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Time To Change The Law On Drugs?

La Colombe

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I see the decriminalisation on is to follow, personally I think they're missing a trick, they should go for full leglisation, in an entirely on Island basis. Make it a cottage industry until such time as it inevitably becomes legal across the rest of western europe and the uk. Don't get me wrong, I'd be ok with decriminalisation, but I don't think it really solves anything, the plants have to be grown somewhere and the product transported. People ok with smuggling truck loads of weed are just as likely to be smuggling smack, people and weapons ultimately. And pocketing the profits.

I'd like to write a proper proposal for it really, but until such time as I can be bothered here are some key points. The cultivation and resale of cannabis should be fully legalised on the Isle of Man. You should have to get a licence to partake, and a variety of licences should be available. A simple possession licence, a home cultivator licence and a retail licence. To gain any of these you would have to pay a fee and sign up to a good behaviour contract. The whole point from the government perspective should be the money, and they should not be ashamed to say so. So the retail licences would go for a fair few quid, and would allow a certain amount of growing space, your home cultivation licence for maybe £100 per year and allow x amount of space, and your procession licence for £50, allowing you to purchase in the shops.

Home cultivators can sell their excess to the retail outlets, and a tax will be taken there, and then on the resale. No imports or exports allowed. And then there are tourist licences, maybe people should have to provide or pass a dbs check to purchase, if you've a bunch of convictions for shoplifting or fighting you aren't likely to get one, if you're a sex pest you can fuck off. Similarly, for locals, it should be considered a privilege not a right, and if you go and chuck a shopping trolley through the window of Boots on a saturday night then you should understand that your card will be taken away from you. The cards themselves would be easy to introduce, same tech as the benefits micard.

I could go on about it for longer too, I don't even like rules but in something like this there has got to be some, it can't just be a free for all, so you may as well go and do it right. It's all about the money, be that a bit extra in the pocket of the home grower, compost sales to Kirby garden centre or a significant tax bump to the gov. Get it done.

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@ The Teapot

I decided not to quote to avoid replicating your long post which in the main I agree with. 

I don’t see why individuals should have to pay for a licence to possess, use and grow personal amounts but I agree that it would provide an extra revenue stream to IOMG that would incline them more to full legalisation. 

Deceiminalisation is a pointless fudge that only benefits criminal gangs. 

Edited by The Lurker
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4 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

I see the decriminalisation on is to follow, personally I think they're missing a trick, they should go for full leglisation, in an entirely on Island basis. Make it a cottage industry until such time as it inevitably becomes legal across the rest of western europe and the uk. Don't get me wrong, I'd be ok with decriminalisation, but I don't think it really solves anything, the plants have to be grown somewhere and the product transported. People ok with smuggling truck loads of weed are just as likely to be smuggling smack, people and weapons ultimately. And pocketing the profits.

I'd like to write a proper proposal for it really, but until such time as I can be bothered here are some key points. The cultivation and resale of cannabis should be fully legalised on the Isle of Man. You should have to get a licence to partake, and a variety of licences should be available. A simple possession licence, a home cultivator licence and a retail licence. To gain any of these you would have to pay a fee and sign up to a good behaviour contract. The whole point from the government perspective should be the money, and they should not be ashamed to say so. So the retail licences would go for a fair few quid, and would allow a certain amount of growing space, your home cultivation licence for maybe £100 per year and allow x amount of space, and your procession licence for £50, allowing you to purchase in the shops.

Home cultivators can sell their excess to the retail outlets, and a tax will be taken there, and then on the resale. No imports or exports allowed. And then there are tourist licences, maybe people should have to provide or pass a dbs check to purchase, if you've a bunch of convictions for shoplifting or fighting you aren't likely to get one, if you're a sex pest you can fuck off. Similarly, for locals, it should be considered a privilege not a right, and if you go and chuck a shopping trolley through the window of Boots on a saturday night then you should understand that your card will be taken away from you. The cards themselves would be easy to introduce, same tech as the benefits micard.

I could go on about it for longer too, I don't even like rules but in something like this there has got to be some, it can't just be a free for all, so you may as well go and do it right. It's all about the money, be that a bit extra in the pocket of the home grower, compost sales to Kirby garden centre or a significant tax bump to the gov. Get it done.

Could the transport side of it be removed and grow it here on the island?

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4 hours ago, Manx Bean said:

And just to add to the case, I see DCI Knacker of the Yard has been at it again, with another drug bust...http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=45553&headline=Man had £5 of cannabis&sectionIs=NEWS&searchyear=2019

Come on -what a waste of resource and tax-payers money. I bet hot tub Malarkey is proud of that one..


Unreal isn’t it. The poor under sourced constabulary spent how many hours pursuing this through the courts. I’m done. 

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On 2/6/2019 at 10:30 PM, TheTeapot said:

Why would you quote my post and then ask a question that is clearly answered in it?

Apologies, I misread your first paragraph where you stated the product to be transported

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6 hours ago, Gizo said:

Unreal isn’t it. The poor under sourced constabulary spent how many hours pursuing this through the courts. I’m done. 

The fella already had 4 convictions and you can only guess how many warnings.

Sure the police are not that bothered until people push it and take the piss.

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3 minutes ago, dilligaf said:

The fella already had 4 convictions and you can only guess how many warnings.

Sure the police are not that bothered until people push it and take the piss.

Speaks volumes then doesn't it, he's obviously into pot so legalise it and then he, and all other partakers, will be happy and not criminals whilst happily getting stoned at home or house parties or coffee shops....no one ever heard of stoned people fighting (anyone stoned really couldn't be arsed, they'd rather discuss the meaning of life and coming up with solutions to the world's problems whilst listening to some ace music and eating food...lots of it). .as opposed to fights breaking out all over due to alcohol consumption!

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31 minutes ago, yootalkin2me said:

Speaks volumes then doesn't it, he's obviously into pot so legalise it and then he, and all other partakers, will be happy and not criminals whilst happily getting stoned at home or house parties or coffee shops....no one ever heard of stoned people fighting (anyone stoned really couldn't be arsed, they'd rather discuss the meaning of life and coming up with solutions to the world's problems whilst listening to some ace music and eating food...lots of it). .as opposed to fights breaking out all over due to alcohol consumption!

If you say so

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