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The Last Film You Saw....


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Last House on the Left (2009).


Never saw the original, so I had nothing to go on.


Pretty savage film really. A rape scene which I found pretty disturbing, and lots of violent action. The storyline was ok, but I thought the end was a bit odd/shit.

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Funnily Ade, I've not seen the remake, but re visited the original recently. It's no wonder you found it disturbing, the original was banned until about 2008 and the version I've got still has scenes cut out. I can't believe they kept the ban on for so long and gave a green light for the remake so quickly.

Though I'd say Visually some scenes in Rob Zombie's House of 1,000 Corpses can be difficult to watch and that got certified no problem. Times have definately changed.

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Just watched the trailer for it.

They've approached the story in a different way. I'd be interested to watch the whole thing and see if it works as well as the original.


I quite enjoyed the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake. As a stand alone film it was great. I found as a remake there was as many cons as pros to the difference in filming. So far Last House looks like another Lionsgate adventure.

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Funnily Ade, I've not seen the remake, but re visited the original recently. It's no wonder you found it disturbing, the original was banned until about 2008 and the version I've got still has scenes cut out. I can't believe they kept the ban on for so long and gave a green light for the remake so quickly.

Though I'd say Visually some scenes in Rob Zombie's House of 1,000 Corpses can be difficult to watch and that got certified no problem. Times have definately changed.


During 'that' scene, I actually got to the stage where I started to think about how the actors managed to get through it. Gove them their due, it's pretty convincing.


I've still not managed to watch house of 1000 corpses yet, but have heard great things - and Devils Rejects is a huge favourite of mine, so if it is anything like it, then I'll be happy.

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If you like Devil Rejects you'll love 1,000 Corpses. It's all just a Chainsaw Massacre rip off but it's good stuff.


Watched Devils Rejects and was ok but didn;t get on with 1,000 corpses..

Made the mistake of watching Stoic.... very disturbing... supposedly based on true events but not sure really how they can claim that. :(

(I have the DVD... by all means have it.. but don't blame me if you can't look at a broom handle again without wincing ).

Edited by Floyd
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