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Disposable Vape Pen Menace


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Has anyone else noticed how much litter these things cause? How come so many people think it’s OK to throw these things in the street or put them in hedges? At “dog club” yesterday, I litter picked an empty disposable vape wrapper and 2 of the (pretty coloured, kid attracting flavoured) vapes and disposed of them responsibly (picked up 2 or 3 at last weeks dog club too)

I’m truly astonished, we’re trying to be greener and yet we have a load of disposable vape pens being sold, the packaging alone is a problem. They come wrapped in plastic, (one side silver plastic and the other see through), they have a plastic stopper and are also packaged in a box which advises to “scan for authenticity” … wtf? Fake vapes are a thing?? The pens are made of metal, plastic and they have a battery- how’s that going to work with the recycling incentive? 

And there’s the health issues, my daughter vapes, she coughs like an old man on the Woodbines. I watched an American thing on vapes on Netflix (Broken - big vape) it’s not a good watch, well it is, if you don’t smoke or vape 🙃

The first person (I know of) to die of tobacco related cancer was one of Walter Raleigh’s aides, tobacco kills one in two of the people who use it, the tobacco companies now own the vape pen companies and are still saying “Nicotine is not addictive”.

India has made these horrid consumer products illegal, but they know how bloody stupid people are when it comes to waste disposal. India banned plastic bags over 10 years ago too, but they still have huge litter problems.

Morning :) 

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Not just a battery, but a rechargeable LiPo battery.

Yes, capitalism has got us to a point where more value can be returned to shareholders by putting rechargeable lithium batteries into disposable things!

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Yeah, absolutely no need for these throw away devices containing batteries and lots of plastic. There are plenty of perfectly reusable and rechargeable alternatives available.

I generally support smokers and vapers - but would agree to a ban on the sale of these pointless devices. 

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Pissed me off too when I see disposable vapes being tossed on the ground rather than in a bin. They're environmentally much worse than cigarette butts. You could almost excuse someone for not pocketing a butt for later disposal due to the smell, but vapers have no such excuse. I always pick up discarded vapes for proper disposal. Leaving them is a crime against the environment. 

Seems to me it's mainly teens doing this and they're also responsible for much of the litter in general. I've witnessed this first hand. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

As they skive out of work for their oh so entitled fag break, I love the comparison of a smoker's face between the relief and joy of achieving that first inhalation and then the very last, distorted and disgusted screw of their face as they flick their residue stained piece of shite into the gutter.

Repeat ad infinitum or until a horrible rotting death takes their stench filled life, whichever comes soonest.

To be fair, it seems that vaping doesn't insist on that disgusted screw of the face once the body has briefly been nicotine sated.

Vaping is particularly nasty on young growing lungs. But it's Darwinism at work I s'pose.

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There was an Elfbar discarded on the road to Foxdale so I stopped an picked it up, I had to open the car windows because I'm convinced it was leaking it's Blueberry nicotine into my car and I'm bored of nicotine addiction. It has to be the most pathetic addiction ever, does nothing but relieve the withdrawal it created, smoking, vaping, whatever its all pointless addiction. 


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I see people who stop smoking, start vaping and yet they have zero intention to stop vaping, why? I gave up smoking via vaping about 8 years ago, I gradually cut the nicotine down and stopped altogether about 3 months after starting, vaping was never more than a way to quit smoking for me. I actually prefer the smell of cigarettes to some of these ridiculous fruity smelling vapes.

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A little late to the party. Yeah Mr. Sausages, smokers leave their disgusting butts littered about everywhere.... but the other elephant in the room is the disgusting cnts who spit gum on walkways (Strand???) I say, ban cigarettes, vapes AND gum! (Well, at least the vape containers can be picked up far easier than gum and butts). Same can be said for face masks (when they were mandatory)

Disgusting habits - all of them! Disgusting population. Probably learned from where they came from.

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