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The Last Film You Saw....


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CAPITALISM, A LOVE STORY - Blindlingly good, albeit somewhat depressing really. Nothing I didn't already know in a lot of ways, although some of the worst excesses of American capitalism and how Wall Street took over the White House still surprised me with its breathtaking audacity.


Fear for the human race, because we're fucked.


9/10 - Available only from 'specialist' sources at the moment, but I have pre-ordered the DVD from hmv.com.




THE ABYSS (DIRECTOR'S CUT) - Saw this when it was new at the cinema (I'm so old!), and saw it on VHS thereafter, but never seen the director's cut before. It's a MUCH better film, makes far more sense and the alien scenes at the end are a lot longer (I always thought the whole alien thing fizzled out to nothing in the original release, here it makes sense). The special effects still hold up well today, excellent story, well told. Good film.


As ever with James Cameron though, set aside three hours.


8/10 - Going for £3 in HMV at the moment.




BLADE RUNNER (THE FINAL CUT) - I have the seen the director's cut and theatrical releases before, but never the final cut. The picture and sound are much improved, quite a few tweaks and additions but nothing jarring like the ridiculous Star Wars updates.


It's a slower and more sombre film than I remembered (must be a good few years since I last saw it), but none the less effective for it, and Rutger Hauer's performance remains quite stunning.


The final cut has the proper ending on it too of course (and strips out the awful voiceover), so it's a bit depressing too, which is good, because happy films piss me off, being as they are, an illusion, as the human race is doomed.


8/10 - Going for £7 (or £10 for two) in HMV at the moment.




FRONTIERS - Pretty much a by-the-numbers French take on Hostel/Saw, has a few ideas above its station with some political twaddle that neither makes much sense or is much explored, so don't trouble yourself with that.


Once it gets going however, it's compelling viewing, ticks all the genre boxes in fine style and does add a dose of typical Gallic flair to the proceedings.


As with Inside, Martyrs, and all of the new-wave of French horror, if you've got the stomach for it, it'll take you to places that Hollywood's shite never will.


7/10 - £5 from hmv.com

Edited by Twonky
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Clash of the titans, first film I've watched in 3D.


The films average, bit of an incoherent mess with very good action sequences. Problem is, the 3d renders all those sequences into blurry messes. Most of the screen seems to be out of focus, with just the foreground stuff standing clear. It's also really gloomy looking. Is all 3d this shit?

Nah, Clash of the Titans wasn't filmed for 3D. They 'adapted' it when they saw how successful Avatar is.


That said, I wouldn't say 3D adds a lot to any film, but I wouldn't judge it based on what you saw.



i thought it was alrite, nothing to special, but I enjoyed it and its not even my type of film at all. 3D a bit of a sham though, did seem like an after thought

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Tried watching Nine last night. If anyone has seen it can you let me know what in christs name was going on?


I think

he's writing the film based on the important women in his life and each musical interlude represents a different woman.



Though they could've explained that a bit better.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Watched Hot Tub Time Machine. not bad, quite funny in places, not really something I'd associate with John Cusack doing. Off to check out the Elm St. reboot on Wednesday.

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Sex Drive: What it says on the tin really, I was expecting it to be worst than it was, but by the end i was laughing in places, but then again maybe i was just more drunk.



American Gangster: Really good film, Crowe is great in it, quite long and there are places where you are waiting for the story to wrap up, but thats like most films that last 2 odd hours. thoroughly recommended.



The Departed: Similar in some respects to American gangster, but slightly lighter and a really good interesting story. A gangster films with some twists and a massive all star cast, again i'd recommend.



Hurt Locker: Expected a lot from this and it didn't disappoint, well directed and every scene was nail biting, tension wise. My only problem was it didn't really seem to go anywhere, was more like a documentary, but thats what made it, so really no complaints! great film with some great action sequences!



Airplane: Watched it again recently, I swear every time you find another joke! One of the best comedies ever, still had me in stitches and ive watched it so many times!



State of Play: Been meaning to watch the BBC series as heard a lot of good things, but alas watched the movie first, and thought it was a fantastic movie, with plenty of twists. One of the best unique and original stories ive heard in a while. A must see, now I must watch the BBC version and see which is better! i assume its just like the movie but the british version?



theres a few ive seen recently, seemed to have been watching loads recently!

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DAYBREAKERS - Really rather good, although didn't quite have the courage of convictions - (it's a fantastic premise for a film, a very original take on the vampire genre) - so it chucked in a few token action scenes just for the sake of it (a car chase, really? Come on.....).


Beyond that however, a jolly good watch in the main, lost its way a little bit towards the end but recommended overall. Got upgraded from a 15 to an 18 for the DVD release as they added a few extra gory scenes that were removed from the cinema release to get a 15, and the gore is well done.




TROPIC THUNDER - Absolutely hilarious for the most part, and really quite outrageous in places too. Robert Downey Jnr completely owns the film, but the rest of the cast are good enough, and Tom Cruise, whilst clearly a batshit insane scientologist, is ball-bouncingly funny and profane.


I'm not quite sure it's the 'cutting satire of Hollywood' it's heralded as being in some quarters, but as an action-comedy it's the perfect 'have a laugh with the missus when the children are in bed' kind of flick.


Very 'joke gory' in places, profanity-laced, and not exactly politically correct either - so not one for sensitive souls.



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Ninja Assasin... :ph34r:


Absolutely brilliant stuff, if you like old school kung fu movies then this is right up your street. Fantastic choreography mixed with some stunning CGI, really does make this a visual treat.

I'd personally score this 8/10 when it comes to a kung fu movie ( the dismemberment adds at least a point in my view )


nb. forget the story, it's your typical HK/Chinese/Japanese tale of revenge. Really it doesn't matter in the least, so just sit back and enjoy! :ph34r:


n.b.b. for those who want to understand where my ratings come from should just watch the following:


Police Story - Jackie Chan - 7.5/10

Armour of God - Jackie Chan - 8.5/10

Oong Baak - Tony Jaa - 9.75/10

Kung Fu Hustle - 10.5 / 10


All in all give Ninja Assasin a watch if you like a bit of chop-socki action, you won't be disapointed.


just wanted to add...


dude cubed :ph34r::lol::o

Edited by K.os Theory
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