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The Last Film You Saw....


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Shutter Island - absolute pants.



gets ok reviews on RT cant see it being Scorseses best movie ever but its one scary film i was actually going to watch



It's as boring as sin, and not in the least bit scary. Don't waste your money.

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Un Prophète

Wow awesomely brutal and complex plot about the power play in a french prison between the muslims and corsicans based on the central character who journeys from neer-do-well to gangsta overload great direction and very believable.


One of the oscar nominations for best foreign film, didnt win though...plus my subtitles were a bit wonky so i might have missed some aspects of the plot.



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Watched Hurt Locker a few days ago.


What a bag of shite!


Why do the bloody stupid american film makers feel they have to be-little the British Isles and our incredible armed forces?




Anyone who has ever served will know the bit that really really shits on what could be a really mediocre film.



What a load of bollocks!

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Watched Hurt Locker a few days ago.

What a bag of shite!

Why do the bloody stupid american film makers feel they have to be-little the British Isles and our incredible armed forces?


Anyone who has ever served will know the bit that really really shits on what could be a really mediocre film.

What a load of bollocks!


Just finished watching it...I personally thought it was fantastic, yeah OK the whole "SAS" part of the movie was a bit OTT but come on: IT'S A MOVIE!


It had brilliant cinematography, and some great actors ( ralph feines's cameo was inspired imho ( to the point where I want to see him now in his own spin off movie) )


IMHO a fantastic 8/10 movie, brilliantly filmed and acted, and it was great to see a movie based on a modern day conflict ( when will we see the Falklands movie? ), that didn't really have an idealistic or good guy ending. It almost felt like a Vietnam movie just maybe 5years early...


@bananaman I've never served for her majesty's armed forces so I can't realy comment but, can you just elaborate on the scene you're talking about? ( was it the scene with the SAS by any chance? )


Just for the record : I've got massive respect for all the troops out there fighting at the moment ( even if I don't agree with what they are doing ), this kind of movie can only be a good thing in highlighting the issues that they s have to deal with on a daily basis.


I still loved the movie, if you've not seen it just give it a chance.... 8/10 ( possibly one of the best war movies i've seen in the last 10 years! )

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Watched Hurt Locker a few days ago.

What a bag of shite!

Why do the bloody stupid american film makers feel they have to be-little the British Isles and our incredible armed forces?


Anyone who has ever served will know the bit that really really shits on what could be a really mediocre film.

What a load of bollocks!


Just finished watching it...I personally thought it was fantastic, yeah OK the whole "SAS" part of the movie was a bit OTT but come on: IT'S A MOVIE!


It had brilliant cinematography, and some great actors ( ralph feines's cameo was inspired imho ( to the point where I want to see him now in his own spin off movie) )


IMHO a fantastic 8/10 movie, brilliantly filmed and acted, and it was great to see a movie based on a modern day conflict ( when will we see the Falklands movie? ), that didn't really have an idealistic or good guy ending. It almost felt like a Vietnam movie just maybe 5years early...


@bananaman I've never served for her majesty's armed forces so I can't realy comment but, can you just elaborate on the scene you're talking about? ( was it the scene with the SAS by any chance? )


Just for the record : I've got massive respect for all the troops out there fighting at the moment ( even if I don't agree with what they are doing ), this kind of movie can only be a good thing in highlighting the issues that they s have to deal with on a daily basis.


I still loved the movie, if you've not seen it just give it a chance.... 8/10 ( possibly one of the best war movies i've seen in the last 10 years! )

I thought the brits in Hurt locker where mercanaries, not SAS?

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@bananaman I've never served for her majesty's armed forces so I can't realy comment but, can you just elaborate on the scene you're talking about? ( was it the scene with the SAS by any chance? )



That was one of them - that was just silly, silly to the point of wrecking the film for me. Why did they have to do that?


Another one was the first job Will James did. He was dropped off miles from the bomb and he dropped the smoke grenade. A distraction WTF? He then walked past non EOD teams. Sorry that's just proper bollocks.


The next of many many stupidities was the taxi driver. Pffftttttt! Do you really think that would happen with a load of Yank grunts? With guns?


That was in the realms of a stupid. Arnie or van Damme film that pile of daft. Deffo not an Oscar.


I was really expecting something along the lines of Saving Private Ryan or even Schindler's List but this film was really no better and in a lot of places worse than Over There which at least showed a bit of humanity (at it's most base and also at it's highest) but not having the budget.


I know I'm sounding a bit like nit picking but you would have thought that a little more reality could have been put in the film.


Band of Brothers was an amazing series but even so the bloody americans had to put a bit in there to make the Brits look a bit slow. Do you know what that bit is?

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Watched a few over the weekend


The Machinist: Superb film, really enjoyed it. Nicely filmed albeit a bit obvious in some parts of the film with a nice twist, Christian Bale has done a superb job on his character, I didn't realise it was possible to be that thin!!


Where the Wild things Are. Not really sure what to make of this film. Quite bizzare but a good laugh at the same time if you get what I mean. Loved the characters but found the screaming kid annoying at times.....maybe that's just me getting old and grumpy though.


9 (nine): A bit of a non-entity of a film. Sat down with Jill, watched it and both decided it was quite a pointless movie. Nothing really stood out and just left us feeling a bit 'meh' afterwards.


Law Abiding Citizen: Apart from the shockingly poor (and quick) ending the rest of the film, imo, was superb. Definitely worth a watch despite the rather lacking 'hollywood' ending.

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After a few of the comments on here I eventually got round to watching "Rise of the foot Soldier" last night. Amazing film, i'm not sure how I missed this first time around. It's a bit like a British Goodfellas with a bit more graphic violence. Taking you on a trip through the london gangland firms via the 70's, 80's and 90's. Extremely graphic mind you but I thought that added to the realism. Obviously not for the squeemish. Based on a true story as well. Loved the bit in the club when Carlton is taking E for the first time.

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Aye Foot soldier is an ace film. Not one for the birds hahaha.

Speaking of which I watched The Women the other night. It was alright funny in parts but you definately need overies to appreciate it


Also watched Anvil again, came close to tears.... again.

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