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Ok, it's been over a week now, and what started simply as a way of conveying information they didn't want you to ponder for whatever reason has become a fascinating social experiment. Thanks to everyone who responded obviously, but those who didn't respond have also unwittingly contributed! Participation through your non-participation, if you like, ha, ha! Apologies to anyone who wasn't included and feels they should have been, but I tried to include all current active members. I shall publish the results in due course, although you may have to be quick to consider them before they are deleted..... ; ))


The PM with your naked pictures? I didn't realise it was a test so didn't respond, sorry.


I liked them.

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It's pretty obvious how this little game is going to play out.


MTP has cleverly come up with a ruse - some people he's contacted, some people he hasn't, some of those he's contacted think he's the worst sort of troll and responded in a way he can use to show the irrationality MF regularly succumbs to, some have ignored it, some have taken it at face value and replied (I wonder if Declan received the PM and what he thought?), some have come on here proudly to say they deleted it and to also display the irrationality MF exhibits with snide comments and innuendos.


He's now started dropping hints about mods lying.


Forum Self-Obsession is a crime we are all guilty of, and here's MTP stirring away like mad to get everything into a real froth - the mods will be fed up, the usual suspects crude and insulting and MTP will display his martyrdom complex to the fore. I almost expect him to be banned and return TJ-esque in multiple logins insisting he was right right right in all he said about this biased, favouriting forum.


Oh goodness - navel gazing never gets you anywhere. Though it makes for huge threads on MF hey!


Or can we just step back and ignore MTP's little ruse ... clearly I can't!


Let the froth commence.

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Ok, it's been over a week now, and what started simply as a way of conveying information they didn't want you to ponder for whatever reason has become a fascinating social experiment. Thanks to everyone who responded obviously, but those who didn't respond have also unwittingly contributed! Participation through your non-participation, if you like, ha, ha! Apologies to anyone who wasn't included and feels they should have been, but I tried to include all current active members. I shall publish the results in due course, although you may have to be quick to consider them before they are deleted..... ; ))


The PM with your naked pictures? I didn't realise it was a test so didn't respond, sorry.

I liked them.

It was the medical freakishness of them that also hasted my deletion of his message. I didn't think they made them as small as that.
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Maybe I am! But why might Manx Forums suppress the observation I made and shared? Why would it want to? Why might Gladys lie about it? It's intriguing. In an unimportant Manx Forums sort of intriguing way.


and is there honey yet for tea and does this bus go to Foxdale .


I did get a pm from you but assumed you had a "couple of scoops" or more, and were ' tired and emotional ' and I had no idea what you were on aboutflowers.gif

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