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Bombay Bad Boy

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Everything posted by Bombay Bad Boy

  1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-66415545
  2. What, all of them? Including the CS / Corporations? How do we do that?
  3. It's like Pokemon Go, except you don't want to catch anything.
  4. I'd dearly love to be proved wrong. But time and time again, MHK's are elected on a manifesto of reform, draining the swamp etc, and yet..same ol same ol.
  5. We can elect the most hardworking, competent MHKS, but they're at the mercy of unelected, unaccountable CS
  6. MarineTraffic.com is saying 8am. It was doing 18 odd knots, It's now doing 14. Maybe they were told to slow down, cos Alf fancied a lie-in
  7. Journey updated, flightplan or whatever it is for boats, next stop Douglas, ETA 8AM on Sunday.
  8. These deckchairs don't rearrange themselves, you know.
  9. Ships are traditionally 'she', but I guess this one would prefer to identify as a Manx man.
  10. Just coming over Brest. And the Manxman's near Brittany.
  11. We could do it, by sticking wind turbines on every hilltop, and solar on every government building, business, and household. Or a small nuclear power station. There are many practical locations for such, but nowhere that anyone would admit would be socially acceptable. But that would mean no longer having a 'view' . Can't have it both ways. It's kind of how driving for fun will no longer be a thing. Every car will be a soulless eco-appliance.
  12. Don't do that, they'll fall out.
  13. In the queue to go through Gibraltar, about 120Nm away
  14. https://www.gov.im/categories/travel-traffic-and-motoring/drivers-and-vehicles/learning-to-drive/cbt-instructors/ It's annoying for customers, but I suppose it's good long-term that businesses are busy, too many have lost their struggle to survive 😞
  15. Express Fixings to close https://gef.im/news/business/its-been-tough-36064/
  16. Went to Australia. Presented my IoM licence to pick up my hire car, no eyelids batted.
  17. Does a site exist which explains Manx road rules, how roundabouts work etc, in multiple languages?
  18. Correct. The 'headlights' in my car have 4 bulbs (dipped,main, sidelights, and daytime running lights) . There is no switch for the DRL's, they are just 'on' . There is an option in the settings menu to turn them off, but it's greyed out. Motorcycles built after 2003 do not have a headlight on/off switch, the lights are just on, all the time.
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