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MLC nominations open


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Well, I was not disappointed after all, there could be 20 by the end of the week, do not forget the three musketeers have not indicated whether they will be up for another term.    The excitement is excruciating, not, at the end of the day the ones who appear the most docile and obedient will be chosen, bit like choosing a dog really, especially one of the nodding variety.

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Let's see if there's as much interest in people coming forward at the next general election.

It's a simple question to ask but why is there so much interest in the cosey seats. Or is that like Mrs Merton asking Debbie McGee what attracted her to the millionaire Paul Daniels?

Incidentally, listening to the debate regarding the Bishop's vote in Tynwald today, I doubt this House of Keys is ever going to get rid of the Legislative Council.

Freedom to Flourish, Where You Can...We Don't Like Change.

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9 hours ago, gettafa said:

Let's see if there's as much interest in people coming forward at the next general election.

It's a simple question to ask but why is there so much interest in the cosey seats. Or is that like Mrs Merton asking Debbie McGee what attracted her to the millionaire Paul Daniels?

Incidentally, listening to the debate regarding the Bishop's vote in Tynwald today, I doubt this House of Keys is ever going to get rid of the Legislative Council.

Freedom to Flourish, Where You Can...We Don't Like Change.

Mr President of Bugger All has been tasked with providing diversity in LegCo

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What is LegCo?  It's a load of nebulus bollocks. It once had a function as the Executive Council to surround the Governor with advice and local wisdom. That was back in the days when few people could read or write, and you could end up in prison for taking your sheep from one field to the next on a Sunday (seriously). etc. But they got rid of the church boys  (apart from the Bishop for reasons that were outlined in the Tynwald debate yesterday).

Then the deemsters were unceremoniously removed and finally the Governor.

Democracy became more apparent and the House of Keys gained the power it and the people of the Isle of Man desired.

What was left, was a member of the Keys elevated as President in place of the Governor and old school MHKs with the barest smattering of people picked from the masses.(there's also  the Attorney General, but that is another sorry story)

The function of the Legislative Council has changed hugely over the years and it has evolved itself out of purpose. Yes, I see it has a theoretical raison d'être but that is a manufactured one,  It commands little respect from the people of the Isle of Man and after this election even less.

But the House of Keys will still keep it (there are plenty there have their eye on the happy retirement home) for reasons just replace the word 'Bishop' with 'Legislative Council' in the Tynwald debate yesterday.


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1 hour ago, gettafa said:

I take it you are being sarcastic Albert?

Corkish will slide straight back in. His seat will be still warm for him.

It will be kept warm in his temporary absence by his fellows. He's part of the furniture, fixtures and fittings now. I don't know why they're even having a vote that involves him :lol:

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13 hours ago, hissingsid said:

Well, I was not disappointed after all, there could be 20 by the end of the week, do not forget the three musketeers have not indicated whether they will be up for another term.    The excitement is excruciating, not, at the end of the day the ones who appear the most docile and obedient will be chosen, bit like choosing a dog really, especially one of the nodding variety.

Yes, they have. Said they aren’t standing.

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6 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Yes, they have. Said they aren’t standing.

they will probably to 'stand'  to get another six months pay even if they don't get in.  whether they want to get back in is a different matter  but those that don't will still play the system for 6 months money and probably already know their mates won't vote them back in cos they've had the nod.

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Corkish and Coleman are both above pensionable age, ie 60, under the 2018 resettlement grant scheme, so they wouldn’t get the grant if they stood and lost. I’m sure Juan announced last year that he wouldn’t be standing again.

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2 hours ago, gettafa said:

What is LegCo?  It's a load of nebulus bollocks. It once had a function as the Executive Council to surround the Governor with advice and local wisdom. 

No it didn't. You're confusing the old Exco with Legco.

Legco is more like the UK House of Lords (in many ways) whereas exco was basically the old version od Comin.


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21 minutes ago, piebaps said:

No it didn't. You're confusing the old Exco with Legco.

Legco is more like the UK House of Lords (in many ways) whereas exco was basically the old version od Comin.


Up until the 1920’s it was a set of officials surrounding the Governor. Then two got elected by the keys, then four, then six and now , plus president.

You can’t compare LegCo with HoL, or any other second chamber, because until Donald Gelling’s time it was Tynwald that was important and CoMin came from either branch. Donald brought in the no CoMin from LegCo rule, pending a popularly elected LegCo. Since then their role has been reduced, by the Keys taking on more and more power.

Its why Lisvane is wrong, he didn’t understand Tynwald, it’s function, or how we got where we are.

If we had a properly functioning democracy we need both Keys and LegCo to give CoMin, a few hangers on as board members, and an opposition to scrutinise and question.

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