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Bombay Bad Boy

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Everything posted by Bombay Bad Boy

  1. https://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/scammers-impersonate-tynwald-members-616022 People are being scammed out of their money by dishonest crooks.
  2. Whatever floats your boat. So in the case of the Manxman, by the time it gets here, that'll be an assload of turds.
  3. What part of a red-necked wallaby can't you eat? the banjo.
  4. "The rising cost of holidays means more people are considering vacations closer to home this summer." *Looks at cost of getting to Island. *Flies to Malaga.
  5. So it's a year away, and pint says the phrase 'unforseen costs' will emerge during that year.
  6. I've been to 'weed legal' US states, where there are high street shops openly selling cannabis (which is weird enough in itself) . The staff at one told me that due to antiquated US banking laws, although you can pay for your bongs, rizlas etc. with your card, the actual product itself must be paid for in cash. Cannot confirm or deny. But their world map of customers has a pin in the Irish Sea.
  7. Do elected councillors actually have much power to change things for the better? Elected MHK's don't seem to.
  8. https://www.iflscience.com/uranus-experienced-a-colossal-impact-that-knocked-it-on-its-side-48602
  9. SSD's are also easier to ignite (er, so I've heard)
  10. My Mum has a sixpence that she puts into the Christmas Pudding. The original 'bit' coin, if you find it 😄
  11. I was told that when you've lived on the Island for 5 years, and became a 'Manx Worker' (no longer in need of a work permit), that was the point where you lost EU residency and work rights. Course, that's a bit academic now.
  12. MT are the only providers of a proper hardware landline. Sure and Wimanx's 'phone' lines are a VOIP service, so if ever there's an internet outage, you also lose your phone service. I have MT landline, Wimanx ADSL, and Sure mobile. Customer service is about the same for all of them. Wimanx have recently removed the ability to pay bills through their customer portal, heavily pushing you towards DD.
  13. Yeah, I can see the police putting tickets on their own cars 😉
  14. When I was across at Easter, I used 3 different car parks in different towns. All had barriers, 2 still used tickets, all used tap and pay. No apps needed.
  15. With the Ben remaining in service, does that make it a Twin Tub?
  16. I like the Courier. It's so absorbent for cleaning up oil spills.
  17. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-65344370
  18. Worked on a few bits and pieces in Mannin Shorts. Don't think it was ever meant to be profitable, but it was fun, and I know people from there who have actually gone on to work in the biz.
  19. You sound flushed with pride.
  20. The Singapore of Europe? At least we'd have a decent airport
  21. All state owned firms (Steam Packet, MEA, Post Office etc.) will from henceforth issue a profit dividend to all Manx residents. In addition, the Steam Packet will be re-introducing the 'free ticket after every 4th ticket purchased' scheme.
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