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It would certainly be good to see & hear our parliament meet more more frequently to do a bit of parler like what they are supposed to do

Much better than - when it is not sitting - publishing 20 page glossies of policies of the outgoing government when a new one is imminent

Edited by SleepyJoe
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6 hours ago, cissolt said:

Interesting.  Does anyone have the stats on voting? 


This is the MHK who was happy to become a member of three different Departments at the same time[1], which meant he was obliged to follow the CoMin line on practically every topic.  So complaining about having to do it it when you have voluntarily put yourself in that position is fairly ridiculous.


[1]  Something which I think no other MHK has ever done - indeed it was rare for an MHK to be a member of even two before 2016.

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Everyone knows Callister is just a COMIN yes man and full of big talk no action, but................
the meeting at St Ninians Lower School revealed Peter Karran has sold out to Satan and speaking on behalf of Willers, Karran relaunched his historical rant and ravings. We all used to love his rants when he was an MHK and back bencher, but to sell his soul to the Devil makes me think he needs help. As for Willers, his interview on Manx Radio today was one of arrogance looking down on ordinary people. The man is a complete shit. But we have all learned from this. Peter Karran was once termed as the Onchan village idiot. Now we know it is true. And Willers has sadly destroyed the Liberal Vannin Party with his ambition to abolish work permits to allow a free for all, for employers to hire any Tom Dick and Harry on slave wage rates. God help us all if the sheep in Onchan elect him. Also I'm surprised Callister has not joined Lib Vannin because he did SFA to stop the Department for Enterprise watering down work permits. Mind you he is on a mission now to cut down trees in Onchan in his capacity as a member of DEFA under Minister Buckshot Boot. Anything for a few votes more. There is a lot to lose if not re-elected. Over a grand a week salary is not to be sneezed at eh?

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Work permits over here currently are rife with lots issues I don’t see a problem we already have people from all over the world here working so removing work permits isn’t really an issue I see it more of an opportunity and for the Manx people to pull their fingers out and get a job instead of relying on the system like many do it would open up many opportunities in many areas bring money to our island 

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7 hours ago, ScatCry said:

Work permits over here currently are rife with lots issues I don’t see a problem we already have people from all over the world here working so removing work permits isn’t really an issue I see it more of an opportunity and for the Manx people to pull their fingers out and get a job instead of relying on the system like many do it would open up many opportunities in many areas bring money to our island 

So it works in Europe and the USA, and nearly every other country in the world, But because a few comeover arseholes want it gone, that's OK.

What issues are there with the work permits, show us some examples because I have not heard any problems for work permits in the last four years.  

We have a system that works, so lets get rid and open the flood gates. If the Laws on Maijuana are changed, it will be a safeguard system against the kind the criminal element who would want to move here.

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