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Trevor Baines

Max Power

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She left her employment when charged. She may have surrendered her commission as an advocate, or just resigned her law society membership (cannot practise without being a member). Not actually sure you can surrender a commission, it is a sort of for life thing. If you are not working as an advocate and are not a member of the society you may fairly be described as a former advocate, I suppose.


I suspect the next step will be disciplinary proceedings.

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"Her defence insisted she was fooled by Mr Baines, who was described in court as a confidence trickster."




"The Hermitage Securities Trust was set up on behalf of a client of the Baineses but subsequently died of cancer."


The Trust died of cancer?



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She left her employment when charged. She may have surrendered her commission as an advocate, or just resigned her law society membership (cannot practise without being a member). Not actually sure you can surrender a commission, it is a sort of for life thing. If you are not working as an advocate and are not a member of the society you may fairly be described as a former advocate, I suppose.


I suspect the next step will be disciplinary proceedings.


OK. But how long will Trevor Baines actually do now that system has made its point and the dust is settling? (We gottum scalp!)


Will he do half the time and get out due to age/infirmity?


I recall the man in the Guinness scandal soon went from real prison to an Open Prison where he developed Altzheimer's. They let him out early (Bit like the Libyan fellow!) and then he went on a world tour lecturing...quite some feat for a man with no memory and who recovered from terminal dementia to enjoy his money.


I do not see them keeping Mr B in for the duration. Can we too expect illness followed by miracles?


How say you?

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Read the appeal court judgement on sentence. It was suggested by his psychologist that his mental condition had deteriorated, however he had been doing some pretty complex things, making statements etc and the Court appears not to have accepted the suggestion.


I agree it looks as if he may die in prison, given his age and claimed state of health.


I was not in court, but given sentencing principles I would suggest he got a consecutive sentence as he was seen as the prime mover, his wife got concurrent as it was seen as part of her being caught up in the whole scheme of things, under his influence, and Ms Holt, who is appealing against conviction, has portrayed herself as young, inexperienced and unsupervised and taken in by someone older, more wordly, urbane and wealthy. She was going to his house for dinner and drinks and being taken out to London restaurants by him, maybe she got too close and lost objectivity, it can be difficult, perhaps she was impressed and maybe unduly influenced, after all she did not actually receive the money, it went to her employers and the barristers employed by Mr & Mrs Baines

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Read the appeal court judgement on sentence. It was suggested by his psychologist that his mental condition had deteriorated, however he had been doing some pretty complex things, making statements etc and the Court appears not to have accepted the suggestion.


I agree it looks as if he may die in prison, given his age and claimed state of health.


I was not in court, but given sentencing principles I would suggest he got a consecutive sentence as he was seen as the prime mover, his wife got concurrent as it was seen as part of her being caught up in the whole scheme of things, under his influence, and Ms Holt, who is appealing against conviction, has portrayed herself as young, inexperienced and unsupervised and taken in by someone older, more wordly, urbane and wealthy. She was going to his house for dinner and drinks and being taken out to London restaurants by him, maybe she got too close and lost objectivity, it can be difficult, perhaps she was impressed and maybe unduly influenced, after all she did not actually receive the money, it went to her employers and the barristers employed by Mr & Mrs Baines

Absolutely correct. She did not benefit in any way and was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. So what of the recipients? The expensive barristers? Apparently, as reported in the Manx press they opined that "it would probably be OK" to borrow the money from the trust. I bet they did since they were about to trouser it! Should they have to return this stolen money at least or perhaps be facing a charge of receiving stolen property? I believe that Miss Holt is justified in counting herself very hard done by, not ony in being dragged through the courts in disgrace but in the loss of her career.

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Read the appeal court judgement on sentence. It was suggested by his psychologist that his mental condition had deteriorated, however he had been doing some pretty complex things, making statements etc and the Court appears not to have accepted the suggestion.


I agree it looks as if he may die in prison, given his age and claimed state of health.


I was not in court, but given sentencing principles I would suggest he got a consecutive sentence as he was seen as the prime mover, his wife got concurrent as it was seen as part of her being caught up in the whole scheme of things, under his influence, and Ms Holt, who is appealing against conviction, has portrayed herself as young, inexperienced and unsupervised and taken in by someone older, more wordly, urbane and wealthy. She was going to his house for dinner and drinks and being taken out to London restaurants by him, maybe she got too close and lost objectivity, it can be difficult, perhaps she was impressed and maybe unduly influenced, after all she did not actually receive the money, it went to her employers and the barristers employed by Mr & Mrs Baines




It was mentioned in the appeal documents that if he had been in the UK he would likely be serving his time in an open prison. Is it possible that he will be transfered to an open prison in the UK? He is hardly a danger to the public and given his age it would seem more "Just", to me anyway.

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It is very unlikely that he will be transferred to an open prison in UK, at IOM taxpayers expense away from home and family.


Just one other point, Mrs B was on a 12 month suspended sentence, was it activated? Is that why she got a concurrent sentence now?


I am sure that there are proceedings, civil, in the offing against Moroney's and the barristers and maybe Ms Holt (who may have been on a performance related bonus?)


The open to B2 security status is an unfortunate consequence of IOM changing policy and keeping all 2 year plus sentenced prisoners here. In the past they went to UK. Keep the toughies in and you have to increase security and that affects all inmates.

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It is very unlikely that he will be transferred to an open prison in UK, at IOM taxpayers expense away from home and family.

It would surely make more sense to transfer him to an open prison, given that he's no threat and it would free up a space in the Manx Prison for someone... more deserving?

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It is very unlikely that he will be transferred to an open prison in UK, at IOM taxpayers expense away from home and family.

It would surely make more sense to transfer him to an open prison, given that he's no threat and it would free up a space in the Manx Prison for someone... more deserving?


Or make him live in Ramsey?

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