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The Last Film You Saw....


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A few films the last week or so.


Alice in Wonderland: Second time I have watched it and I found it to be a much better film with out all the 2D gimmickery going on, still a pretty poor film and one of the poorer tellings of the story.


Hot Tub Time Machine: Entertaining in a switch off kind of way, pretty much what you expect from a dumb comedy.


Kick Ass: A very good, well paced film, interesting idea well scripted characters generally a cut above the average film. Looking forward to the sequeal although it will be interesting to see if it is possible to make as much of a success now that the premise has already been used.


Serenity: As a stand alone film probably not great, very little character building or development does a decent enough job of introducing everyone though, Jayne likes guns, Kally fixes things, Wash flys the ship, Rivers mental ect. Although as an end to Firefly it was pretty good, would have been nice to find out more about Shepherd Book's back story.


Solomon Kain: Umm yeah, probably not worth it. Very dull, poor characters, not great acting, bland fight scenes.


Terminator 3: The less said about that the better, it is so bad.

Edited by scarbunny
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A few films the last week or so.


Alice in Wonderland: Second time I have watched it and I found it to be a much better film with out all the 2D gimmickery going on, still a pretty poor film and one of the poorer tellings of the story.


I saw this in 3D at the Odeon in Liverpool One. I thought its was quite good comapred with the raft of young person becomes the chosen one and saves the fantasy world genre (Harry F'in Potter, Moonacre, Narnia, etc)


Hot Tub Time Machine: Entertaining in a switch off kind of way, pretty much what you expect from a dumb comedy.


Not seen this yet but its on my list. The trailer looked funny but unfortunately these days trailers tend to show only the funny bits and then your stuck watching an hour and a halfs worth of filler


Kick Ass: A very good, well paced film, interesting idea well scripted characters generally a cut above the average film. Looking forward to the sequeal although it will be interesting to see if it is possible to make as much of a success now that the premise has already been used.


There are not enough words to describe how good this film is. Its not a super hero film and its not a teen comedy either. In a league of its own


Serenity: As a stand alone film probably not great, very little character building or development does a decent enough job of introducing everyone though, Jayne likes guns, Kally fixes things, Wash flys the ship, Rivers mental ect. Although as an end to Firefly it was pretty good, would have been nice to find out more about Shepherd Book's back story.


The biggest mistake 20th Century Fox made was pulling Firefly after one season. This programme had tons of potential. The film was a little disapointing, but still it was a nother tit bit of Firefly lore.


Solomon Kain: Umm yeah, probably not worth it. Very dull, poor characters, not great acting, bland fight scenes.


One of the few times I have fallen asleep during a cinema film (the other being the Thin Red Line). Utter pants.


Terminator 3: The less said about that the better, it is so bad.


I'd say even less about T4:Rise of The Boredom. Christian Bale is cardboard cutout with a deep voice. Sam Worthington would of made a much better Connor.

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Kick Ass. 8/10. Didn't think it would be my cup of tea but it was good escapist fun and well cast except for Nic Cage. Is it wrong to be slightly aroused by Hit Girl in full kick ass action mode?

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I wasn't a fan of Nick Cage in kick ass. he was ok playing the father role but the Batman impression was terrible.

and Aye it's bang wrong to be aroused by Hit Girl. Give it ten years before you start thinking about that sort of shit yeah.




Went to see Toy Story 3 on Monday. Brilliant, the Pixar guys really are masters of their work. Not sure whether I'd welcome a 4th outing, as it might start to get quite over kill but if they do go for it (Tim Allen rumoured to be signed up for another one) I'm sure it'll be great too.

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I wasn't a fan of Nick Cage in kick ass. he was ok playing the father role but the Batman impression was terrible.

and Aye it's bang wrong to be aroused by Hit Girl. Give it ten years before you start thinking about that sort of shit yeah.


That's what I told my mate!


Went to see Toy Story 3 on Monday. Brilliant, the Pixar guys really are masters of their work. Not sure whether I'd welcome a 4th outing, as it might start to get quite over kill but if they do go for it (Tim Allen rumoured to be signed up for another one) I'm sure it'll be great too.


It's very good. Some LOL moments but is a lot darker than the first two. I gotta say though 3D sucks big time. It doesn't add to the movie and wearing uncomfortable glasses actually detracts from the movie experience. The sooner this useless gimmick fades away (again) the better.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Crazy Heart

I am guessing this is Jeff Bridges attempt at Oscar honours, its not bad its not great either, Maggie Gygnahall is mediocre as usual.



The Crazies

Quite suprised by how much i enjoyed this, no stand out performance by any aspect of the movie but it keeps you involved and entertained the whole way through.



The Last House on the Left

Poo, predictable rubbish really Wes Cravens name was all over the credits but it lacked any tense moments and there was just a few bits of gore to appease the WC fans i guess.



How to Train Your Dragon

Excellent enjoyable story and characters recommeded!



Hot Tub Time Machine

Entertaining buddy movie that doffs its cap to bill and ted wasnt terrible but could have had more laughs and more boobs to be honest!


Edited by Willow
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Watched the remake of the 'The Day the Earth Stood Still' Nowhere near as good as the original.


They make it appear very easy to stop an alien who is intent on destroying all human life, just hug your step son and the alien's heart melts and every things okay with the world again.

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