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Everything posted by Jarndyce

  1. U OK, hun? You seem a bit touchy this morning.
  2. Jarndyce


    Do you have any evidence of this - or is it entirely in your mind?
  3. Jarndyce


    I appreciate that this is one area where your opinion as stated will be popular on here (no-one ever gets shouted down for kicking PS, no matter how fanciful the reason given): but do you have anything to demonstrate that these are facts rather than your own viewpoint, especially since it’s in a thread entitled “Teachers”?
  4. Away and lie on yer ribs!
  5. It’s awful 😞 Get tae Falkirk!
  6. I never said - or even implied - that it was. It just amazes me, even after all this time, that we start with 2bees post and we end up with the full force of your post above.
  7. Not being gratuitously abusive isn’t wokery - it’s just good manners.
  8. Do you honestly think that’s what 2bees was doing, when this thread was started?
  9. Misanthropes - it not like there’s much to celebrate here at the moment.
  10. NPM = No Period Money?
  11. Problem with voluntary schemes is that they rely on volunteers, ie, businesses or organisations agreeing to do this, or to provide funds. That “will to help” can be removed or reversed without much recourse.
  12. Jeez, Albert! I understand the general tone of MF is …er… downbeat, but are we not allowed anything nice? 😕
  13. I think most of your questions might be answered in the MR article which you initially mentioned - https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/government-re-advertising-for-new-director-of-public-health/
  14. From the article on Manx Radio's website, which I think you're referring to - "Since the departure of Dr Henrietta Ewart in May 2022, the role has only been filled on an interim basis by Professor Hugo Van Woerden"
  15. "First World" problem, Glad? Provided you can afford the food?
  16. Why - are they a couple?
  17. Don't think this reads in quite the way that you intended...
  18. I refer you to comments made above by m'learned friends Roger and Phantom, some moments ago.
  19. All true: but, judging from the link that he posted to evidence his statement, I think Dave's only criterion in assessing a country's quality is the birth rate. Each to their own, I suppose...
  20. Definition of a “lose-lose” issue for the school, at least on social media. If they don’t have a lockdown policy and practice drills, and the unthinkable happens (eg, someone with a gun around the school) - the usual commentators will fume that the school wasn’t ready and the children were let down by D of Ed. But if they do, those same commentators will ridicule the school.
  21. How does the IOM birthrate compare with Japan's?
  22. Good point, well made. That’s a scary level of self-delusion, though…
  23. Carpet? Luxury - we ‘ad oilcloth. And if we complained that was cold underfoot, Pa would thrash us to sleep wi’ his belt.
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