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6 hours ago, Grumble said:

This entire thread is full of people posting under pseudonyms because they're afraid of the consequences of posting under their real names. That's the point here. I have friends who have excellent points to make but won't post on Facebook for fear of the mob turning on them. I'm not prepared to take that chance, especially against the anarchists who hide behind anonymity and have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Perhaps so, but there are also plenty of people posting anti-BLM sentiments on Facebook, some of them (whether deliberately or not) pretty unpleasantly. Seemingly the only consequence they've had is someone like me pointing out that they're behaving poorly.

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6 hours ago, Grumble said:

This entire thread is full of people posting under pseudonyms because they're afraid of the consequences of posting under their real names.

That's not exactly how it is though, is it? The entire thread is full of people posting under pseudonyms because ever since the Internet became even slightly popular it's been the common practice to adopt usernames instead of your own name. That's simply Internet culture and it's been that way for an awful long time before cancel culture and whatnot became hot topics---unsurprisingly, most people are generally, and understandably, a bit leery about discussing things openly with a large, potentially massive, number of strangers watching.

Edited by VinnieK
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31 minutes ago, quilp said:

In Stu's case you think it's ok to throw out the accusations that he's a white-privileged racist who knows no better.

I haven't said that.

White Privilege - although I dislike the term (the absence of discrimination is not a privilege), I do recognise that Black people face obstacles that white people don't face. That applies to me just as much as it does to Stu. It's a fact of life and acknowledging it, is not the same as admitting to being racist. 

Racist - I haven't called him that. How do you know what's truly in someone's heart? I would need worse behaviour than I've seen to be confident enough to call him that. My gut feeling is he's probably not.

Who knows no better - Is the defence that he's quite old and times change and he hasn't moved with them fair? Seems a bit patronising, when discussing a broadcaster of his experience. And he's in his mid-sixties not his mid-eighties.

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40 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Seemingly the only consequence they've had is someone like me pointing out that they're behaving poorly.

Good as that’s the only type of consequence that should happen. It’s not 1984 or North Korea where if you say something wrong you’re sent away for re-education. Honestly this whole BLM thing is a getting joke. 

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1 hour ago, Declan said:

It's been very hard posting anything on this subject and I stopped for a few days because I know each time I do it will trigger yourself, quilp, Wooley, SMUJ, Mr Newbie, SLJ, PK, Getafe, Max etc into getting offended and ranting. It is possible to discuss this in adult way and support Stu - Gladys has done that, most haven't.

Don't over estimate yourself. And don't be so flakey.

I'm not sure I've ever been triggered by your posts, although you may well find an example or two* but no more than for anyone else.

I'm still trying to work out your curt and rather, well, un-adult reply of "fuck off" to a post I made in reply to Roger Mexico.  You are tending to become a classic case of looking to be offended, and if you can't find it, then be offended on behalf of someone else.



*you may include this very post of course, but it starts getting a bit cyclical then, doesn't it

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5 minutes ago, Mr Newbie said:

Good as that’s the only type of consequence that should happen. It’s not 1984 or North Korea where if you say something wrong you’re sent away for re-education. Honestly this whole BLM thing is a getting joke. 

I don't disagree with this. I'm saying that the people claiming you can't say anything anti-BLM are wrong.

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17 minutes ago, Declan said:

I haven't said that.

White Privilege - although I dislike the term (the absence of discrimination is not a privilege), I do recognise that Black people face obstacles that white people don't face. That applies to me just as much as it does to Stu. It's a fact of life and acknowledging it, is not the same as admitting to being racist. 

Racist - I haven't called him that. How do you know what's truly in someone's heart? I would need worse behaviour than I've seen to be confident enough to call him that. My gut feeling is he's probably not.

Who knows no better - Is the defence that he's quite old and times change and he hasn't moved with them fair? Seems a bit patronising, when discussing a broadcaster of his experience. And he's in his mid-sixties not his mid-eighties.

It's a free world and people are entitled to their opinions.

Stu didn't do anything wrong.  Other than fall for the agenda that was in play when that dickhead Jordan and the follow up Supporting Act called into his radio show.  

The greatest shame about this is that the phone in element has been sacked off.  So it's a victory for the BLM crap that everyone is being shamed into supporting.

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29 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

It's a free world and people are entitled to their opinions.

Stu didn't do anything wrong.  Other than fall for the agenda that was in play when that dickhead Jordan and the follow up Supporting Act called into his radio show.  

