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5 hours ago, HeliX said:

It wasn't long ago that people would've made similar comments about whom you should be attracted to based on your genitalia.

Yes but one of those scenarios deals with a physical state.  The other with a mental one.

If you are born with female reproductive organs etc you're a female.  I understand a very small percentage may grow up and decide that isn't what they feel they are or indeed want to be (and the same for males) but it seems unlikely that a rational case can be made otherwise.

I get there is this painful movement that constantly seems to want to fight everyone about everything and if you say anything against them you are deemed x or y.  Social media is the platform for it too.

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1 minute ago, quilp said:

That's not what he was inferring at all. 

No it's what he implied, in fact he practically said it.

However, lets give St. Stu a another free pass, and assume he was somehow cajoled into misspeaking, lots of people in this thread have said the same.

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1 minute ago, Declan said:

No it's what he implied, in fact he practically said it.

However, lets give St. Stu a another free pass, and assume he was somehow cajoled into misspeaking, lots of people in this thread have said the same.

So how many incidents of racism have there been on the island in the last several years?

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35 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

That wasn't Stu's attitude at all though.

You are either deaf or blatantly looking to find offence that doesn't exist.

It's weird you accuse me of looking to take offence. When part of the problem is that it is impossible to discuss race, gender etc without angry snowflakes taking offence. An example, someone mentioned White Privilege to an offended radio presenter and it triggered him into laughing and dismissing the caller's own experience. People criticise that and Angry of Onchan gets offended.

It's been very hard posting anything on this subject and I stopped for a few days because I know each time I do it will trigger yourself, quilp, Wooley, SMUJ, Mr Newbie, SLJ, PK, Getafe, Max etc into getting offended and ranting. It is possible to discuss this in adult way and support Stu - Gladys has done that, most haven't.

Edited by Declan
removed Hillshpeherd
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3 minutes ago, Declan said:

It's weird you accuse me of looking to take offence. When part of the problem is that it is impossible to discuss race, gender etc without angry snowflakes taking offence. An example, someone mentioned White Privilege to an offended radio presenter and it triggered him into laughing and dismissing the caller's own experience. People criticise that and Angry of Onchan gets offended.

It's been very hard posting anything on this subject and I stopped for a few days because I know each time I do it will trigger yourself, quilp, Wooley, SMUJ, Mr Newbie, Hillshepard, SLJ, PK, Getafe, etc into getting offended and ranting. It is possible to discuss this in adult way and support Stu - Gladys has done that, most haven't.

You seem to have a fairly weak willed take on things.  Hillshepherd is dead I thought.

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14 minutes ago, Declan said:

It's been very hard posting anything on this subject and I stopped for a few days because I know each time I do it will trigger yourself, quilp, Wooley, SMUJ, Mr Newbie, Hillshepard, SLJ, PK, Getafe, etc into getting offended and ranting. It is possible to discuss this in adult way and support Stu - Gladys has done that, most haven't.

I’m sorry you feel like that but equally a lot of people have had enough of this movement and are getting sick and tired of futile over political correctness and virtue signing. It’s like the thought police are constantly making sure that what you say is only what they want you to say. No other views required or allowed. Personally I think this movement is a joke. It started off with the very best intentions after that awful murder in the states but it’s been hijacked by complete idiots who no longer even seem to even know what they’re getting angry and upset about.  

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@Declan is right.

There is no rational discussion to be had here in relation to the BLM Movement or transgender issues, although the latter was not part of the original topic.

Gladys is the only one who seems willing to research, reflect on her views and to and try to understand some of the issues involved.  I don't expect Gladys to share my views but she does get my respect for actually trying to understand. 

In the past I held similar views to a lot of you but I did what Gladys is doing and opened my mind and listened to the experiences of others.  It is only recently that I have come to an understanding of transgender issues.

Everyone is welcome to their own views and freedom of speech, however, those views should not negatively impact on someone else who is acting within the law or peacefully protesting with a view to reforming the law.

I would remind some of you that the suffragettes often went to extremes to get their message across.  I suspect a similar protest today would have many of you calling them "snowflakes" and socialists (I am not sure why that is meant to be an insult).

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24 minutes ago, Declan said:

It's weird you accuse me of looking to take offence. When part of the problem is that it is impossible to discuss race, gender etc without angry snowflakes taking offence. An example, someone mentioned White Privilege to an offended radio presenter and it triggered him into laughing and dismissing the caller's own experience. People criticise that and Angry of Onchan gets offended.

It's been very hard posting anything on this subject and I stopped for a few days because I know each time I do it will trigger yourself, quilp, Wooley, SMUJ, Mr Newbie, SLJ, PK, Getafe, Max etc into getting offended and ranting. It is possible to discuss this in adult way and support Stu - Gladys has done that, most haven't.

In my case I'm sick to the back teeth of this one-sided intolerance and offence-taking. You especially have form for it. And when faced with a strong rebuttal and reasonable reply you draw conclusions like curtains. In Stu's case you think it's ok to throw out the accusations that he's a white-privileged racist who knows no better. Or, in my case, et al, we're "triggered" supposedly because of our right-wing nihilism and unacknowledged, underlying white-supremacist outlook. You'd prefer it if we, and others like us didn't have an alternative opinion, rather that we are silenced and side-lined so as not cause you upset. Ain't gonna happen.

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53 minutes ago, Declan said:

It's weird you accuse me of looking to take offence. When part of the problem is that it is impossible to discuss race, gender etc without angry snowflakes taking offence. An example, someone mentioned White Privilege to an offended radio presenter and it triggered him into laughing and dismissing the caller's own experience. People criticise that and Angry of Onchan gets offended.

It's been very hard posting anything on this subject and I stopped for a few days because I know each time I do it will trigger yourself, quilp, Wooley, SMUJ, Mr Newbie, SLJ, PK, Getafe, Max etc into getting offended and ranting. It is possible to discuss this in adult way and support Stu - Gladys has done that, most haven't.

Not offended. What a curious choice to make.

Put simply a lot of folks believe in the "fair play" ethos. So when a very blatant injustice is being deliberately engineered we find it objectionable.

Not exactly rocket science...

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