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Wow! All those Brexiteers...

Albert Tatlock

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And it is what the leave campaign did so well...


I think a referendum in Scotland now would be a extremely close run thing. Last time they had the independence referendum Westminster told the Scots that a vote in favour of independence would take them out of the EU and would stop any EU grants etc. That is rather an empty threat in the light of Brexit. Sturgeon is also right, in my opinion, in suggesting that if she did not push for a further independence vote then she would be breaking a manifesto promise.


May is at risk of backing herself into a corner with all these declarations that it will be a "hard brexit" and that Scotland will not get an independence vote. There was not much in already 48% of the population do not want to leave the EU at all, some of those who voted to leave will not want a "hard brexit" and believe that it was not what they voted for. That could swing a future general election against the Tory party. Labour need to up their game and quickly if they want to oust the Tories from power at the next general election.

ha ha ha, snp have backed down, you sound like the independence megalomania stugeon "it's westminster" excuse



the snp have been governing for the last 10 years and failed.....

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Woody2 I am merely comparing the Leave the EU campaign with that which is being used for Scottish independence.


If you recall the Leave campaign painted Brussels as dictating to Westminster. Sturgeon is using the same tactic against Westminster.

but unlike the eu Vs uk, in which the eu wanted to remove full power from the uk. westminster has not removed any powers since scotsgov was startedthumbsup.gif

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westminster has ĉontinually given scotland powers via devolution. the jingoists just want more, that is their nature. there is little stopping them in their ridiĉulous obsessive quest.


sturgeon ad salmond and their many cronies are now skilled fantasists feeding off the generosity of the uk government. they need reining in. the government is too vulnerable to do that just now, so it will be up to the more moderate and sensible majorty of the scottîsh people to do it via refendum.

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All Blair's fault. He gave the SNP legitimacy. I'm torn really about May's best course. It's a tricky call whether to tell Sturgeon to do one which would play well with half of the Scots, or tell her to get on with it which would play well with the other half and give the SNP the rope with which to hang itself. There isn't a clear answer re which of those courses is the best option.

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If Theresa times this correctly a default in a poll could also lead to a default for the SNP in the next Scottish election.


The SNP is digging itself into a hole, let them carry on doing that for a while longer.

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If Theresa times this correctly a default in a poll could also lead to a default for the SNP in the next Scottish election.


The SNP is digging itself into a hole, let them carry on doing that for a while longer.

I watched Nicola Sturgeon's speech on Twitter yesterday from the SNP conference in Aberdeen (oh the wonders of Periscope™). She made a lot....and I mean a lot...of promises of what she/they were gonna do. Each promised received rapturous applause. Each promise referred to tens and tens of £millions.


It was one of the most well received political speeches I have heard in a long time. But like all good parties, and I mean boozie parties, the day after the night before is going to be the realisation. I mean, where the fuck is she going to get all that money from (Westminster?). And where are all the people in the world she invited to her country going to live/work/rest/play.


The woman is a fucking nutter. And I think the day after the night before there will be quite a few Scots agree.

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labour thought they were untouchable in scotland look what happened to them, with the snp in freefall they should remember this. if the tories make the same gain as the last scots elections they will be in power....

What in the name of christ are you on about? I already debunked your falling pll lnumbers in the Mayhem thread. Yet still you repeat this garbage?


Davidson's apologists polled LESS than Thatcher in the last Scottish elections,

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If Theresa times this correctly a default in a poll could also lead to a default for the SNP in the next Scottish election.


The SNP is digging itself into a hole, let them carry on doing that for a while longer.

I watched Nicola Sturgeon's speech on Twitter yesterday from the SNP conference in Aberdeen (oh the wonders of Periscope™). She made a lot....and I mean a lot...of promises of what she/they were gonna do. Each promised received rapturous applause. Each promise referred to tens and tens of £millions.


It was one of the most well received political speeches I have heard in a long time. But like all good parties, and I mean boozie parties, the day after the night before is going to be the realisation. I mean, where the fuck is she going to get all that money from (Westminster?). And where are all the people in the world she invited to her country going to live/work/rest/play.


The woman is a fucking nutter. And I think the day after the night before there will be quite a few Scots agree.


"The woman" is the most able politician in the UK. Has run rings round May this last week.

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Well, ok, I see where you're coming from.


If you mean able politician, then yes, she is promising the very earth to the clans, and plenty more. The very earth I tell ye. And her supporters believe it and are lapping it up.


I think she's fired her guns way to soon though. With the sort of stuff she's coming out with just now, she'll run out of steam. There'll be plenty of time for the voting public to say "Hey, wait a minute, all these promises of milk and honey is bollocks", and the more bollocks she comes out with (there were plenty yesterday at the conference) the more she's going to have to answer to.

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The most hilarious climb down is Mannanans Review.


Posting angry Brexit rubbish that now gets absolutely no likes or comments from anyone on FB.


Mannanan put on a good act during the Manx general election but really it's nice to see he's now been shown up for being a raving Little Englander separatist (and mentalist) shouting at himself in an empty room when nobody else is listening.

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If Theresa times this correctly a default in a poll could also lead to a default for the SNP in the next Scottish election.


The SNP is digging itself into a hole, let them carry on doing that for a while longer.

I watched Nicola Sturgeon's speech on Twitter yesterday from the SNP conference in Aberdeen (oh the wonders of Periscope™). She made a lot....and I mean a lot...of promises of what she/they were gonna do. Each promised received rapturous applause. Each promise referred to tens and tens of £millions.


It was one of the most well received political speeches I have heard in a long time. But like all good parties, and I mean boozie parties, the day after the night before is going to be the realisation. I mean, where the fuck is she going to get all that money from (Westminster?). And where are all the people in the world she invited to her country going to live/work/rest/play.


The woman is a fucking nutter. And I think the day after the night before there will be quite a few Scots agree.


"The woman" is the most able politician in the UK. Has run rings round May this last week.


a fake 4 day war with a massive climbdown at the end by ginger...

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Woody2 I am merely comparing the Leave the EU campaign with that which is being used for Scottish independence.


If you recall the Leave campaign painted Brussels as dictating to Westminster. Sturgeon is using the same tactic against Westminster.

but unlike the eu Vs uk, in which the eu wanted to remove full power from the uk. westminster has not removed any powers since scotsgov was startedthumbsup.gif



Westminster allowed power to move to the EU and the UK still had the power to veto any changes.


Whilst no power has been removed from Scotland I get the impression that the Scottish population have very little time for a Tory government.

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