The greatest shame about this is that the phone in element has been sacked off.  So it's a victory for the BLM crap that everyone is being shamed into supporting.

Aye, and I'm entitled to my opinion and that's -

  • Jordan had a right to ring a phone-in show
  • He had a right to discuss the topic of racism
  • He should have been able to discuss the topic without the presenter laughing at him and being dismissive of the points he made
  • A Manx Radio presenter shouldn't reduce the level of debate to "racism is no different to being ginger"
  • Manx Radio presenters shouldn't take sides in a phone-in
  • When challenged on his behaviour Stu should have apologised and learnt from the criticism
  • Pretending he did no wrong entrenches opinions against him


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54 minutes ago, gettafa said:

I'm still trying to work out your curt and rather, well, un-adult reply of "fuck off" to a post I made in reply to Roger Mexico. 

It was in reply to a very nasty post. Roger wrote a long intelligent post and you just dismissed it like he hadn't understood the trivial point you were making with one word.

I could have written a longer response, but you had already dismissed a much more coherent post with one word. So I gave you twice the courtesy you gave Roger.

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27 minutes ago, Declan said:

Aye, and I'm entitled to my opinion and that's -

  • Jordan had a right to ring a phone-in show
  • He had a right to discuss the topic of racism
  • He should have been able to discuss the topic without the presenter laughing at him and being dismissive of the points he made
  • A Manx Radio presenter shouldn't reduce the level of debate to "racism is no different to being ginger"
  • Manx Radio presenters shouldn't take sides in a phone-in
  • When challenged on his behaviour Stu should have apologised and learnt from the criticism
  • Pretending he did no wrong entrenches opinions against him


He had nothing to apologise for.  The caller had a chip on his shoulder and an attitude problem.  Stu did well under the circumstances. 

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3 hours ago, HeliX said:

I'm saying that the people claiming you can't say anything anti-BLM are wrong.

But that isn’t the case. Many BLM nutters are trying to get people sacked for saying things they don’t like. The case of Peters being a classic example. An anonymous forum is very different to somewhere like Facebook or Twitter where some sad case (and it has happened) reports posts to the police or peoples work just because they don’t like what was said. 

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15 minutes ago, Mr Newbie said:

But that isn’t the case. Many BLM nutters are trying to get people sacked for saying things they don’t like. The case of Peters being a classic example. An anonymous forum is very different to somewhere like Facebook or Twitter where some sad case (and it has happened) reports posts to the police or peoples work just because they don’t like what was said. 

Is Stu a classic example of what you're claiming? There's a pretty big difference between Joe Bloggs sharing an opinion on Facebook and a publicly funded broadcaster doing it on company time.

Plenty of people are sharing opinions on local news pages on Facebook with no repercussions. I don't think there's quite the anti-speech epidemic you're suggesting.

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5 hours ago, Declan said:

Aye, and I'm entitled to my opinion and that's -

  • Jordan had a right to ring a phone-in show - Agreed.
  • He had a right to discuss the topic of racism - Agreed.
  • He should have been able to discuss the topic without the presenter laughing at him and being dismissive of the points he made - Stu Peters didn't laugh at him. You keep saying this, but it isn't true. He laughed at the situation of being caught on the wrong end of a rant by a caller that rendered him unable to get a word in. It wasn't dismissive. He disagreed. That is allowed, and a one-sided rant before hanging up isn't a discussion.
  • A Manx Radio presenter shouldn't reduce the level of debate to "racism is no different to being ginger" - He was arguing against the concept of "white privilege" and opining that plenty of white people are underprivileged.
  • Manx Radio presenters shouldn't take sides in a phone-in. - Just your opinion. That is the nature of the format of the programme.
  • When challenged on his behaviour Stu should have apologised and learnt from the criticism. - Should we all apologise whenever we are criticised, whether or not we have done anything to apologise for?
  • Pretending he did no wrong entrenches opinions against him. - He isn't pretending. He did no wrong. He disagreed with the thrust of what the caller was saying. He is entitled to his view, as is the caller, as are you, as are we all.



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8 hours ago, Declan said:

It was in reply to a very nasty post. Roger wrote a long intelligent post and you just dismissed it like he hadn't understood the trivial point you were making with one word.


Nasty is a strong word for you to use. Nasty. I take it that Roger Mexico thinks so too. I never had Roger down as a bit of a snowflake.

Sorry Roger, if you are - clearly Declan is -  so upset by a single word reply.

The power of the pen/keyboard.

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