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TT 2022 ??


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16 hours ago, 0bserver said:

Did the organisers ever get to the bottom of the horrific incidents at 'Ago's Leap'?

Important that they do so in order to prevent a repeat at next year's 'festival'. 

Ive heard that section is getting resurfaced again. Therefore another opportunity to make a dogs breakfast of things. 

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4 hours ago, joebean said:

The only thing that will increase the number of marshals and allow the MGP to be restored to the old format is the creation of a machine to turn back time. Marshals are getting older and natural wastage, not DfE will have the greatest impact on future availability. 
I have watched several video reports from the NEC Motorcycle Live show this year and noted the amount of grey hair on display. Motorcycling is, for a number of reasons, largely a hobby for the more mature. Young people are not being attracted to devote their time to marshalling an event enjoyed primarily by their elders. 
The problem with enthusiasts is that they are enthusiastic about what they know and tend to be unenthusiastic about anything that changes what they like. Hence they don’t react to changes in the environment and their hobby becomes a legacy activity. I suspect there are a few people within MMCC who can see the writing on the wall and are seeking to extend the life of the MGP a little further than would otherwise be expected. 

Although climate change is a God given opportunity to bring young blood into motorcycling generally. There are lots of environmental advantages as well as fun to be had riding a motorcycle.

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5 hours ago, Amadeus said:

Like one TT per week? 

52 weeks of the year please 😂

And run by some people with some interest and knowledge of motorcycles/motorcycling and its sporting side. Not career-stepping ad-men and self-serving bean-counters who will move on to the next carcass when they've finished exploiting and destroying this one.

Some enthusiasm might even bring some tourists back.

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