afraid she's gone quiet.

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Hopefully Mrs Beecroft will either be leading an 'Office of Budget Responsibility' or playing a very prominent role in a seriously beefed up Public Accounts Committee


I expect Mr Thomas to become the voice of government on fiscal issues & therefore to put forward a conservative position on finance as statute probably requires


He will however follow a very different line from Fast Eddie & will make considerable efforts to explain policy issues to the electorate

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Chris Thomas is an excellent candidate and from past dealings with him is polite, efficient and very personable. Above all else he actually responds to emails, letters and telephone calls, unlike many of the current standing MHKs and current MLCs, who ignore correspondence. My only criticism is Chris Thomas can address his subject matter to academically and sometimes a bit waffly. I suppose this can't be helped when you are an former college lecturer. Yes it could be argued that he would possibly be a good Tresury Minister. However in taking on either this role or becoming a COMIN member, maybe he will lose his reforming and investigating zeal. He could be stymied from asking questions? At least this could be achieved by being a member of a department. Unfortunately if some of the other ex 'big beasts' of the Bell regime get reelected who is going to ask the questions and challenge within Tynpotwald? Kate Beecroft used to have the challenging streak but I'm afraid she's gone quiet.

I agree on Thomas. He seems genuine and capable.

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She has letters after her name so obviously a smart cookie.



So smart she thinks the tram horses could go uphill! To the question in the paper's Election supplement "Where should the horse trams run once Douglas promenade works have ended" she answered "They should run from Port Jack to the sea terminal and this could be extended to Nobles Park" :}

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Hopefully Mrs Beecroft will either be leading an 'Office of Budget Responsibility' or playing a very prominent role in a seriously beefed up Public Accounts Committee


I expect Mr Thomas to become the voice of government on fiscal issues & therefore to put forward a conservative position on finance as statute probably requires


He will however follow a very different line from Fast Eddie & will make considerable efforts to explain policy issues to the electorate

Because they are not Minister they may appear the better options of the current bunch but I don't have much hope. Beecroft has been very happy to take the departmental role and additional pay at the DoI and she seems to have "gone native" where the DoI is concerned. Certainly is not a department where spending appears under control.


As for Thomas I remain to be convinced. He can refuse to answer the questions with the best of them, it is just that he is normally so waffly it is sometimes difficult to notice. He may surprise me but I view him as being a person I would want in my team but not as a leader. He is the guy who would do all the research, but the papers together, put in place what had been decided. He would not be the guy who I would have leading and coming up with the vision and ideas etc

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Hopefully Mrs Beecroft will either be leading an 'Office of Budget Responsibility' or playing a very prominent role in a seriously beefed up Public Accounts Committee I expect Mr Thomas to become the voice of government on fiscal issues & therefore to put forward a conservative position on finance as statute probably requires He will however follow a very different line from Fast Eddie & will make considerable efforts to explain policy issues to the electorate

Because they are not Minister they may appear the better options of the current bunch but I don't have much hope. Beecroft has been very happy to take the departmental role and additional pay at the DoI and she seems to have "gone native" where the DoI is concerned. Certainly is not a department where spending appears under control.As for Thomas I remain to be convinced. He can refuse to answer the questions with the best of them, it is just that he is normally so waffly it is sometimes difficult to notice. He may surprise me but I view him as being a person I would want in my team but not as a leader. He is the guy who would do all the research, but the papers together, put in place what had been decided. He would not be the guy who I would have leading and coming up with the vision and ideas etc

Good analysis of both - additionally, Beecroft, other than her misplaced frothing about Pinewood, only pursued her health "campaign" until Anderson was dumped; not a peep since about wastrel Quayle (her mate). Thomas can't communicate - full stop. Waffle, meandering, dis-jointed sentences, confusing expression, lack of incision. He's back-room material.

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Hopefully Mrs Beecroft will either be leading an 'Office of Budget Responsibility' or playing a very prominent role in a seriously beefed up Public Accounts Committee

Really Donald - how interesting. That's the same financially reliable Kate Beecroft who is a member of the spendthrift champion DoI and who remained utterly silent as Quayle's DHSC overspent by £10 million, is it? If so, I'd actually prefer someone more fiscally aware guarding my taxes please.

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Uhtred you are joking! Did you watch the requisition meeting? Chris Thomas is brilliant on it. Inglis & Hackman are an embarrassment, Capt'n Buckfast waffles about load of random stuff without actually saying much and Richard Falk is just lovely. Corkish can read & has mezmorised her manifesto, she R robot.

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Michelle Inglis has commented -


I have just read Manx forums how interesting! Apparently some people cannot remember when horses were our only mode of transport, before motor Vehicles. History 101: horses used to be our main mode of transport for riding, pulling carts, for people moving houses, for farmers pulling ploughs etc and transporting goods from town to town both up and down hills with no tarmac on the roads or even tracks, similar to Douglas promenade. Now for my vision : I would like to put both the MER and horse trams on the same track on Tarmac roads which will pose no problem to this type of horse. Furthermore my qualifications are in the correct order, the highest degree is always listed first as this is the most pertinent. As for honours actually not everyone who attains a Bachelors degree does attain an honours, this is usually only given to those who actually study this type of degree. I always hold a Management Diploma which is not listed on here.

Thank you to those of you who have been constructively critical, these comments are appreciated.


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