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Firm closing


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22 minutes ago, Passing Time said:

It seems the CoC has concerns for businesses and how they are going to survive this winter. but not sure if they will be offering support packages. This lot really take the biscuit for being inefficient. They were told what was required last year and to the best of my knowledge done the neck end of fuck all about it. No business wants continuous handouts but would appreciate a fair and level playing field to operate in

The biggest mistake here and the UK made was the covid payments. Now every fucker in the world wants a hand out everytime their business is disrupted. We’ll be paying for all this for years more yet. It isn’t the businesses fault and I can see why they want support packages (and why government needs to pay them) but this whole lockdown and closed border bollocks and the ensuing damage was all due to governments panicking and looking at China for the way to deal with the pandemic. And where is China now? Still in the insane position of being locked down and committed to a five year minimum covid eradication strategy that is destroying its economy and causing world wide ramifications in the global supply chain. 

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23 minutes ago, 0bserver said:

No issues with the venue. Just as a government run venue it would help other businesses if it were to close. 

The people would likely still go out to eat but would support proper businesses.

AFAIK, the food component is still supplied by an independent local catering firm, who are presumably content with the revenue sharing arrangements. If there was no dining train, they'd need to find quite a few extra customers each week.


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1 hour ago, Passing Time said:

It seems the CoC has concerns for businesses and how they are going to survive this winter. but not sure if they will be offering support packages. This lot really take the biscuit for being inefficient. They were told what was required last year and to the best of my knowledge done the neck end of fuck all about it. No business wants continuous handouts but would appreciate a fair and level playing field to operate in

As you say this situation has been incoming for some time, so you had time to prepare and diversify business, but instead sounds like you have 'done the neck end of fuck all about it' and are just waiting for another hand out.

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46 minutes ago, Nellie said:

AFAIK, the food component is still supplied by an independent local catering firm, who are presumably content with the revenue sharing arrangements. If there was no dining train, they'd need to find quite a few extra customers each week.


I believe Steve Quirke, who ran the Tickethall, put a lot of work in to getting the train dining running. He’s not been there for a while but it’s not government run. It’s really no different to The Sound or Niarbyl. Government own the property but an independent caterer will be paying them to use it. 

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15 minutes ago, HiVibes said:

As you say this situation has been incoming for some time, so you had time to prepare and diversify business, but instead sounds like you have 'done the neck end of fuck all about it' and are just waiting for another hand out.

When you get back to school in September, take extra study lessons in reading and understanding...:whatever:

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25 minutes ago, HiVibes said:

As you say this situation has been incoming for some time, so you had time to prepare and diversify business, but instead sounds like you have 'done the neck end of fuck all about it' and are just waiting for another hand out.

What kind of business do you own?

Can you tell us about some instances where you have diversified said business in light of difficult trading conditions ahead?

What kind of diversification would you suggest for a restaurant?

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35 minutes ago, The Old Git said:

I believe Steve Quirke, who ran the Tickethall, put a lot of work in to getting the train dining running. He’s not been there for a while but it’s not government run. It’s really no different to The Sound or Niarbyl. Government own the property but an independent caterer will be paying them to use it. 

I don't think it's quite the same.  In the other places the caterer is operating as a tenant of the government and then organising everything and taking all the risks.  But with the train dining it's the government who is running things and contracting in the caterer to provide the meals and service while the railway staff run the train, take the bookings and so on.

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Tis' why I shipped off island.

As a SME you cant compete with IOMG departments playing at being businesses.

It is a shocking state of affairs for you lot, but I have made the move  a few years ago and I am far better off for doing so, despite the high Business rates and much higher personal taxation, I am lot better off as you could not imagine.

(Lots of lovely customers who appreciate a good product/ service and who are prepared to pay for it, with no Crab Attitude)

The islands MHKs should stop that kind of government empire building but your elected don't seem to have one bollock between the lot of them and that includes the females who you can excuse.




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2 hours ago, HiVibes said:

As you say this situation has been incoming for some time, so you had time to prepare and diversify business, but instead sounds like you have 'done the neck end of fuck all about it' and are just waiting for another hand out.

It's not fair to say they've done fuck all. 


They've done fuck all less ten.

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5 hours ago, BriT said:

The weirdest buy local message I’ve seen in a while. The Manx tartan kilt should last you a lifetime as an alternative to buying trousers from M&S.


There are a lot of comments on the NPM Facebook page about this. Each to their own. I am assuming that if this firm is struggling financially then perhaps Tynpotwald members should buy something. After all didnt Rob Callister buy suits with his expenses? 

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2 hours ago, jackwhite said:

What kind of business do you own?

Can you tell us about some instances where you have diversified said business in light of difficult trading conditions ahead?

What kind of diversification would you suggest for a restaurant?

I own a business that was not given a penny in handouts as government decided my sector was not worth supporting and  Howard Quayle needed the money more.

We have survived through lock down by selling off equipment, furniture, vehicles, downsizing premises essentially becoming a skint start up again.  Losing all the baggage helped us change direction towards a market where we could see growing demand, same skills same business just a fresh approach. Had we been given a helping hand from government quite likely we would have just carried on as before, and our business would probably have slowly declined.

I have no interest or experience in owning a restaurant,  all I can say is Close Leece looked like an attempt to live life out of a Sunday supplement and was way too remote and 'piggy' for me, there are a few more like that trying to be what somone thinks is a cool lifestyle or vanity project rather than meeting a need. People are not going to stop going out and the places people want to go to will do just fine, why should we support businesses that should have made drastic changes or are not popular for good reason?


Edited by HiVibes
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