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Bombay Bad Boy

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Everything posted by Bombay Bad Boy

  1. That's such a cliché.
  2. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cz9zqn77ezno But 'most of them' work. So, no problem then.
  3. Pint says the output of Tynwald is used to train chatgpt to generate meaningless waffle.
  4. I say we head to the Traf and have a nice cold pint.
  5. Exactly, with as much space in as a Transit 😄
  6. Once borrowed a friend's Espace (with the seats removed) to move house. Booked as a car, no-one cared.
  7. https://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/port-erin-newsagent-announces-closure/
  8. https://www.inforights.im/organisations/data-protection-law-2018/registration/need-to-register/
  9. Wasn't there some sort of beverage-based gathering at the 10th anniversary? I'd be up for similar.
  10. Proof that we can indeed organise a pissup in a brewery.
  11. CTH building up for sale https://www.garforthgray.im/douglas-victoria-street/
  12. Bingo. How do you say rearranging deckchairs, treading water, political pantomime and theatre? let me count the ways..
  13. https://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/regulation-of-deep-fakes-on-agenda-for-house-of-keys-664181 Clearly much more important than infrastructure, energy and cost of living, transparency etc.
  14. Can we sit in on all DBC meetings?
  15. They could always branch out https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-68160162
  16. Say 'handyman' 3 times into a mirror.
  17. Prisons in the US are practically businesses. They get money from the state for however many they have incarcerated, and also make a bit on the side through using prisoners as slave labour. So it's worth keeping as many prisoners alive, as long as possible.
  18. After we threw away most of the 'yes, let's keep them' responses.
  19. Snuff the wind - fenced off. Cornelly Mines - fenced off. The Deads - some bloke built a house on it. All these used to be places where you could just turn up and have a bit of fun, without having to join a club or anything.
  20. And a trip to the Caymans to work on our tans..I mean, 'see how they do things' .
  21. No, it's just resting.
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